Wednesday, 8 January 2025

From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 4 - 1965 - 1967

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From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 1, 1957-1959.

From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 from August 1970 - Part 2, 1960 - 1962

From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 3 , 1963 - 1964

From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 5, 1968 - 1970

In our Archives we have two minutes books, the first starts with the minutes of the initial meeting held on the 14th October 1954 & ends with minutes of the meeting held 11th March 1955.

The second (the red book) is missing pages from the front, with the first dated page from the minutes of the 26th April 1957 General meeting, & the final minutes in the book are from the 1978 Annual General Meeting.

Minutes of the Bush Music Club, 14th October 1954 to 11th March, 1955 The minutes of the first 5 months of the Club are in a cheap school exercise book, written in pencil and pen and ink (ballpoint pens were new & expensive!) Alan Scott was elected as Secretary/Treasurer so probably wrote them up. They finish with the Minutes for 11th March, the date of the next meeting is written in, but the following pages have been torn out.

Red covered Minutes books have been used for a long time to keep Minutes safe & accessible, so our Red book probably continued on from the first Minutes book (a logical reason for not filling up the exercise book), but as the earliest pages are missing we'll never know. As some of the loose pages were out of order, I numbered every page.

The Red book includes General meetings from April 1957 to August 1970, and Annual General meetings from 1958 to 1978. Annual General Meetings were normally held in February or March.  Later minutes are in 2 red books & 2 blue folders.

The incomplete Minutes of the Conference held on the 9th of February (1957), at the Esperanto Hall, Milson's Pt., Sydney were included in front of the Red Minutes book, although they had never been pasted in. Perhaps the last page had been pasted in & the weight of these minutes tore them from the page????? (another supposition, not a fact.)

Neither the missing page/s from the Conference Minutes, nor the missing pages from the Red Minutes book have been found in Archives, so we have no record of meetings between 11th March 1955 and the incomplete minutes of the General Meeting on 26th April 1957.

Note -  Minutes of meetings between 11 March 1955 & June 1957 appear not to have been taken - see From the Archives - Minutes of General Meeting from 26th June 1957 to august 1970 - Part 1, 1957-1959   Minutes of the General Meeting of The Bush Music Club Friday 26th June, 1957, p. 003. General Business - Mr Harry Kay moved that minutes be taken at General Meetings. Seconded Mr Alex Hood, Carried.   (unfortunately Alex Hood does not remember this motion - phone call Jan 2021)

Dale Dengate has mentioned that in the early 60s the men often played music while the women conducted business -  if it wasn't for the women, the club might have had no-where to meet, or even collapsed! 

1.   088 - 26/01/65  Minutes read & accepted

Motion - Jamie Carlin/Don Francois  - copy of letter to Alberts be put in Newsletter to be sent to contacts(?) etc with covering note & copy sent to newspapers.
(nothing in Jan 65 newsletter, Oct is next surviving newsletter)
Motion - J .Wakefield/Anne Maher - delete second sentence from Alberts letter. George Hull/Chris Woodland - Crown Solicitor to be informed that certain material in the publication has been copyrighted - carried. Jan Jones resigned as Treasurer & it was agreed to leave money in hands of Pam Loughlin temporarily provided she is agreeable.  Motion - Anne Maher/George Hill - Stan Wakefield book be approved  as far as it has gone, i.e. the songs to be published by Southern Music all royalties in contract being payable to the Club. Motion - G. Hill/(seconded?) that J.Schiff be sent Newsletters for distribution at Edgar Water's class at the W.E.A.  Information from the Fellowship of Writers re legalities etc of copyright to be obtained by Sec. 
 Motion - Bill Tovey/George Hill -  that in future all money should be banked by the club within 14 days of receipt. 
Motion - Chris Woodland/Don Francois "Songs from Lawson" to be reprinted
Motion - George Hill /Alec Bowker  - Rex Whalan be appointed editor & Brian Loughlin Assistant Editor.

