Saturday 1 June 2024

70th Anniversary - Reunion of Members & friends @ The Goulburn Club, Sunday 26th May 2024 - photographs

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(Photos © Sandra Nixon unless elsewhere indicated)

70th Anniversary - Reunion of Members & friends @ The Goulburn Club, Sunday 26th May 2024 - memories 

The group photographs of the stayers at the end of the day were taken by a local music fan who saw the Reunion listed on the Club's What's On & decided it was too good to miss. Unfortunately we are not sure of her name (oops) so can't give her the credit she deserves.

1. Helen Romeo giving her report on Saplings

2. Franz, Bridget, Robyn
3.  Saplings performing 

4. George applauding Saplings

5. Colin, Karen, Vanessa, Elaine 

6.  Ian

7. Song & tune books

8. Long term members John Poleson & Bob Murray

9. Tune book for a Monaro Folk Society dance 

10. Vintage t-shirt  from 1984 NFF owned by Alan Swift

11. Vintage t-shirt  from 1985 'Ard Tack festival also owned by Alan Swift

12.  Long term members Bob Murray (1963) & Ann Maher (1960) 

13. fireplace made by Goulburn Foundry

14. Secretary Karen Fong, one of the organisers of the Goulburn reunion 

15.  Ann Maher & her daughter Helen Golak

16. Long term member Ralph Pride (1963), Ian, Saplings Jack, Emily, Millicent & Tristan
Chris on banjo, Helen,Tony, Brian, Doug

17.  Vanessa, Elaine, Annette

18. Audience 

19. Colin with Singabout Selected Reprints (1968) - copies still available!

20.  Ann Maher 

21. Robyn, George, John, front row Mike Martin  

22.  Lynne Poleson, Karen Fong

23. Helen Romeo, Alan Swift, Helen Golak, Ann Maher 

24. Colin Fong playing bones 

25. Bob Murray videoing 

26.  session

27.  Chris Poleson 

28. One of the volunteers who keep the Club running 

29.  Lunch - yummy meat or vegetarian stew 

30.  Helen

31. Jack 

32. Lunch queue 

33. The Bar 

34. Doug Richardson

35. 1984 - photo of Jude Bertolin (now Stuart) & partner dancing
& drawing made from the photo

36. Another of Jude's archive 

37. Tony Stuart & Bob Murray

38. Afternoon session

39. Afternoon session 

40. Mike Martin's concertina 

41.  Jude & Tony Stuart

42. session

42. Colin, Sandra, Annette (photo © George Bolliger) 

44.  Chocolate cake supplied & cut neatly by George

45. Jude Stuart, Alan 

46. Helen, Karen, Ralph, Vanessa, Mike 

47. Bob Murray 

48. Alan & Linda Swift

49. Jude, Michelle, Helen, Tony

50. Michaela, Sharyn, 

51.  Chris, Emily 

52.  Simon, Doug, Ralph, Ian, Millicent, Tristram, Alan 

53.  session

54.  Chris 

55.  Tony, Linda, Colin, Karen

56.  Bob Murray singing

57.  session 

58. Mike Martin singing Duke's Shearing in the Bar 

59.  George recording Mike 

60. Shearing ...

61. ... shearing ...

62.  ... shearing ...

63. ... shearing ...

64.  ... shearing ...

65.  shorn!




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