A selection of photos Bob gave me in 2012 when we started working towards our 60th Anniversary celebrations.
(All photos by Bob Bolton unless otherwise stated)
1. 197-13.JPG
2. 197-23.JPG
3. 198-07.JPG
4. 198-12.JPG
5. 198-18.JPG
6. 254-18.JPG John Meredith
7. 25 4-20.JPG John Meredith
8. 280-06.JPG young musicians
9. 280-19.JPG
10. 280-25.JPG
11. 286-20.JPG centre - Jamie Carlin
12. TPCAMPIC.JPG Bob Bolton
13. 8803VVV1 Martyn Wyndham-Read, National Folk Festival, 1988
14. 8803VVV2 Danny Spooner & Martyn Wyndham-Read, National Folk Festival, 1988
15.8803XXXX - 1988
16. 79092810 - 1979
17.79092913 Alan Scott, 29th September 1979
18. 81101707 - 1981
19. 81101708 - 1981 Bush Music Festival, Sydney Opera House
20. 81101714 1981 Bush Music Festival, Sydney Opera House Alex Hood, 17th October
21. 81101715 Alex Hood, 1981 Bush Music Festival, Sydney Opera House
22. 98091201 Jim Macquarie, Loaded Dog Folk Club, 12th September, 1998
23. 8091203 Jim Macquarie, Loaded Dog Folk Club, 12th September, 1998
24. 98091206 Jim Low, Loaded Dog Folk Club, 12th September 1998
25. 98091211 Jim Low, Loaded Dog Folk Club, 12th September 1998
26. 98091214 Jim Low, Loaded Dog Folk Club, 12th September 1998
27. ABERCRMB-caves Stage in Abercrombie Caves
28. BERNARDB.JPG Bernard Boland
29. CHALMERS.JPG Sue Chalmers
30. CONC-PTY.GOF Concert Party at Leppington Scout Jamboree, 1971
31. D_KEVANS.JPG Denis Kevans
32. GHC-09.JPG
33. GHC-12.JPG Cathie O'Sullivan, Opera House Concert?
34. GHC-20.JPG
35. SBENNETT.JPG Sonia Bennett

36. SUE-PETE.JPG Sue & Pete McMahon
Golden Jubilee Selection

37. 71 BMC Bldg38 Singabout night, Sydney Technical College, Building 38, 1971

38. 72xxxxMerro-FtP John Meredith talking about his research on Frank the Poet, 1972

39. 74xxxx RR Bushmen Aust Village. Reedy River Bushmen, Australian Pioneer Village, 1974

40. 83xxxx xxxx & A Park Dancers, 1983

41. 8101xx Concert Party & BMC Dancers. Concert Party & BMC Dancers, Sydney Opera House, 1981

42. 811108 X xx RR Bushmen - SOH Reedy River Bushmen, Sydney Opera House, 1981

43. 8101xx Concert Party & BMC Dancers. Concert Party & BMC Dancers, Sydney Opera House, 1981

44. 811108C 14 Ryebuck at Syd Opera House Ryebuck, Sydney Opera House, November 1981

45. Chris p.10 Chris Woodland, photo by John Meredith, Singabout, 6(2), 1967, p.10

46. Pinchgut at Vicarys Pinchgut at Vicarys Woolshed

46. 030531 Ensemble from left stage.jpg Heritage Ensemble, 2003 Heritage Ball

48. 030531 Grand March-far.jpg Grand March, 2003 Heritage Ball

49. 00052717 Gold Medal Ball.jpg Heritage Ball, 2000

50. P03 Concert Party 1958 (BMC archives)

51. PO04 Gulgong Jan 1959 (BMC archives)

52. PO09 Concert Party Canoblas 1960 (BMC archives)

53. PO10 Gulgong Jan 1959 (BMC archives)

54. PO16 Concert Party, 1959 (BMC archives)

55. PO27 J Carlin & H Gimbert (BMC archives)
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