Janet Wakefield, Sec  & President (signature illegible)   (note - Anne Maher was elected at AGM)

2.    089 - 16/2/65   Minutes taken by Jack Wright

Minutes of last meeting  A.Bowker/Bill Tovey - carried.  Exec decided that royalties payable to Stan Wakefield song book be payable to Janet Wakefield if club should cease to exist. Correspondence received - Motion - John Meredith/Jamie Carlin - carried.  J.Wakefield/Bill Tovey - As Stan's songbook will now be published by Southern Music, £50 collected by club to be given to NSW Peace Committee - Carried.   Frank Maher is official delegate to the Mary Gilmore Centenary Committee.  Motion - J. Dengate/J.Meredith - Sec report be received - Carried.  Concert Party report Jamie Carlin.  Motion - J.Wakefield/J.Meredith - vote of thanks to the Wild Colonial Days Society - Carried  Motion - J.Wakefield/J.Carlin, that dates of meetings once published be unalterable - Carried. 
Motion - J.Carlin/J.Dengate we attempt to buy 20-25 Qld Centenary Song Books & Penguin Song Books & learn the songs throughout the year - Carried. 
Motion - J.Meredith/J.Dengate - club organise a competition for a national song suitable for use as an anthem - Carried.
J. Wakefield - Sec

PP . 90-95 - AGM March 23rd, 1965

3.    096a - 11/5/65 (Cont)

Paddington Arts Centre were having a festival in June & Concert Party was invited & members will be consulted. Motion - F. Maher/J.Wakefield that we buy 1 doz copies of "Australian Bush Ballads" by Meredith & Hill. Meeting closed. Janet Wakefield. Hon Sec.

4.     096b  8/6/65    Minutes taken by John Dengate

Minutes of previous meeting read - Motion - J.Carlin/J.Meredith - carried.  Correspondence - Waratah Spring Festival discussed. Concert Party invited to participate in minor(?) matters. Motion - P.Loughlin/J.Meredith - Carried.  ReportsSecretary - Display in Nicholson's - Motion - J.Meredith/J.Carlin - carried, John Meredith suggested that a live performance, as carried out previously, be offered to Nicholson's.  Treasurer - £100 in fixed deposit. Balance at April £118 - £93 royalties etc - £255 total balances in bank. Motion -  K.Fairey/J.Carlin - Carried.  Motion - J.Meredith suggested £100 on fixed deposit be transferred to the cheque account - Motion - J. Meredith/J. Wakefield - Carried.  J.Wakefield that the Treasurer find out which branch of the Commonwealth Bank the fixed deposit is in & transfer to the cheque account - Carried.  Concert Party - T.V. appointment on 10th, Channel 9. Paddington Town Hall later in the month for Paddington Arts Festival.  Motion - J.Wakefield/ P.Loughlin. That J. Carlin be in charge of inviting Concert Party members to dinner at above function.  Publications - Moved J.Carlin that "Songs of the Kelly Country" be placed in the hands of the editorial committee for additions, new material, editing. Seconded K.Fairey - Carried.   The cost was to be ascertained. 

5.     097  8/6/65 + 13/7/65 + 01/8/65

 8/6/65 cont.
Moved J.Wakefield /J.Carlin - legal documents pertaining to Stan Wakefield book be placed in hands of solicitor - Carried. Motion - P.Loughlin/J.Wakefield that Club proceed with publication of Songster - Carried.  Date of next Singabout Night to be 17/7/65.  National Song Competition to be discussed next meeting.
Meeting closed.  Janet Wakefield, Hon. Sec.

