Click images for larger size.
From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 1, 1957-1959.
From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 from August 1970 - Part 2, 1960 - 1962
From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 3 , 1963 - 1964
From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 4, 1965 - 1967
In our Archives we have two minutes books, the first starts with the minutes of the initial meeting held on the 14th October 1954 & ends with minutes of the meeting held 11th March 1955.
The second (the red book) is missing pages from the front, with the first dated page from the minutes of the 26th April 1957 General meeting, & the final minutes in the book are from the 1978 Annual General Meeting. Later minutes are in 2 red books & 2 blue folders.
Minutes of the Bush Music Club, 14th October 1954 to 11th March, 1955 The minutes of the first 5 months of the Club are in a cheap school exercise book, written in pencil and pen and ink (ballpoint pens were new & expensive!) Alan Scott was elected as Secretary/Treasurer so probably wrote them up. They finish with the Minutes for 11th March, the date of the next meeting is written in, but the following pages have been torn out.
Red covered Minutes books have been used for a long time to keep Minutes safe & accessible, so our Red book probably continued on from the first Minutes book (a logical reason for not filling up the exercise book), but as the earliest pages are missing we'll never know. As some of the loose pages were out of order, I numbered every page.
The Red book includes General meetings from April 1957 to August 1970, and Annual General meetings from 1958 to 1978. Annual General Meetings were normally held in February or March.
The incomplete Minutes of the Conference held on the 9th of February (1957), at the Esperanto Hall, Milson's Pt., Sydney were included in front of the Red Minutes book, although they had never been pasted in. Perhaps the last page had been pasted in & the weight of these minutes tore them from the page????? (another supposition, not a fact.)
Neither the missing page/s from the Conference Minutes, nor the missing pages from the Red Minutes book have been found in Archives, so we have no record of meetings between 11th March 1955 and the incomplete minutes of the General Meeting on 26th April 1957.
Note - Minutes of meetings between 11 March 1955 & June 1957 appear not to have been taken - see From the Archives - Minutes of General Meeting from 26th June 1957 to august 1970 - Part 1, 1957-1959 Minutes of the General Meeting of The Bush Music Club Friday 26th June, 1957, p. 003. General Business - Mr Harry Kay moved that minutes be taken at General Meetings. Seconded Mr Alex Hood, Carried. (unfortunately Alex Hood does not remember this motion - phone call Jan 2021)
Dale Dengate has mentioned that in the early 60s the men often played music while the women conducted business - if it wasn't for the women, the club might have had no-where to meet, or even collapsed!
1 - 114 General Meeting 9-1-68 Chairman - Frank Maher. Present
: Thirty members. Minutes of previous meeting were read
& received. Motion H.Glendinning/J.Carlin - Carried. The
Executive Report was read & received. Motion
J.Wakefield/J.Carlin - Carried. No business arising. No General
business. Farewell to Chris Woodland. MC of 1967. The
President spoke on behalf of the Club praising th4ee work done by
Chris and M.C.; in particular his good work in developing
attendance at Tuesday night Club Meetings. A pewter mug
(inscribed) was presented to Chris by the President. Chris thanked
the Club & said he would never forget the friends he had made
through his association with the B.M.C. signatures F.Maher & D.Dengate
2. 114A - Report to General Meeting from Executive
Jan 68. The Executive set about planning another active year for
the Bush Music Club. Dates decided upon will be found in a
Newsletter now being printed. Three "Singabout"evenings are
planned on Saturday 23rd March with an Irish theme, Sat 15th
June with a Lawson theme and Sat 12th October to celebrate our
14th Anniversary. Beer and Cheese nights have been planned each
month to celebrate famous Australians or Australian events, the
first being on Tuesday 23rd January for the Australia Day
commemorations. A picnic is to be held on Sunday 18th February,
1968 with an evening campfire to follow if there are not fire
restrictions. The Secretary reported difficulty in |
3. 114B - contacting Mr. R. Robinson so that the National Song
Competition could be finalised. The Treasurer reported that
during Nov-Dec the Expenses were $69.92. (printing of "Singabout"
not yet paid for) Credit was $215.68 and the Bank Balance stood at
$615.68. It was moved that we adopt the practice of not sending a
receipt for bills paid by cheque unless asked for, Membership fee to
pay for subscriptions excepted. The Editor reported that "Singabout"
Vol 2, no. 6 is out, and two are planned for this year. The Editors are
compiling material but need more., especially serious articles. The
Concert Party leader reported continued activity and the acceptance of
invitations to functions at Gulgong & Tuena. |
4. 114C - The resignation of Chris Woodland from the position of MC was
regretfully received. It was moved that the rotating M.C. system be
adopted till the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting and
election of 1968 officers is to be held Tuesday 20th February, 1968. |
5. 116 - Minutes of General Meeting 13-2-68 Chairman : H. Glendinning. Present : 20 members. Minutes of previous
meeting read & received. Motion - Wendy Brooks/Caroline Purser
Carried. Motion - Lindsay Thompkins/Brenda O'Connor - Carried. No
general business or business arising from the previous reports, so
meeting closed 8.30pm. Typed report is 2nd page of AGM minutes on pp.117 & 118, p.119 newsletter |
6. 120 - General Meeting 11-3-68 & General Meeting 2-4-68 General Meeting 11-3-68 Chairman
: Harry Glendinning Present : 20 members. Minutes
: of previous general meeting were read & received -
Motion E.Bolton/J.Dengate - Carried Correspondence
: Letter from Frank (?) of Gulgong read. The Report
from the Executive was read & received. Motion -
E.Bolton/J.Dengate - Carried. Amendments to the Constitution
: Notice of Motion had been given at Annual General Meeting
that : (1.) The Quorum for general meeting be established as
no less ten and a quorum for executive meetings be four.
