
The mug & its box.
Report on 2014 - 2017
Report from Dale
Entrants - 15 entertaining and thoughtful clever parodies.
It was almost impossible to say that one was better than another as the standard was high, but an award had to be made.
I was pleased when Noel Gardner from Malaney accepted the engraved tankard, he mentioned that in 1989 he heard John sing at the National Folk Festival at Malaney and was inspired to write and to think about using parody to enforce his strong environmental messages.

1. John Warner
2. That very irreverent mob with ukuleles, Les Matthews & Colin Charlton
3. Noel Gardner
4. Jennifer Lees
5. Jane Scott
6. Paul Spencer
7. Last Visible Dog
9. Jim Chapman
10. Peter Willey
11. Sue Gee
12. Russell Churcher singing about that most talked about male health problem - women laugh, men cringe - which won the John Dengate Special Rectal Bleeding Calypso Award ...
13. C.J. Shaw
14. Kevin Donegin
15. Steve Wilson
Unfortunately there was not enough time for the contribution from Robin Sykes.
I was grateful for Gail Copley, who recited John's 1971 poem Liberal Leadership while we looked through our notes and decided on a winner.
Highly Commended included Jennifer Lees, Jane Scott and Paul Spencer, while Russell Croucher won the John Dengate Special Rectal Bleeding Calypso Award
Dale Dengate
Dale started with a few of John's best songs
MC ComradeSirBigRuss was a bit late
Dale announcing the results - the Winner, Noel Gardner
(Photos - Sandra Nixon)
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