Back to Binalong
Bush Traditions invites you to a weekend Gathering at Binalong
on 17 -
19 November 2017.
The GATHERING IN THE BUSH will celebrate the music of Harry Cotter, Val
Turton and others, as well as Banjo Paterson, whose parents owned Illalong Station for a
portrait of Harry Cotter in Binalong Hotel (Denis McKay photo)
Contact Bush Traditions for further information
The purpose of the weekend is to:
Enjoy Life
Get together with like-minded
Play music
Learn something new
Recording of Val Turton by John Meredith & Rob Willis, 1991

Portrait of Val Turton, Harry's daughter, by John Meredith
The event will be conducted as a gathering, modelled more on Numeralla
than other events we may be familiar with. It will follow the format of a
similar weekend held last year when folkies gathered at Sofala to
celebrate the music of Joe Yates.
The plan is to use existing facilities, e.g.
the Motel Royal Tara (Stephen Street)
and the Binalong Hotel (cnr Fitzroy & Wellington) for food, accommodation
etc. Participants will be responsible for their own accommodation and meals.
There is a large reserve on crown land available for camping. Camping is free
of charge and showers will be available courtesy of the local football club.
Your organisers will collect $5 from campers to cover the cost of hot water.
Bush Traditions will hire the Hall (Wellington
Street, 130M from the Hotel) and will charge a
small fee to attend dances in order to recover this cost. Practiced
participants will lead music on a come-all-ye basis.

Mechanics Institute Hall.
Dave de Hugard will be spending the weekend with us.
Program includes:-
Bush Dance Friday night
Bush Ball Saturday Night
Three concertina workshops
A workshop on the songs and tunes of the Cotter Family - tune/song book available
a Magpie Session - pretty tunes to play to the Magpies
Tea Coffee and Bickies available in the supper room all weekend.
A plate for supper for the dance would be appreciated.
The gathering is the first in what is hoped will be a continuing series
of similar events to be run by Bush Traditions in coming years. The aim is to
take our collected music back to the communities where it was collected to put
the music into its historical context with a contemporary experience. The event
is being promoted through the Monaro Folk Society, The Bush Music Club and the
Kiama Folk Club.