13/7/65 (Minutes taken by R. Bolton)   Meeting Opened 8.30pm, Alan Scott in chair.  Minutes of previous meeting were read. Moved - F.Maher/J.Meredith - Carried.  Moved J.Meredith that Song Competition be extended to Oct '66 to coincide with Club Anniversary. Seconded G.Maher - Carried.  Moved J.Carlin, seconded F.Maher that minutes of previous meeting be approved.  Publications Committee report: Magazine would be at printers in a few days.   Concert Party report - A full stint was not complete at Paddington Arts Festival due to a tent being blown down. 
Meeting closed 9.30.  Janet Wakefield , Hon. Sec
General Meeting 10/8/65  (Minutes taken by R. Bolton)
Moved J.Wakefield, seconded J.Carlin that R.Bolton be elected assistant Secretary in place of K.Davis who had gone to S.Australia - Carried.   It was suggested that the Secretary send six copies of "Singabout" magazine, with an appropriate letter to Linda McLean, Duke Tritton's daughter, since the current issue contained an article on Duke. It was also suggested another Trustee be elected later. Meeting closed early.


6.    098 10/8/65 cont
 Janet Wakefield, Hon. Sec

(Note by Secretary: Owing to the general disinclination of the Club members, no general meeting was held in September)

12/10/65  Minutes taken by R.Bolton
Minutes of previous meeting read. Motion - J.Meredith/K.Rushbrook - Carried.  Correspondence - £33 royalties received from Southern Music.   "City Voices" requested our subscription - Motion - J.Meredith/K.Rushbrook - we do not subscribe. Carried.  Motion - J.Dengate/R.Bolton - correspondence be accepted - carried.  J.Carlin resigned as Concert Party organiser - taken over by R.Bolton.  Motion - J.Wakefield/J.Meredith - Treasurer's Report be accepted - Carried.  Motion - J.Dengate/J.Meredith Concert Party Report be accepted - Carried.   General Business - Motion -  P. Loughlin/J.Meredith - that executive look into brightening up the Club & call for cooperation.  Carried.  J. Carlin was nominated as Trustee by J.Meredith/J.Wakefield  - elected unopposed.   Motion - J.Wakefield/J.Dengate that Jamie Carlin be made an Honorary Life Member of the Club - Carried.  Motion - J.Meredith/J.Dengate that K. Rushbrook be elected Minutes & Assistant Secretary - Carried.  It was suggested Singabout feature a Ned Kelly theme.  Motion - J.Meredith/P. Loughlin that Singabout night be not held this year - Carried.  Motion - J.Meredith/R.Bolton that 19th October be a "Beer & Biscuits" night - Carried.
Janet Wakefield. Hon. Sec.

Note : No November meeting : President absent, Vice President resigned, Concert Party organiser gone to Tasmania, Editor, Treasurer, M.C. all absent and

7.  099 12/10/65 - cont

members disinclined for meeting.  Reasons for absences (illegible), University exams etc. Successful workshop nights were nevertheless held.)

8.  099    - 7/12/65   Minutes taken by R.Bolton
Minutes read - Motion J.Hill/A.Scott minutes be accepted - Carried.  Correspondence -  (a) Concert 15th December: Family choral concert by St George Choral Society.   (b) Exchange of Singabout & (illegible) was agreed to.  (c) Folk Singing by Vietnam Action Ctee: Invitation to B.M.C. to participate.    (d) 13th December : Town Hall Rally against war in Vietnam was announced.  Moved - Anne Banks/Eric Bolton that correspondence be received & endorsed. Carried.   Motion - G.Hill/Dilys Cross that the incoming executive proceed with co-ordination of certain social functions of the  B.M.C. & the Wild Colonial Days Historical Society - carried.   Reports  - A. Secretary's Report.   1. It was agrees that the Club should proceed with organising a display in Nicholson's around Australia Day, with possible themes of mining or Eureka. A call was made for photos & other material for this fortnight's display.   2. "This Week in Sydney", "Sydney Tourist Guide" & "Compass" will take our material for publication, free but the Govt. Tourist Bureau which issues the last named wanted three months' notice of functions. It was decided to leave to the incoming executive the matter of the P. & O. publicity which would cost £40 per year. Motion - Dilys Cross/George Hill that the Secretary's report be received, Carried.  It was decided to leave details of the reprinting of Lawson's songs & the re-issue of the Kelly Ballads to the incoming executive next year.
(email from Dale Dengate - exchange of Singabout & Sennachie…the Irish story teller. 
As I recall we often exchanged publication rather than money. 08/01/25)

