Wednesday 21 June 2023

Photos from Memorial Day to remember & celebrate Bob Bolton's life

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Wayne Richmond's photos 

Apologies were received from Bob Murray (Bathurst), Raema & Ray Grieve (ACT), and Anne Pidcock (Penrose)

Bob's brothers Graham & Brian came from Dubbo, & his friends Arnold & Win came from South Australia to join a group of his BMC friends for an afternoon of memories and music. 

MC Ralph Pride led the reminiscences as he & Bob had been friends since primary school days. Ralph also played a recording of Bob reciting Incognito, John Manifold's classic poem about a very intelligent horse.

Obit - Death of Bob Bolton 1945-2023  - BMC blog 

Obit on Folk Federation website

Obit on Folk Federation facebook page

Obit on BMC Facebook page

Obit on Facebook group Bob Bolton's photographs   About - Crowdsourcing identifications of people in Bob Bolton's photos of folk events in the 1970s

Bob joined the world-wide, American-based Mudcat Cafe website in 1998 when it was 2 years old & helped spread Australian bush music & folk culture across the folk world.

Bob's posts on

Mudcat 2023 obit - Bob Bolton 1945-2023

Compilation of articles about the Bob Bolton Collection 

Bob Bolton is the 2017 recipient of the National Folk Festival's Lifetime Achievement Award 

(All photos © Sandra Nixon)

1. MC Ralph Pride

2. Graham Bolton - blanket made from Bob's t-shirts

3. Chris Poleson 

4. Graham Bolton

5.  Lyn Poleson, Helen Golak, Lexi Pride, John Poleson, Graham Bolton

6.  Steve Lockwood, Ralph Pride,  Brian Bolton, Dave Johnson

7. Dave Johnson

8. Peter Cahill, Helen & Tony Romeo behind

9.  Brian Freeman

10.  Colin Fong

11. 1980s Chinese language newspaper with photo of Bob & other BMC members 

12.  Matthew Black, Kathy Potter & daughters, Alex Bishop

13. John Poleson

14. Lyn, Jack & Mark Poleson

15. Chris, Lyn & Jack Poleson - back Beth Cambridge, Sean

16.  Anne Maher, Chris Poleson, Beth Cambridge, Sean

17. Kathy Potter

18. George Bolliger, Ralph Pride, Kathy Potter, Dave Johnson

19.  Simon Farrugia, Wayne Richmond, Allen Davis

20.  Frank Maher, Joanna Roweth, Arnold, Susan Ackroyd

21.  session

22. George Bolliger, Ralph Pride, Mark Poleson, Arnold from SA

23. Frank Maher, Chloe & Jason Roweth

25. Jason Roweth, Brian Freeman, Pat Bolton, Win from SA

26.  Dave Johnson, Doug, Kathy Potter, Jack, Chris Poleson, Susan Ackroyd,
Pete Cahill

27.  Ralph Pride, George Bolliger, Arnold


28. Ros Young, Sharyn Mattern 

29.  Lou Murray

30.  Brian Gutkin, Glenys Eddy, Alex & Julie Bishop

31. Lexi Pride

32. David Potter, Eric Eisler

33.  Sean from Sutherland Bush dancers, Jeff Ackroyd

34.  Anne & Frank Maher, Annette Dwight

35. Joanna

36.  Chris, Brian, Doug, Wayne, Allen, Simon, Kathy

37. Mark, George, Ralph, Chris

38. Jason & Chloe Roweth

39. Joanna 

40.  Session

41.  Alex, Sharyn, Julie, Glenys, Colin, Pat

42. Sandra, Joanna

43. Jason & Chloe, George, Mark

44. Jason & Chloe, George 

45. Jason & Chloe

46.  Session

47. Jack

48. Anne & Frank

49. Anne & Frank

50. Sharyn

51.  Father & son drummers

53.  Session

54.  Session

55.  Colin, Pat, Arnold & Win, Julie

