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Mulga Wire no. 30, April 1982, p.5

Mulga Wire no. 31, June 1982
All Photos © Bob Bolton
Bob's 1982 album holds photos printed from negative strips 820425A (color pics) & 820426A (b&w). Unfortunately photos of the dance in the cave are not in these negatives.



4. dance floor in cave Photo © Bob Bolton

5. Helen Brain, Ann Pidcock sitting, Dave Johnson, Tony Romeo, Grey Wilson, Bob Brain standing

6. The campers enjoyed the music

7. piano accordion player - Skippy (Ray Goninon) & Helen Coats (later Goninon)

8. Skippy Goninon (standing), Helen Coats in front of Dave Johnson, Tony Romeo back to camera.

9. Dave Johnson seated, facing front, Ann Pidcock facing him, Helen Coats seated in centre, Greg Wilson standing, Tony Romeo seated on right

10. Helen Coats


12. Pat Bolton, Bob Brain

13. Skippy (standing), ponytailed Najina Murray facing him, Dave Johnson at table facing forward, Ann Pidcock facing him, Tarquin Murray back to camera (RHS), Greg Wilson behind him. Murray tent beside VW campervan.

14. standing Bob Brain & lagerphone player.
Seated - Dave Johnson, Tony Romeo, Greg Wilson

15. Bob Murray

16. standing Bob Brain with son, Bob Murray. Seated Ann Pidcock with James in pram, Dave Johnson, Tony Romeo, Greg Wilson

17. Bob Murray

18. standing Bob Brain, Bob Murray & Tony Romeo, seated Dave Johnson, Greg Wilson

19. seated Ann Pidcock, Dave Johnson, standing Bob Brain & Bob Murray, seated Tony Romeo (obscured), Greg Wilson,
Thanks to Bob & Barbara Murray for identifying Skippy & Helen in photos 7,8, 9 & 13, and their children in no. 13. Thanks also to Helen Romeo for identifying herself! & clarifying the other Helen's surname.
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2019 Gathering program
Photos © Sandra Nixon

1. Ralph Pride
2. Canberra members Moir & Gavin Holmes did not miss the match
3. Friday night songs & poems session
4. harmonicas @ Songs & poems session, Chris Woodland at right

5. Ralph Pride, Don Brian

6. Chris Woodland, Helen & Tony Romeo, Prue Cancian
7. Friday night tunes session
8. Saturday morning
9. Sue Brian, Chris Maltby
10. Plaiting lesson - Sue & Don Brian
11. Chris Maltby, Rob & Ollie Willis
12. swirly skirt
13. Anish
14. Saturday morning slow session
15. Saturday didgeridoo workshop

16. Vincent family
17. Yarnin about hand craft with Linda Swift
18. Pete Cahill - songwriting session
19. John O'Brian's Around the Boree Log with Marion Haigh

20. First published 1933

23. Ralph Pride, Helen & Tony Romeo
25. Fiddlers Four
27. Verandah music
29. Canberra Shanty Singers

30. Australian English Forum with Chris Woodland
31. Saturday night concert & session space
33. Rob Willis & John Harpley
34. Sydney & Canberra Shanty singers
35. Fiddlers Four
37. Pete Cahill, Tony Stuart
39. meanwhile, while the rest of us gathered in the chapel, music issued from a dark room. The photo later showed that there were 6 musicians involved ...

40. Sunday slow session
41. Songs of Colin Dryden with Daniel Kelly
42. Australian Songs by Dave Johnson (2nd edition)
44. The Knitting Song
45. Dave Johnson & Tony Stuart
46. Saplings session with Helen & Tony Romeo
47. Some lost songs with Don Brian, John Harpley, Rob & Ollie Willis
52. The Sailor's Fate with Forty Degrees South

53. Tom Hanson, Chris Maltby, Don Brian
54. praying for a wreck
55. Sunday dinner - Colin Fong (centre) was one of the cooks
56. George Bolliger, Ralph Pride, Sue & Don Brian
57. Chris Woodland, Darri Adamson, Ralph Pride
58. Chris Maltby, Prue Cancian, Rob Willis, Helen Romeo
59. Sunday night gathering around the boree log

63. Darri Adamson (whistle)
64. Don Brian
65. fiddler, John Harpley, Bob Smith, Karen Fong

67. Track winding back with Ralph Pride - archival recordings

68. Kerry Doherty, Helen & Tony Romeo, Chris Woodland

69. Jude's first festival appearance after breaking her ankle recently

70. 65 songs for 65 years - chosen by Sandra Nixon

71. MC Ralph Pride

72. George Bolliger, Kerry Doherty, Don Brian, Chis Maltby