The first Newsletter was published in October 1955, & the last Newsletter/Calendar we have was issued in January 1977, & the January 1978 Calendar was also issued with Mulga Wire.
Our holding are not complete & missing issues will be added as found.
Foolscap pages have been scanned as 2 images.
January 1970 - Newsletter is intended to be issued bi-monthly

1. 1970 Calendar

1. Concert Party is booked out until April, with engagements as far as October. April - Gulgong Centenary Celebration. The Club will be singing shearing songs accompanying an Old Time Shearing display at the Easter Show. Mitchell Library wants to preserve the full collection of Bill Frost's work. Charlie Leabeater of Lyndhurst played accordion for an old time dance with 700 dancers where 16 couples in Colonial dress danced a quadrille. Two of L.G. Montgomery's songs appeared in Tradition without his name! Review of Port Jackson Folk Festival.

1970 Port Jackson Folk Festival posters & leaflets, National Folk Festival 2018 (Sandra Nixon photo)

2. New Zealand is conducting a Traditional Folk Festival. Booking open for weekend at Currawong. Release of a new book from Ron Edwards, an enlarged version of the Overlander songbook with 200 songs. Words for Paul Tripeny's version of The Stockman's Farewell. (Dale Dengate Hon. Secretary)
March 1970

1. Workshops on Tuesdays. Songs of the Shearers will be sent to members. It sold very well at the Easter Show over "4 very exhausting but worthwhile nights" Singabout night went well. Gulgong & Currawong weekends coming up in April. (Dale Dengate acting Hon. Secretary)
October 1970

1. New premises - Sydney Technical College. Coming events Oct 20th- dance night, November 3rd - Songs of the Bushrangers, November 28th Campfire night. Past events - 28th Sept Singabout night went well, Jim Buchanan from Victoria & Canberra Shanty Singer attended. News from country members has been meagre lately, possibly because no newsletters have been sent for such a long time.

2. 1868 newspaper report on cedar cutters

3. 1872 newspaper report on cedar cutters. Review of Bill Frost's Bang Tail Muster by John Dengate

4. Dale Dengate's review of The Musings of a Mountain Maid by Sybil J. Kimmins. (Lorraine Barnicoat Hon. Secretary)
5. Canberra Shanty Singers, from Bob Bolton's photos -
facebook page maintained by Graham McDonald
December 1970

1. Workshop nights on Tuesdays, Christmas pary 15th Dec, Collectors Group report - first meeting held on 23rd Oct,

2. Article by Bill Frost on slang

3.Article by Bill Frost on slang - cont.

4. Article by Bill Frost on slang + article on Sea Chanties

5. article on Sea Chanties & poem/song James McKenna. The Club resumes 19th January. (Lorraine Barnicoat Hon. Secretary)
March 1971

1. Workshop evenings on Tuesdays.

2. AGM was fairly well attended.

3. Coming events - Singabout 29th March, last Singabout was successful both for entertainment & financially. Concert Party will again be part of Steam Engine Preservation Society's display with theme Mining.

4. Past events - plenty of engagements, highlight was the Scout Jamboree at Leppington on 2nd January. Report on Adelaide Folk Festival by Jamie Carlin

5. Report on Adelaide Folk Festival by Jamie Carlin cont.

6. Concert party has many bookings. George & Barbara Gibbons will be in Kalgoolie for 6 months & Barbara hopes to do some collecting. (Lorraine Barnicoat, Hon. Secretary)
June 1971

1. Workshop nights every Tuesday. Coming Events - Singabout 26th June, as usual the March Sinagbout was highly entertaining. Beer & Cheese nights for July, August & September.

2. Past events - Report on Currawong weekend.

3. New Concert Party member - Bruce Cawthorne. Help wanted for words to a song The Bullocky Song

4. Reprint of Rattle Your Bones from Singabout 2(3), Dec 1957

5. Reprint of Rattle Your Bones from Singabout 2(3), Dec 1957, cont. Records for sale. (Lorraine Barnicoat Hon. Secretary)
September 1971

1.Workshop nights on Tuesdays. Coming events - Singabout 25th September, Dance Night 21st Sept, Beer & Cheese night Tuesday 5th October & 2nd November, Annual Campfire 27th November.

2. Weekends away October 2-4th October at Grabben Gullen & Carcoar 30th October

3. Article by Jamie Carlin on building a lagerphone Jamie built a lagerphone presented to Pete Seeger in 1963.

4.. Article by Jamie Carlin on building a lagerphone, cont.

5. Folksong Today, WEA course presented by Warren Fahey.

6. BMC's 1971 publication A Collectors Songbook by Alan Scott has been sent to members.

7. Lyrics to Woolloomooloo from Collectors Songbook. NSW Folk Federation will be holding dances in Balmain. (Lorraine Barnicoat Hon. Secretary)
November 1971

December 1971

1. Workshop evenings on Tuesdays. No Christmas Singabout. Christmas Party 14th December.

2. Review of Weekend away at Grabben Gullen. Review of Carcoar weekend.

3. Cedar cutters & their songs by Bill Frost - sea shanties!

4. Cedar cutters & their songs by Bill Frost - cont.

5. Cedar cutters & their songs by Bill Frost, concluded. words - Loosen the Dogs

6. Other news from Jamie Carlin - Diaplon record of Reedy River has been re-released. Long lost song of Henry Lawson from Brisbane "Worker" Jun 27th 1891 - As Ireland Wore the Green pp.6-8


8. Workshop nights re-commence 19th January (Lorraine Barnicoat, Hon Secretary)