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Wayne Richmond's photos
Apologies were received from Bob Murray (Bathurst), Raema & Ray Grieve (ACT), and Anne Pidcock (Penrose)
Bob's brothers Graham & Brian came from Dubbo, & his friends Arnold & Win came from South Australia to join a group of his BMC friends for an afternoon of memories and music.
MC Ralph Pride led the reminiscences as he & Bob had been friends since primary school days. Ralph also played a recording of Bob reciting Incognito, John Manifold's classic poem about a very intelligent horse.
Obit - Death of Bob Bolton 1945-2023 - BMC blog
Obit on Folk Federation website
Obit on Folk Federation facebook page
Obit on BMC Facebook page
Obit on Facebook group Bob Bolton's photographs About - Crowdsourcing identifications of people in Bob Bolton's photos of folk events in the 1970s
Bob joined the world-wide, American-based Mudcat Cafe website in 1998 when it was 2 years old & helped spread Australian bush music & folk culture across the folk world.
Bob's posts on
Mudcat 2023 obit - Bob Bolton 1945-2023
Compilation of articles about the Bob Bolton Collection
Bob Bolton is the 2017 recipient of the National Folk Festival's Lifetime Achievement Award
(All photos © Sandra Nixon)
1. MC Ralph Pride |
3. Chris Poleson |
4. Graham Bolton |
5. Lyn Poleson, Helen Golak, Lexi Pride, John Poleson, Graham Bolton |
6. Steve Lockwood, Ralph Pride, Brian Bolton, Dave Johnson |
7. Dave Johnson |
8. Peter Cahill, Helen & Tony Romeo behind |
9. Brian Freeman |
10. Colin Fong |
11. 1980s Chinese language newspaper with photo of Bob & other BMC members |
12. Matthew Black, Kathy Potter & daughters, Alex Bishop |
13. John Poleson |
14. Lyn, Jack & Mark Poleson |
15. Chris, Lyn & Jack Poleson - back Beth Cambridge, Sean |
16. Anne Maher, Chris Poleson, Beth Cambridge, Sean |
17. Kathy Potter |
18. George Bolliger, Ralph Pride, Kathy Potter, Dave Johnson |
19. Simon Farrugia, Wayne Richmond, Allen Davis |
20. Frank Maher, Joanna Roweth, Arnold, Susan Ackroyd |
21. session |
22. George Bolliger, Ralph Pride, Mark Poleson, Arnold from SA |
23. Frank Maher, Chloe & Jason Roweth |
25. Jason Roweth, Brian Freeman, Pat Bolton, Win from SA |
26. Dave Johnson, Doug, Kathy Potter, Jack, Chris Poleson, Susan Ackroyd, Pete Cahill
27. Ralph Pride, George Bolliger, Arnold |
28. Ros Young, Sharyn Mattern |
29. Lou Murray |
30. Brian Gutkin, Glenys Eddy, Alex & Julie Bishop |
31. Lexi Pride |
32. David Potter, Eric Eisler |
33. Sean from Sutherland Bush dancers, Jeff Ackroyd |
34. Anne & Frank Maher, Annette Dwight |
35. Joanna |
36. Chris, Brian, Doug, Wayne, Allen, Simon, Kathy |
37. Mark, George, Ralph, Chris |
38. Jason & Chloe Roweth |
39. Joanna |
40. Session |
41. Alex, Sharyn, Julie, Glenys, Colin, Pat |
42. Sandra, Joanna |
43. Jason & Chloe, George, Mark |
44. Jason & Chloe, George |
45. Jason & Chloe |
46. Session |
47. Jack |
48. Anne & Frank |
49. Anne & Frank |
50. Sharyn |
51. Father & son drummers |
52. |
53. Session |
54. Session |
55. Colin, Pat, Arnold & Win, Julie |