(2.) The article no. 4 (listing executive positions) be
altered to include the Concert Party leader. These amendments
were carried unanimously by the meeting. Meeting closed
8.30pm. D. Dengate signature General Meeting 2-4-68 Chairman : H.
Glendinning. Present : 25 members. Minutes of
previous general meeting were read and received - Motion
J.Meredith/E.Bolton - Carried. Correspondence : Read
& received, June 30th set as Sunday afternoon for
learning dances at Noreen Grunseits. Motion -
J.Dengate/J.Carlin - Carried. Discussion on letter
from Campbell McCausland. John Meredith mentioned that Fran
Shaw had a copy of Jim Graham's verse, but that the bulk of
Graham's verses did not lend itself to musical setting
although such items as "The man with the Concertina" are
worthwhile pieces.- |
7. 121 - General Business 2/4/68 General Meeting 7-5-68
General Business 2/4/68 - Motion J.Meredith/L. Abb -
Carried that raffles be held on beer & cheese nights, and that the
article raffled (book, record etc) be relevant to the event or person
being celebrated. Discussion on publications followed, Meeting closed
8.45pm. D.Dengate signature .
General Meeting 7-5-68 - Chairman : H. Glendinning. Present : 20 members. Minutes of previous meeting seen & received. Motion - Merro/Wendy Brookes - Carried. The Executive's report was read and received - Motion - Caroline Purser/Ken Greenhalgh - Carried. There was no business arising from this report. General Business.
John Meredith spoke on the next "Singabout" magazine. Although it has
been billed as a quarterly magazine in most years it has only been
possible to get out 2 copies. Distribution has been the main problem -
there are insufficient subscribers. He suggested that a much bigger
magazine be brought out once a year only (say a 50 page journal selling
at about 50cents.) The Newsletter could be used to cover topical news
and "Singabout" used exclusively for material for performers. John
Meredith said there was nothing against this idea in the Constitution.
Harry Glendinning said this might react against topical songs which
would be out of date by the time the annual magazine came out.
Broadside or utilisation of the Newsletter were suggested as a way out.
These songs are very ephemeral. Publications Manager Caroline Purser
expressed approval of Merro's idea. Merro closed with the opinion that
if it were necessary to change the constitution this should be seen to. Meeting closed 8.30pm.
122 - May 1968 Newsletter |
8. 123 - General Meeting 18th June, 1968 General Meeting 13/8/68 - General Meeting 18th June, 1968 - Chairman Eric Bolton. Present : 24. Minutes of previous general meeting were read & received. Motion - C.Purser/W.Brookes - Carried. The Report from the Executive
was read and received - Motion - P.Loughlin/John Robertson - Carried.
There was no business arising from this report. Janet Wakefield
referred to a mention of the Bush Music Club from "The Sydney Morning
Herald" in connection with the Dubliners. John Mredith read a paragraph
from the "Telegraph" mentioning the club in connection with the Fred
Lowrie ballad - probably sent by Jack Davenport. Alex Bowker spoke on
the 200th Anniversary of Cook's landing. He felt the Bush Music Club
should be included in any celebration. Merro spoke in favour of the
resolution. Alec also mentioned the Australian Christmas Carols and
expressed the opinion that they be should be sung more often. Meeting closed 8.30pm. Dale Dengate signatureGeneral Meeting 13/8/68 - Chairman
- Frank Maher. Present : 30. Minutes of previous general meeting were
read & received. Motion - Eric Bolton/Caroline Purser - Carried.
