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Life Members - information on our 25 Life Members - part 1. Sally Sloane, Duke Tritton, Clem Millward, Val Hennessy, John Meredith
Life Members - information on our 25 Life Members - part 2 - Herb Gimbert, Alan Scott, Gay Scott, Brian Loughlin, Pam Loughlin
Life Members - information on our 25 Life Members - part 3. Jack Barrie, Janet Wakefield, Jamie Carlin, Bob Bolton, John Dengate
Members - information on our 25 Life Members - part 4 Dave
Johnson, Frank Maher, Don Richmond, Helen Romeo,
Harry Kay.
Life Members - information on our 25 Life Members - part 5. Ralph Pride, Chris Woodland, Sandra Nixon, Wendy Richmond, Mike Young.
Colin at 1985 Subscription Ball (Collin Fong collection) |
Colin Fong - For his contribution in giving legal advice over the years and his many years editing Mulga Wire.
Sharyn's first Ball - 1983 Heritage Ball (Sharyn Mattern collection) |
Sharyn Mattern has been an active member since 1983, attending and helping out at many BMC bush dances and balls. She was on the organising committee for the Club’s very successful 60th anniversary. At many Bush Music Club dances, folk festivals and Nursing Home jobs over the last few years, Sharyn has been playing her concertina and lately bodhran with the BMC Concert Party Band. Sharyn has guided the club professionally over the last 10 years as President, not an easy task especially during the Covid years, and continues to think of ways to encourage members and potential members to get involved in the Club.
Allen at Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival, 2015 (photo © Sandra Nixon) |
Allen Davis joined the Bush Music Club in the late eighties and has been an active member ever since. He has been playing guitar and mouth organ with the BMC Concert Party Band for more than thirty years at Beecroft dances, folk festivals and other events. Allen has formed three Bush Bands over the years and has played at numerous Nursing Home jobs with the Allen Davis Trio and at Playford and English Country Dances with Friends of Jane. He has been Treasurer of the Club for twelve years and in that time has provided regular updates of the Club’s finances. Allen promotes the Bush Music Club whenever he can, taking time, for example, to appear on the Ross Fear’s radio program, playing music with a few other members to publicise the Club..