Saturday, 11 April 2020

Life Members - information on our 25 Life Members - part 3. Jack Barrie, Janet Wakefield, Jamie Carlin, Bob Bolton, John Dengate

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Life Members - information on our 25 Life Members  - part 1. Sally Sloane, Duke Tritton, Clem Millward, Val Hennessy, John Meredith

Life Members - information on our 25 Life Members  - part 2 - Herb Gimbert, Alan Scott, Gay Scott, Brian Loughlin, Pam Loughlin 

Life Members - information on our 25 Life Members  - part 4  Dave Johnson, Frank Maher, Don Richmond, Helen Romeo, Harry Kay.

Life Members - information on our 25 Life Members  - part  5. Ralph Pride, Chris Woodland, Sandra Nixon, Wendy Richmond, Mike Young.

Life Members - Information on our 28 Life members - Part 6 - Colin Fong, Sharyn Mattern, Allen Davis

Foundation Member John Meredith, unveils new Life Members' Board before launching his new book Duke of the Outback at the Bush Music Festival Oct 1983

Jack Barrie (1917 - 2015) - a member of the Bushwhackers and foundation member.
Email from Bob Bolton about Jack's surname (email 29/11/12)

I'm afraid the "Barry" spelling was pretty pervasive ... It's certainly the way his surname was spelled on the sleeve of the  Diaphon "Selections from Reedy River 10" (... not quite so...) LP ... and turns up in a number of BMC usages.

"Barry" is the obvious 'first guess' spelling for someone who doesn't check ...  I checked: I'm going by Jack's signature on the scan of the paper sleeve of the David Jones Wool Week (~1958) record that Rob Willis supplied to me!


Bob Bolton

Janet Wakefield -
Secretary, widow of early member and songwriter Stan Wakefield, responsible for the 1966 publication by BMC of Songs of Stan Wakefield

Janet was made an Honorary Life Member at the Stan Wakefield night in August 1967 in recognition of her energetic and conscientious service to the Club over the years (source Newsletter September 1967)

Alan Scott and Janet Wakefield  (BMC Archives, Maher collection)

Early Members reunion - Bill Scott, Frank Maher, Jack Wright, Jamie Carlin, Janet Wakefield, Alex Bowker, Rex Whalan, Barbara Gibbons, Alan Scott, Bill Berry - Bush Music Festival, 1986 (BMC Archives, Maher collection, Bob Bolton photo) 

Mulga Wire, no.111, October 1995

 Jamie Carlin - joined BMC soon after it was founded

Jamie's article on The First Few Years
from our website

Jamie receiving his Life Member badge, August 2014 (Sandra Nixon photo)
Bob Bolton

Mulga Wire, no.12, p.4, April 1979 - Bob was awarded Life Membership at the 1979 AGM.

Citation for Bob's National Folk Festival 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award

Bob Bolton - artist and professional photographer, publisher and editor, archivist and researcher, teacher and mentor, transcriber of traditional tunes, folklorist, bush musician and reciter.
Bob joined the Bush Music Club in the early 60s, served on its Committee for 40 years and is a Life Member. His contributions since 1998 on the Mudcat Cafe online discussion group helped spread Australian bush and folk traditions across the world.
As editor and archivist Bob helped disseminate Australian traditional folklore through BMC publications – Mulga Wire, Singabout, and many songbook collections – and also by providing photographs, information and research facilities to anyone who asked. He has attended almost every National Folk Festival since 1971 with camera and instruments in hand. His photographic archive of bush music events and of the Australian folk revival of the 70s and 80s was donated to the Australian National Library in 2014.
Hundreds of aspiring performers have benefited from Bob’s weekly participation at BMC’s Monday night workshops. He played in a number of bush bands and was a founder of Backblocks Bush Band, one of the first groups to play only collected material using only traditional instruments.
Bob Bolton has devoted a lifetime to maintaining folk traditions

Bob, c.1963 around the time he first visited BMC

Congratulations Bob, well earned.

I remember when Bob's older brother Eric would bring a young Bob along to the BMC's weekly workshops in about 1963 or '4. Who would have thought then that Bob would grow up to be such a very important cog in the BMC's wheel? The club owes so much to Bob: his profound knowledge on many subjects such as the folk movement, reed instruments, various histories (Australian, musical instruments and folk song and folklore histories to name just a few). Of course his wonderfully professional and extensive photo collection is a unique source for present and future generations. Bob's contributions to the Australian folklore movement, plus the dissemination of much material is of considerable national value and the award is a memorable legacy to him and his selfless efforts.

Chris Woodland. (Comment on blog article)

Bob with award, National Folk Festival 2017. (Photo Chris Woodland)

John Dengate  (1938 - 2013) John was introduced to BMC in 1961 by another teacher at his school, his future wife Dale.

John Dengate - Story of a family Workshop conducted by John Dengate at the National Folk Festival (Canberra, Australia) April 2001. A collection of songs, poems and stories based on the lives and experiences of his own ancestors, covering the period from the 1830s to the present. (video by Wayne Richmond)

Memories of early days in the Bush Music Club by Dale Dengate 

Mulga Wire no. 12, April 1979 - nominations of Ronda Carlin, & John and Dale Dengate as Life members

Mulga Wire no. 13, June 1979, Nomination of John Dengate as Life Member

Photo by Chris Woodland at launch of John's 3rd book, 2012

Mulga Wire, no. 20, August 1980, page 3

Portrait of John,1979 by famous artist & family friend Sue White

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