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Thanks to Nerida for donating these photos. Early membership lists show Ken was a member from 1967 to at least 1976.
Thanks to Chris Woodland for identifying these photos & the two photos from Singabout 6(2), 1967. Chris left Sydney in January 1968, but never left the Club.
Thanks also to Ralph & Rose Pride, Frank Maher & Dale Dengate for further names.

1. The lady down the right hand with hand to face, near the open door, is Welsh and her name is Alwena Brooks, always called 'Wenna' (a Marrickville Girl). It is most likely the girl next to her is another Marrickville Girl, Caroline Purser from Ireland. (Chris)
John Robertson in shorts. John was in Tasmania when Ralph & Rose Pride & Bob Bolton were there. (Ralph & Rose)

2. Wenna dancing in middle with back to camera. Eric Bolton playing banjo,right foreground.

3. Wenna centre. Caroline on left border.

4. Wenna with arm bent in foreground. Eric with banjo right hand corner.

5. Wenna mid ground dancing. Caroline with face just visible between two ladies on the left.

6. As for photo number 5 with Caroline more obvious.

7. L-R - Herb Gimbert, Wilma Bolton, Ken Greenhalgh, John Dengate, Harry Glendenning, Eric Bolton.
Wilma is using Frank Maher's lagerphone as she did not have one of her own. (Frank)

8. Caroline in centre behind Wenna's arm.

9. Caroline on left. Half of Wenna showing under clock.

10. Caroline on left between man in light pants and young girl. Wenna looking straight at camera.

11. Wenna forefront, partially obscuring Caroline behind her.
That's all I can manage I am afraid. There are a couple of women's faces that look familiar (probably Marrickville girls that didn't stay that long). (Chris Woodland, 22/07/2019)
Photos by Ken Fairey, Bush Music Club Archives
2 photos from Singabout 6(2) 1967, p.11, showing a dance in the same venue.

Definitely Jamie half way along the wall on left. Frank Maher at front of left line of dancers, perhaps Anne across from him. Chris Woodland second along on right row of dancers, with (very possibly) Brenda O’Connor next to Chris. Looks very much like piano accordionist Harry Glendinning to left of Ken Greenhalgh on flute at rear. Eric Bolton with banjo at rear who is next to John Dengate.

L to R Herb Gimbert, Alex Bowker (a truly lovely gentle man), Ken Greenhalgh, John Dengate. (Chris)