Business arising - none. Minutes of the Executive Meeting were read
& received. Motion - Jamie Carlin/Garry - Carried. Business arising
- none. General business - Janet Wakefield informed the meeting that a
caravan would be touring country towns over the school holidays with
the purpose of promoting peace through singing of folk songs.
Meeting closed 8.30pm. |
9. 123A 16/7/68 - 23A - General Meeting minutes - 16/7/68 Chairman Eric Bolton. Present 25. Minutes of previous general meeting were read & received. Motion Lindsay Thompson/ John Meredith - Carried. Executive's Report was read & received. There was no discussion arising from the report. General Business - Election
of Vice President - Maurice Matthias was elected unopposed. Lindsay
spoke on the matter of opening times - he felt that the Club should
begin at 8.0PM. John Meredith felt that the club should begin at 7.0PM.
As we have no access to the hall before 7.45PM John Meredith moved
that the Fellowship of Aust. Writers be approached again telling them that
we cannot function under present circumstances. Sec. Lindsay -
Carried. Meeting closed 8.30. signature D.Dengate124 - Newsletter August 1968
10. 125 - General Meeting September - November 68 General Meeting September - Chairman - Eric Bolton. Present - 20. Minutes of previous general meeting and executive meeting read and received. Motion - W.Brookes/J.Carlin - Carried. There being no discussion arising from the reports. Meeting closed 8.30PM signature W.Brookes
November 68 General Meeting Nov '68. Mins of last meeting rec'd & read. Motion G.Hill/J.Dengate Mins from Exec meeting read & recd, Treasurers report $810.10 in Bank. Suggestion : That a comm. be formed to organise suitable functions to celebrate 15th Anniversary. Discussion on Hon Life Membership. It was suggested that J.Barry and J.Carlin be made Life Members. Motion that J. Barry be made hon. Life Member - Mov'd J.Hill J.Dengate. Jamie Carlin Life Membership, Mov F.Maher R. Carlin Sec. J.Dengate sec E. Piper(?) Campfire Balls Head Nov 15th. Invitation by G.Hill (?) to Poetry Soc. at C.E.N.F. for further information see George(?) at Club. Nov. Newsletter. Meeting closed at 8.30 pm & Normal club activities commenced.Chairman E.Bolton. Members present 20. signature C.Purser
125A - Newsletter November 1968 |
11. 126 - 1969 - Minutes of the General meeting 14/1/69 - Chairman : Morris Matthias. Present : 18. Minutes of previous general meeting were read and accepted. Motion - Caroline Purser/Kath Anderson - Carried. Business arising : none. Executive report was read and received. Motion - Wendy Brookes/Caroline Purser. General Business
(1) Janet Wakefield asked whether it would be possible to track
amounts ie. proceeds from the sale of Stan Wakefield Songbook "Songs of
Australia", and what has been forwarded to the A.I.C.D. (2)
Subscribers' List : Motion - Tony McLoughlan/Wendy Brookes. - That the
subscriptions to "Singabout" should be stopped and that publication
should be brought out only when the editor has sufficient and suitable
material. (3) Premises - The lease for present building expires on
312st March '69. New rooms are being inspected by the F.A.W. at the
Miners Federation blg 11 Market St. These seem very suitable to our
needs as they are larger although rent will be doubled and assistance
both financially and personally as in cleaning & painting will be
necessary. The meeting decided the executive be given permission to go
to the Fellowship and accept terms for new premises. Motion - Noel
Ricketts/Caroline Purser - Carried. (4) Bill Tovey suggested tea &
coffee be provided on beer and cheese nights. Meeting closed 9 PM. signatures D. Dengate (sec) & F. Maher 16/2/69 A.I.C.D. - Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament today
126A - Newsletter January 1969 127 A, B, C, 128 - AGM 18th February
12. 129 - General Meeting 11-3-69 Chairman : Frank Maher. No general meeting minutes were read. Report from the last executive meeting read. Motion - Eric Bolton/Brian Haylett that this report be received. Business arising
: Registration of Bush Music Club Newsletter for transmission in the
past as a periodical. Motion - John Dengate/Eric Bolton - that "We will
publish a periodical to be known as "Bush Music Club Newsletter".
