Photos © Margaret Bradford
Thanks to Margaret for sharing her photos.

1. Ron Brown reciting at National Folk Festival, Adelaide 1991

2. Bob Bolton at Poet’s breakfast, National Folk Festival, Adelaide, 1991.

3. Bob Bolton playing concertina at Bush Music Festival, 1989

4. John Dengate at Poets Breakfast, 1992 National Folk Festival

5. Puobrock (Pibroch? sp?) at BMC 1985

6. Richard Depledge, Ron and Libby Brown, Cierwin Jones? sitting on step, Penny Davies and Roger Ilot, person in front of table?, Cilla Kinross and Tom Sawyer, 1985

7. St Albans Folk Festival, 1995 - Allan Dean, Christian Dolislager, ?, Scrumpy & child, Aart Bark, and Campbell the Swaggie

8. St Albans Folk Festival, 1995

9. St Albans Folk Festival, 1995 - Chorus Cup? Sue Chalmers (now Gee), Margaret Bradford, Margaret Walters, Jennifer Lees, John Warner, Robin Connaughton.
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