Saturday 23 January 2016

The Art of John Dengate - part 2.

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The Art of John Dengate (part 1)

The Art of John Dengate, part 3 

Although John Dengate had been drawing, reciting and writing verse since he was a small lad, he started writing in a traditional style after his future wife, R. Dale Morgan took him to the Bush Music Club in 1961. Here John was influenced by John Meredith and Alan Scott, both Australian folklorists and collectors. John became an enthusiastic researcher of Australian folklore as a basis to his writing, storytelling and performances. But he was also a writer and sketcher of political satire and parodies. For over sixty years, John wrote about life in Australia and was well known for his performance at folk venues and sketches he freely gave people at festivals. (Dale Dengate) 


When the Bush Music Club presented our Memorial Concert for John at Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival in 2014 we gathered together some examples of his art & created a one-off booklet, The Works of John Dengate.

MC - Chris Woodland, 
Performers - Roweth Family Bush Band, Ralph Pride, Dave Johnson, Margaret Bradford.


Thanks to Chris Woodland who contributed most of the mages for the booklet, & to Dale for giving BMC the signs John used when busking at Christmas.

Christmas greetings for CBD busking locations

A-frame sign - one side for Hurstville, the other for different locations!


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Concert Party's Christmas party 2015

As always members gather from far & wide, the Poleson clan arrives & a good time is had by all.

Ralph Pride & Eddy Sampson who hasn't been able to visit us for a while due to health problems.

Rose Pride & Pat Bolton

John Poleson with granddaughter Emily 
3rd generation members Jack & Emily with grandfather John Poleson

Mark Poleson, Stephanie Poleson, Allen Davis, John Poleson, Bob Bolton

Bob Bellini, Gail Copley, Mark Poleson, Bob Bolton, John Poleson

Dave Moir, Simon Farrugia, Michaela Simoni, Rick Hull, Darri Adamson, Ralph Pride, Cliff Grant, Kevin Rennie, Dot Newland

Darri Adamson, Ralph Pride, Sharyn Mattern, Dot Dawson

Terry Pybus, Chris Poleson

Rick Hull, Kerry Doherty, Pete Cahill

Moira Cowie, Bob Bolton, Ralph Pride

Dave Moir, Simon Farrugia, Michaela Simoni

Pete Cahill, Doug Richardson  

Mariamma Mitchell

photos - Sandra Nixon

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Photos from Patricia Early's collection

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Thanks to Avis Hanning for these photos

Patricia performing in a nursing home

1. Patricia in 1985

2. Patricia in 1997

3. The Guardian Festival 1992 - Left to right - unidentified man, Patricia,
unidentified woman, Donna Grove, Bill & Margaret Winnett, Phil Grove.

4. The Guardian Festival, 1992 - L to R - Donna & Phil Grove, Patricia, Bill Winnett

5. The Guardian Festival, 1992 - Phil Gorve, Buil Winnett, Patricia, Margaret Winnett. John Dengate in background.

6. MC Margaret Winnett with Playford Dancers, Blacktown - Patricia, Jim Gambling, Sharyn Mattern, Louise Murray, Jim Bradman.

7. Playford Dancers, Blacktown - Alex Bishop, Louise Murray, Jim Bradman, Patricia, Mike Young,  Sharyn Mattern, Jim Gambling, Eric Eisler.

8. Playford Dancers, Blacktown - Sharyn Mattern, Jim Bradman, Louise Murray, Bill Winnett, unk. woman

9. Playford Dancers, Blacktown - Jim Gambling, Patricia, Alex BIshop, Julie Bishop, Yoshi, Eric Eisler, Louise Murray, Mike Young, Sharyn Mattern.

10. Playford Dancers, Blacktown - Bill Winnett, Alex Bishop, Jim Bradman, Patricia, Mike Young, Eric Eisler, Jim Gambling,  Julie Bishop, Louise Murray

11. Square dancers,  2002 (Wesley Centre?)

12. photo is torn on left side & damaged in top right corner, including over face

National Folk Festival, unidentified woman, Noreen Grunseit (seated), unidentified woman, Patricia, Chris Green, Alita

13. Rapper sword dance - Chris Green,
unidentified woman, Patricia, unidentified woman, Margaret Winnett

thanks to Mike Young for the names