9.    100   -  7/12/65 - cont

B.  Concert Party Report by E. Bolton.  November Hospital Fete, Parramatta. 26th Nov. International Chamber of Commerce function at St Ives, 1500 present.  Nov 27th Performance at function held by Ctee. for Aboriginal Advancement. December 3rd: Y.M.C.A. function. It was moved, seconded & carried that the organiser of the Concert Party, Eric Bolton, be congratulated on successfully carrying through so many performances of the Concert Party since he took over s short while back.  C. Treasurer's Report - since 24th  ? (date unknown) 1965 we have received £165-13-6. Treasurers report was received.   General Business - 1. The matter of appointing a Librarian was deferred,  2. Assistant Publications Manager was also deferred, but E. Bolton undertook to deliver "Singabouts" on order to 4 City stationers.  3. We have been complimented on the cleanliness of the hall after our functions.    4. A print table cloth, unfortunately auctioned with other material the previous month was discovered to have been a present to the Club. Recovery is pending.  5. Single Wattle records were to be sold after the meeting by Dilys Cross on behalf of the Club. A motion of thanks was carried.  6. It was moved, seconded & carried that the Kings Cross Labour Club be contacted with a view to co-operation with the concert Party.  Janet Wakefield, Sec.  Chairman (illegible signature)

10.  101  8/3/66 + 5/4/66 + 3/5/66

General Meeting 8/3/66   Present - Eric Bolton, George Hilton, Jan Briggs, Ed J(illegible), Kenna Rushmore, Kath Anderson, Chris EWodland & friend, John Robertson, Jamie Carlin, Janet Wakefield, John Dengate, Pam Loughlin, Neil Bolingmore, Carolyn Purser, Brenda O'Connor, Alan Scott, Anne Maher, Corrine Jones & others.  Mins were read of general meeting 7/12/65. Sec's & Exec reports received . Announcement re Irish night 6th March was made.   General Business.  The Exec recommended we go with the F.A.W. to their new premises, 189 Clarence Street in preference to 197 William Street. Motion - P. Loughlin/J.Dengate we stay with the Writers and if this proves unsatisfactory we approach the Kings X Social Club with a view to further consideration of their offer, and we should use their premises for Singabout nights.   Janet Wakefield, Sec.

General Meeting  5/4/66   Minutes taken by George Hill
5/- entry fee for (?) Song Competition. 2 verses and chorus, 3 judges - Carried.  Publicity - forms to be printed with newsletter - Carried.  New Club hours; 7-9 p.m. - Carried.  Wild Colonial Days Society & arrange a combined evening at the Kings X Labour Club as soon as possible - Carried.  The following Tues. was proposed for an Irish Night as a commemoration of the Easter Uprising  - Carried.  Letter from Frank Nickels(?) announced an Anzac week-end at Korryang (?) Hall.  Janet Wakefield, Sec

Gen. Meeting 3/5/66 (Mins taken by George Hill)
Mins read & accepted.   Sec's Report - National Song Competition dodgers were drawn up & sent out. No urgent correspondence

 11.   101  8/3/66 + 5/4/66 + 3/5/66

General Meeting 8/3/66   Present - Eric Bolton, George Hilton, Jan Briggs, Ed J(illegible), Kenna Rushmore, Kath Anderson, Chris EWodland & friend, John Robertson, Jamie Carlin, Janet Wakefield, John Dengate, Pam Loughlin, Neil Bolingmore, Carolyn Purser, Brenda O'Connor, Alan Scott, Anne Maher, Corrine Jones & others.  Mins were read of general meeting 7/12/65. Sec's & Exec reports received . Announcement re Irish night 6th March was made.   General Business.  The Exec recommended we go with the F.A.W. to their new premises, 189 Clarence Street in preference to 197 William Street. Motion - P. Loughlin/J.Dengate we stay with the Writers and if this proves unsatisfactory we approach the Kings X Social Club with a view to further consideration of their offer, and we should use their premises for Singabout nights.   Janet Wakefield, Sec.

