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Bush dance with Ryebuck,
7.30 to 11.30,
Saturday 4th March, 2017
The Hall needs urgent work, so we will be holding our dance in the Redgum Hall, Cherrybrook Community Centre,
Shepherds Lane (off Shepherds Drive)
Cherrybrook, near Cherrybrook Village Shopping Centre
It's a 9 minute drive from Beecroft to Cherrybrook - see Google maps directions here
enquiries - Sigrid 9980 7077 or Wilma 9489 5594

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Folk Songs of Australia and the men and women who sang them, Vol 2, by John Meredith, Roger Covell & Patricia
Brown, launched by Bob Hudson at the Balmain Loft, 29th May, 1987.
Review by Dave Johnson, Mulga Wire, no. 62, August 1987.

Balmain Loft Folk Club was run by Kate Delaney & Gordon McIntyre
1. Bob Hudson (back), Roger Covell?, John Meredith, back of Phyl Lobl, unidentified woman

2. Roger Covell?

3. Bob Hudson launching the book. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

4.Kevin Baker, Roger Covell?, Bob Hudson
5. Frank Canty, Dale Dengate, Phyl Lobl

6. left, Greg Wilson, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

7. Roger Covell?, John Meredith~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

8. Roger Covell?, John Meredith~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
9. Bob Hudson, Roger Covell?, John Meredith

10. Keith McKenry, unidentified man, John Dengate





15. Richard de Pledge, Alan Scott

16. Richard de Pledge, Alan Scott
17. Keith McKenry, Phyl Lobl, John Dengate, Pam Gainsford.
18. Keith McKenry, Phyl Lobl, John Dengate, Pam Gainsford.
19. John with Roy Harbour

20. John with Bob Hudson

21. John signing book for Greg Wilson
Thanks to Dale Dengate, Phyl Lobl, Keith McKenry, Yvonne O'Grady for identifying people at the launch.
Photos - Bob Bolton