Issues to be made at least quarterly and all copies posted to the
private address of members or contributors will be forwarded regularly.
The price of Ten cents per issue to be included in the annual
subscriptions (or contributions) An amount of $1-00 [one dollar] per
annum shall be set apart for the journal from each members' annual
subscription. This amount shall be separately accounted for in the books
of account, and be duly audited. signatures Dale Dengate (secretary)
13. 131 - General Meeting 29-4-69
Chairman : Frank Maher Meeting held in club rooms 52 Clarence St
Sydney. Members present : 22. Minutes of previous meeting were read
and received. Motion - Wendy Brookes/Eleanor Piper - Carried. Business
arising : In order to register the Newsletter for transmission through
the post as a periodical, the P.M.G. requires some alterations. 1.)
Two staples not one on the left hand side. 2.) Full title on the
second page, not an abbreviation. 3.) the wrapper has one letter
continuing onto the right hand side, and there must be no printing
except the postal imprint on the right hand side. Report from the
Executive was read and received. Motion - Barbara Gibbons/Roger
Beeston - Carried. Business arising : (1.) Typewriter, Motion - John
Dengate/Caroline Matthias - Carried. That the club buy one typewriter to
be used for assisting with the preparation of "Singabout" and special
publications. Money from the Cultural Grant is to be so used because it
is from the sales and utilisation of these publications that the
traditional songs are most effectively taught and disseminated. (2.)
Tape recorder ' Motion - Wendy Brookes/Roger Beeston - Carried. That
the Club buy one Tape recorder. Cultural Grant money is again to be used
as the Club's raison d'etre is the collection and preservation of
traditional, orally-transmitted material; for this a tape recorder is
essential. (3.) Waratah Festival ; Motion - John Dengate/Wendy Brookes
- Carried. That the Club take part in the Waratah Festival October
6th. No Genera Business so meeting closed at 8.45pm. |
14. 132 - General Meeting 13.5.69. General Meeting 2-6-68. General Meeting 7-7-69. Chairman
: Morris Matthias. Meeting held at club rooms 52 Clarence St,
Sydney. Members present : 15. Minutes of the previous meeting were
read and received. Motion - Caroline Matthias/Eleanor Piper - Carried.
Report from the Executive read and received. Motion - J.Carlin/Wilma
Bolton - Carried. Business arising : Royalties - Jamie moved that the
new motion concerning royalties be put to Janet Wakefield before further
discussion. sec. Eric Bolton - carried. No General Business so the
meeting closed at 8.30pm.
General Meeting 2-6-68 Chairman
: Frank Maher. Minutes were not read as minute book was not at the
Club rooms. Report from the Executive was read and received. Motion -
J.Carlin/J.Dengate - Carried. There was no business arising so the
meeting closed 8.45pm General Meeting 7-7-69 Chairman
Morris Matthias. The Report from the Executive meeting of 4-7-69 was
read and received. Motion - J.Carlin/J.Dengate - Carried. 1. Dance
Day at Noreens on Sunday 10th August. 2. Tape Recorder has been
purchased - but needs attention. 3. Jamie Carlin is to be liason (sic)
officer for Waratah Festival procession 11th October. 4. This date
clashes with the Bathurst weekend so Bathurst has to be cancelled. 5.
Treasurers' report Bank Statement for July is $941.45. 6. Concert
Party has been very busy with engagements and work for the record. Meeting closed 8.45PM |
15. 133 - General Meeting : 2/9/69 - Chairman : Frank Maher. Present : 26. Minutes from the previous meeting were read & received. Motion - E.Bolton/J.Dengate - Carried. Correspondence : 3 letters of thanks to the Concert Party. Read and received. Motion - John Dengate/Wilma Bolton - Carried. Report from Executive to General Meeting was read & received. Motion - Brian Loughlin/Noel Ricketts - Carried. Business arising
: 1. That 50 percent of profits from "Singabout" be given as a donation
to the Port Jackson Folk Festival, as the Bush Music Club intends to
support the Pt. Jackson F.F. to fullest possible. Motion - Brian
Loughlin/Eric Hagget - Carried. 2. That a donation of $25.00 be sent to
the Captain Cook Art Gallery Restoration funds. Motion -
W.Bolton/E.Bolton - Carried. NOTICE OF MOTION : that is to be added
to the Constitution : "The Bush Music Club supports the principles of
conservation of flora and fauna & national resources. General Business
: 1. Brian Loughlin informed us that "New Theatre's" next production
would be "Reedy River" and auditions were being held 7.30pm Thursday -
parts for 42 people. Dick Diamond now lives in Sydney and is willing
to listen to suggestions. The producer is to be J. Armstrong. 2. Alex
Bowker reminded us all that it was the anniversary of Henry Lawson's
death. Later several of his poems were sung and played. Meeting closed
9pm. signature Dale Dengate. |
16. 134 - General Meeting 23/9/69. General Meeting 21/10/69. General Meeting 23/9/69. Chairman : Morris Matthias. Present : 20. Minutes of previous meeting read and received. Motion - E.Bolton/C.Matthias - Carried. Business arising
: Amendment to the constitution discussed. Alex Bowker spoke in favour
and Jamie supported his motion. This was seconded by Eric Bolton -
Carried. Minutes of the Executive meeting read and received. Motion - E.Bolton/W.Bolton - Carried. Business arising.