General Meeting  5/4/66   Minutes taken by George Hill
5/- entry fee for (?) Song Competition. 2 verses and chorus, 3 judges - Carried.  Publicity - forms to be printed with newsletter - Carried.  New Club hours; 7-9 p.m. - Carried.  Wild Colonial Days Society & arrange a combined evening at the Kings X Labour Club as soon as possible - Carried.  The following Tues. was proposed for an Irish Night as a commemoration of the Easter Uprising  - Carried.  Letter from Frank Nickels(?) announced an Anzac week-end at Korryang (?) Hall.  Janet Wakefield, Sec

Gen. Meeting 3/5/66 (Mins taken by George Hill)Mins read & accepted.   Sec's Report - National Song Competition dodgers were drawn up & sent out. No urgent correspondence

12.   102  3/5/66/ cont  + 14/6/66 + 2/8/66

3/5/66/ cont  - M.C.'s report - Ben Hall Beer & Cheese Night 10th May.  Henry Lawson Beer & Cheese Night  21st June.   Performers were requested to rehearse.  Publications:  "Tradition"  "Songs of Australia"  etc were tabled
Janet Wakefield Sec,  E.Bolton (signature) 

14/6/66 - 7pm Minutes were read, received & adopted.  Sec's report, including correspondence - It was suggested that Wendy Brooks be co-opted on to Exec. as assistant secretary & editor.  Executive announcements were : Lawson night 21/6; Eureka & Mary Gilmore night in December; an intended trip to Mudgee; a combined function with the the Kings Cross Labour & Social Club.  A Newsletter working bee was arranged for 11am the following Saturday.  Motion - G.Hill/J.Wakefield that mechanical royalties "Songs of Australia" go to Club & book or manuscript royalties go to A.I.C.D. - Carried.  General Business - Cleaning of rooms after club nights was stressed. Floor to be left clean.  We have been asked to get rid of our small cupboard.
Meeting closed 7.30pm. Janet Wakefield, Sec.  Eric Bolton (signature)

 A.I.C.D. - Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament,

2/8/66   - Opened 7.30pm     Mins taken by Kath Anderson. Chairman John Meredith.  Motion - Chris Woodland/Alan Scott minutes of previous meeting be adopted.  Correspondence & Sec's Report  Working bee (Painting) next Sat.   Motion - K.Anderson/H.Glendenning - Sec's report be adopted.  Social Club Report by Chris Woodland on the


 page 102B - Newsletter 1966

13.  103    2/8/66 cont     6/9/66
 2/8/66 cont  Singabout night held at the Kings X Labour & Social Club. Keith Anderson suggested a note of thanks be sent to Sylvia Salisbury & Harry Kay for their assistance at Singabout night.   GEN BUSINESS - Workshop nights in future to begin promptly.  Liz Greenfield has asked 3/- per night for use of radiator : John Meredith considered we did not need radiators.  Meeting closed 7.40pm  Janet Wakefield, Sec. signature of Eric Bolton

6/9/66  Moved J.Meredith/Chris Woodland that minutes of previous meeting be adopted  Carried.  Correspondence was read. The Club was to again take part in the annual pilgrimage to the Lawson statue, organised by F.A.W.   The recommendations by Eric which were endorsed by the members were : John Meredith to assist M.C.,  Publications Manager to be asked to be present at next exec. meeting.  Advertisements were to be placed in the "Herald" & the "Australian" re National Song Competition.  Judges for the competition were : Doreen Jacobs, Paul Williams, Roland Robinson. 
# There was a discussion against buying a building on the South Coast #. 
Assistant Treasurer's Report : Motion  John Meredith/F.Maher that the motion be accepted - Carried.  General Business -  John Meredith suggested having a Chinese Banquet in Dixon Street, to celebrate the Club's 12th Birthday.  A show of hands indicated that members were interested, John Meredith undertook to enquire as to the date & cafe. Motion - John Meredith/George Hill that entertaiments committee collect subs. for Banquet evening - Carried.  Meeting closed 7.40pm. Janet Wakefield, Sec. 

