This 4 page leaflet probably had more pages, so program notes from Mulga Wire have been added

1. Programmme, folded & not stapled.

2. Welcome

3. Membership form

4. map of Addison Road Centre.
Bush Dances, October - December, Beecroft (Matilda's Mob, Southern Cross, Big City Bush Band) & Glebe (Big City Bush Band, Prop-a-goose, Hotfoot)

5. Mulga Wire, no.68, August 1988, p.3. Friday night Folkus night, Saturday Alan Scott, 1988 Dance Competition judging, Early Member's reunion, Backblocks Musicians, Sun-up Bush Band, Friday night workshop group, Song, tiue & verse competitions judging, Concert with Margaret Walters, John Dengate, Jill Stevens, Dance Workshop Group, Chris Kempster & Sonia Bennett, Sun-up Bush Band, Bush Dance with Sydney Coves.
Sunday - Dance workshop, Songs of Larrikins with Warren Fahey & Dave de Hugard, Macquarie Toen folk club, Colonial Eve with Margaret Walters & Margaret Bradford, Children's Workshop with Dave Johnson & Ann Pidcock, Introduction to squeezeboxes with Bob Bolton, Forum - What songs, tunes, dances are /are not appropriate for a bush band?

6. Mulga Wire, no.69, Oct 1988, p. 5

7. Weekend Pass, no. 26, Dave Johnson.

8. Mulga Wire no.72, April 1989, Report to 1989 AGM.
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