Singabout night mentioned - a reminder to all that the Singabout was
the following Saturday 27 September. Alex Bowker expressed his
willingness to attend Singabout and to lend his support. General Business - Jamie referred to the Waratah Festival and the need to prepare our float. Meeting closed at 8.30PM.
General Meeting 21/10/69. Chairman Morris Matthias.
Minutes of previous general meeting read and received. Motion - Dave
Small/Wendy Brookes. Business arising : none. Executive's report to
the meeting read and received. Motion - Dave Small/Ronda Carlin.
Business arising : 1.) The matter of Victoria's Tradition erroneously
announcing the reprinting of the Kelly Book was brought up, Jamie Carlin
informed the meeting of the history of the publication. 2.) The
tentative programme of the Port Jackson Folk Festival was discussed -
the B.M.C. is not mentioned. J. Dengate moved that we contact the
Festival Committee and offer to conduct a workshop on one of a number of
specific topics. Dave small seconded the motion which was defeated
after long |
17. 135 - General Meeting 21/10/69 (cont ) Meeting was reminded of the 15th Anniversary dinner on Friday 24th October.
135 (cont), 136, 136A, 137 1970 AGM, 138 - Calendar 1971, 139 blank, 140 (top) 1970 AGM. |
18. 140 - General Meeting 23-3-70. Chairman : Ken Greenhalgh. Apologies : D. Dengate. Minutes of previous meeting were read & received - Motion - J.Dengate/E.Thornhill - Carried. Business Arising - Nil. The Report from the Executive Committee was read & received. Motion - J.Carlin/N. Ricketts - Carried.
General Business (1.) Notice of Motion from Annual General Meeting -
As the motion consisted of two separate ideas, it was divided into two
- Part (a) That fifty percent of all the Club's proceeds from "Songs
of Australia" be in future donated to A.I.C.D. Motion - Janet
Wakefield/John Dengate - Carried. Part (b) That this procedure be made
retrospective to date of publication - not carried. 2. Moved that a
donation be given to A.I.C.D. (in addition to 50% share) Motion - D.
Dengate/E.Thornhill. Meeting closed 9.15PM
A.I.C.D. - Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament, today |
19. 141 General Meeting 12th August 1970 - Minutes of General Meeting held Tuesday 11th August 1970 at new premises, 8th Floor Sydney Tech, Railway Square Sydney. Chairman - Frank Maher. Apologies K. Greenhalgh, Noel Ricketts. The minutes of previous meetings were read. 1. Business
- Singabout 26.9.70. M.C. - J.Carlin to write to Alan Scott requesting
that he M.C. Motion - F.Maher/E.Bolton. Door - F.Maher.
Refreshments - D.Dengate & R.Carlin. B.W.I.U. Hall Key - L.
Barnicoat. 2. Motion that no alcohol be brought into B.W.I.U. Hall on
Singabout nights as we may lose hall. Motion - J.Dengate/E.Bolton -
Carried. 3. Applications for Secretary were called. L. Barnicoat was
only nomination - Motion - E.Bolton/J.Ca rlin - Carried. 4. The motion
that an advertisment be placed in Amusements section of Sydney Morning
Herald advising of new premises. Motion W.Fahey/J.Dengate - Carried. Correspondence
- Letter from Sydney Committee of Waratah Spring Festival regarding
our participation in the pageant in October. Discussion followed and it
was decided not to participate. Discussion regarding making an effort
to have meetings commence at 8PM Sharp took place. Meeting declared
closed at 9.00PM. |
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