# - There was a discussion against buying a building on the South Coast # 
From Chris Woodand, 12 Jan 25 - I can’t recall that discussion and motion, but there is a possibility it centred on the property in North Kangaroo Valley which was eventually bought by a group of folkie-type people (what’s that mean?), which included Denis Kevins.


14.  104 
General Meeting 18/10/66 : Not Held
General Meeting 11/66 : "
General Meeting 13/12/66 : "
104B & 104C 
Newsletter 1967
105 - AGM 1967 

15.  106 4/4/76 General Meeting 4/4/67  Chairman: Harry Glendinning - Moved B.O'Connor/R.Brooks That the minutes of the Annual General Meeting as read be accepted.  Carried.  Report on Executive Meeting held 3/4/67 was given to members. Moved J.Dengate/S.Smal.    That J.Carlin be nominated as Assistant Secretary - Carried.   Miss B. O'Connor was nominated as Librarian, but declined. Position was deferred.  The possibility of holding a "Singabout" night on 1st or 8th July was discussed.  General Business :  Treasurer B. Gibbons reported that the Club's finances stand at $500. 
D. Dengate (Sec)
106A  & 106B April 1967 Newsletter

16. 107  9/5/67 General Meeting - Chairman : Harry Glendenning  Moved C.Woodland/J.Meredith - Carried.  That minutes of previous meeting as read be adopted.   Report from Executive Meeting 1.5.67 was read.   Correspondence from A.I.C.D. (Disarmament Committee) was received and tabled.   General Business: John Meredith in reference to the centenary of Lawson's birth  told meeting of a three (3) volume edition of Lawson's works (de luxe) by G. Mann, published by Angus and Robertson. He moved that the club purchase a set and raffle same. Sec. Bert Rowe - Carried.  Meeting closed 8.15 immediately followed by usual workshop night.   D. Dengate (sec)  

17.  108     General Meeting 6/6/67   Chairman ; Harry Glendinning   Motion - C.Purser/W.Brooks that minutes of previous meeting as read be adopted.  Carried.   Report from Executive meeting  2.6.67 was read and discussed. Motion - C.Woodland/J.Meredith that the report be accepted. It was suggested by the Chairman that Saturday 17th June, 3pm be spent at Lawson Memorial in the Domain, thence to Harry's place. John Meredith suggested we contact the A.B.C."What's On in Sydney Session" to inform them of this pilgrimage and our other functions.Motion - J.Meredith/J.Dengate - Carried.   Treasurers Report : Assets $477.01.  Debit $32.32. Postage 6.32.  Rent to end of June 22.50   Newsletter 3.50 That the Treasurers Report be accepted - Motion B. Loughlin/J.Meredith  - Carried.   Concert Party Report was given and accepted.  Motion - E.Bolton/H.Glendinning  - Carried. General Business : Singabout Magazine to be taken to "Wild. Col. Days Soc" on Wednesday 14th.  John Meredith asked that B.M.C. flag's location be sought and found. The Flag is at Mahers  Meeting closed 8.30pm.  Workshop night continued. D. Dengate.


