AGM Committee reports were introduced at the 1983 AGM, but the Archives report wasn't included until 1985.
Not all items produced by, bought by or given to BMC have survived. Not every item donated was stamped, and as they were stored or used by different members, many were lost track of.
We occasionally come across tantalising reports of interesting items - see the report on the Robert (Bob) Michell bequest below (Mulga Wire no. 43, June 1984), only a few marked books in our library exist from that bequest, the other items cannot be traced. The 1995 Rod & Fran Shaw Bequest similarly lacks many items.
Mulga Wire, no. 48, April 1985 for calendar year 1984
Mulga Wire, no. 78, April 1990, report to 1990 AGM
Mulga Wire, no. 84, April 1991, report to 1991 AGM
Later AGM reports will be added as located

Mulga Wire 23, Feb 1981, p.6 - ... amassing of a great many sound recordings, photographs, publications, etc ... in addition to the normal consequences of Club activities ...

1. Mulga Wire no. 43, June 1984, cover -

caption of cover photo - Photograph of Brian Loughlin taken from a television screen , found in Alan Scott's albums

2. .Perhaps it's the onset of our thirteenth anniversary ... over the last last year or so we have received large amounts of early club papers from ... Dale & John Dengate ... Gay and Alan Scott ...Ronda & Jamie Carlin ... There are always interesting questions raised by looking at old photographs and many were raised ... when Alan Scott gave me a package of old shots of the Bushwhackers and the Bush Music Club Concert Party ...

3. Alan Scott collection -Concert Party in Lithgow, on the weekend they met Sally Sloane, photo taken by John Meredith
4. Alan Scott collection - Concert Party at the Banjo Paterson Festival, 1960

8. Top - Concert Party, Mayne St Gulgong, Jan 1959, L-R - Standing - Gay Scott, Jack Barrie, Lorna Lovell, Duke, Seated Peter Francis, John Meredith, Alan Scott, Jamie Carlin. Ernie 'Son' James (1892-1974) in hat & braces.
9. ... cautionary tale ... In Folk Songs of Australia Volume 2, John Meredith has four tunes from the repertoire of Ernie 'Son' James, passed on from the collection of Bruce and Reg Kurtz of Stoney Creek, near Mudgee.... Unfortunately I never met Walter Allen, nor his nephew, 'Son' James, but by the greatest of good fortune, Bruce and Reg recorded James ... in 1974. Ernie James 1 ... Since then John has been supplied with prints of several BMC archival photographs, including this one, and Mudgee locals have identified the man second from the left in the crowd (hands in pockets and wearing hat) as Ernie 'Son' James ...