8. Duke of the Outback Launch, BMC Reunion, Competitions
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Poster removed from the walls of the Hut

1. Programme

2. Welcome, Acknowledgements

3.Programme index, tickets

4. Programme - evening Friday Singabout with Dave Johnson, Wallaby Stew, John Broomhall, Dave de Hugard.
Saturday Big Bush Dance with Tempe Tipsters, Stringybark Bush Band, Skin and Bones, Southern Cross Bush Band & Sheep Roast
Sunday night concert with John Dengate, Charlie Batchelor & friends, Speewah Bush Band, Dave de Hugard, Garry Tooth, Lazy Harry's Traditional Band compared by Phyl Lobl.

5. Services, Tucker, Accommodation. Ads for Matilda Prints, Henry Lawson Bookshop.
For kid - Kids Tent, films, Bushranger workshop, Races, Train Rides
& Blacksmith, Koala Bears Picnic, Young Folk concert and Bush Dance,

7. Australian Films - The Sentimental Bloke, Around the Boree Log, A Girl of the Bush, On our Selection, Romance of Runnibede, The Sick Stockrider, In the Bush, Cyclone Tracey, Duke Tritton, Franklin Rive Blockade, The Gordon Splits.
Exhibitions & displays - Society for Growing Australian Plants, Tasmanian Wilderness Society, Australian Native Dog Training Society, Old Crafts Demonstrations, National Parks & Wildlife Foundation, Gordon Blackwell - Blacksmith, Grandma's Fragrant Recipes.
Displays in the Hut, Bush Music Club Display, Booking Agency Display, Bolton Collection of Colonial Pocket items
9. Workshops - Variations on a Theme - John Meredith. Convicts & Immigrants - Alan Scott, History behind the Songs - John McClymont, Bailed up by Brian the Bushranger - Brian McDonald.
10. Progamme grid

11. More workshops - What is Oral History? - Dr Alan Roberts. Railway songs - Matilda's Mob (Jack Steele, Brian Dunnett, Vonnie Clearsky, Megan Broadbent)

12. and more workshops - Why not recite? - Ron Brown. Concertina - fingering patterns & playing styles - Richard Evans. Traditional Dance Music - Harry McQueen. Fiddlers All - it's not all Irish - Roy HArbour.

13. Dance workshops - Traditional Social Dance, the living tradition - Peter Ellis. Traditional Social Dances, the Ballroom style of the 1800s - Shirley Andrews. The Sydney Colonial Dancers. Dance callers forum - Pam Gainsfield/Phil Baker.

14. Ad for 1984 Festival

15. Bookings Agency

16. Membership application - front

17. Membership application - back

18. Ad for Larrikin

19. Map

20. Leaflet later used to record takings from a dance.

21. Poster removed from the noticeboard, 2017

22. Mulga Wire, no.36, April 1983,

23. Mulga Wire no.37, June 1983

24. Mulga Wire no.37, June 1983, p.10
Inserts in Mulga Wire, no. 39, October 1983. The entire program was also in this issue

25. Cooee Koala colouring competition & Koala Bears picnic.

26. Colouring competition

27. 3-folk leaflet

28. 3-fold leaflet

29 . 1983 - Kids with koalas (Bob Bolton photo)

30. 1983- Michael Brain with concertina (Bob Bolton photo)

31. Launch of Duke of the Outback & unveiling of Life Members Board (Bob Bolton photo)

32. Launch of Duke of the Outback & unveiling of Life Members Board (Bob Bolton)

33. Launch of Duke of the Outback & unveiling of Life Members Board (Bob Bolton photo)

34. Launch of Duke of the Outback & unveiling of Life Members Board (Bob Bolton photo)

35. Launch of Duke of the Outback & unveiling of Life Members Board. Nancy Keesing holding entrance to native beehive that Duke gave her. (Bob Bolton photo)

36. Mulga Wire no. 40, December 1983.
37. Poster sent with Mulga Wire no 38, August 1983 |
38. Poster sent with Mulga Wire no. 38, August 1983 |
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