18.   109  General Meeting of the Bush Music Club 11/7/67 
: 22 members.  Chairman : Harry Glendinning.  Meeting opened 8.15pm. Minutes of the last meeting were read, discussed and received. Motion - D.Small/J.Carlin - Carried  The Executive Report was read by the acting secretary, and accepted.  Motion - J.Meredith/D.Small - Carried.  Mrs J.Wakefield was made an Honorary Life Member on the Stan Wakefield Night, because of her conscientious service to the club, was put to th meeting.  Motion - C.Woodland/Wendy Brooks - Carried.  Chris Woodland spoke on the subject of "On Stage Vietnam" and mentioned 10 seats were being held for the club.  Alex Bowker informed the Club that the "Eddie Ward Welfare Centre" was holding it's Ninth Anniversary party on 24th July at Paddo Town Hall, to which the B.M.C. were invited.  Meeting closed 8.30pm.  D Dengate
109B - Newsletter July 1967 


19.   110 General Meeting 8/8/67  Chairman: Harry Glendinning   Present: 23 members.   Minutes of last general meeting read & received . Motion - J.Meredith/K.Anderson - Carried.  Executive's Report was read.  DiscussionFilm Evening - Wild Colonial Days Soc. meeting pending, we wait their decision re films. Alternative film title suggested by J. Meredith, original "Sentimental Bloke" as a possibility instead of "Three in One."  Motion - Chris Woodland/J.Meredith - Carried.  that individual representatives be encouraged to attend but that it was impossible to send an official party to the Port Phillip Festival.  Executive's  report accepted.   General Business -  Jamie's Party - a reminder that it was on Friday. Newsletters were handed out to anyone present who had not received one.  
Meeting closed 8.30pm  D.Dengate  

20.  111  General Meeting 19/9/67Chairman: Harry Glendinning.  Present : 26 members.  Minutes of last general meeting read & received.  Motion B.Rowe/J.Meredith - Carried.  Business arising  The Wild Colonial Days Soc. can supply a projector and projectionist but we must pick them up.  Date changed to Friday 3rd November, from 27th which clashes with W.Col.D.Soc meeting.  Report from the Executive read & discussed - Singabout ; 14th October.  Helpers required after supper, but no names taken.  Bathurst trip : The chairman emphasised that club members would be welcome to support the Concert Party.  Executive report received.  Motion- Caroline Purser/Wendy Brookers.  Treasurer absent so no report.   Motion - B.Rowe/J.Carlin that Bushwalkers Group be invited to Beer & Cheese nights.  D. Dengate


21.  112A  - September Newsletter  - 112B  General Meeting 7th November 1967. All reports from the various officers of the Executive showed that the club was running smoothly & successfully. The Treasurer's Report for Sept-Oct was particularly pleasing showing : Expenses at $87-66, Income $284-10. Bank Balance at $619-13.  The Concert Party had again been active performing in Engadine, Bathurst, Hyde Park during Waratah Festival & individuals contributed to the Folk Conference, The last Club meeting for 1967 will be Tues, 19th December and workshop nights will resume on Tues. 9th January, 1968.  The Annual Campfire is to be held at Ball's Head from 5pm to 11.30 pm on 18th November. A reminder is given to all who attend that no bottles, tops or other litter is to be left on the site.  The film night has been postponed till early 1968.  A picnic again at Prince Edward Park is proposed for Sun Jan 14th, 1968. 


22.   113 General Meeting 7th November 1967

Chairman : Harry Glendinning. Present : 25 members.  Minutes of last general meeting were read and received.  Motion - J.Meredith/W.Brooks Executives' Report was read, including 3 letters  - (1) Letter from Gulgong. The Concert Party has decided to accept the invitation from Gulgong. The B.M.C. judge the Lawson Song Competition on condition that the Gulgong Community Centre Committee run & promote the competition, and that entries comply with the following condition - a melody line of music be written out.  (2) Port Phillip Folk Festival - An invitation to any individual who can attend is given, but the Concert Party is already engaged. (3) New Zealand Folkloric Society (New Zealand Folklore Society). The reason for the postponement of the film night was given.  Motion B.Rowe/J.Carlin that Executive report received.  General Business - Harry spoke on the progress of Kelly Night next week. Meeting closed at 8.30pm D.Dengate

Treasurers Report  for Sept-Oct 1967.  Expenses $87.66,  Income $234-10.
Bank Balance remains at $619-13



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