Sunday, 5 January 2025

From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 2 1960 to 1962

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From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 1, 1957-1959.

From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 3 , 1963 - 1964

From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 4, 1965 -1967

From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 5, 1968 - 1970

In our Archives we have two minutes books, the first starts with the minutes of the initial meeting held on the 14th October 1954 & ends with minutes of the meeting held 11th March 1955.

The second (the red book) is missing pages from the front, with the first dated page from the minutes of the 26th April 1957 General meeting, & the final minutes in the book are from the 1978 Annual General Meeting.

Minutes of the Bush Music Club, 14th October 1954 to 11th March, 1955 The minutes of the first 5 months of the Club are in a cheap school exercise book, written in pencil and pen and ink (ballpoint pens were new & expensive!) Alan Scott was elected as Secretary/Treasurer so probably wrote them up. They finish with the Minutes for 11th March, the date of the next meeting is written in, but the following pages have been torn out.

Red covered Minutes books have been used for a long time to keep Minutes safe & accessible, so our Red book probably continued on from the first Minutes book (a logical reason for not filling up the exercise book), but as the earliest pages are missing we'll never know. As some of the loose pages were out of order, I numbered every page.

The Red book includes General meetings from April 1957 to August 1970, and Annual General meetings from 1958 to 1978. Annual General Meetings were normally held in February or March.  Later minutes are in 2 red books & 2 blue folders.

The incomplete Minutes of the Conference held on the 9th of February (1957), at the Esperanto Hall, Milson's Pt., Sydney were included in front of the Red Minutes book, although they had never been pasted in. Perhaps the last page had been pasted in & the weight of these minutes tore them from the page????? (another supposition, not a fact.)

Neither the missing page/s from the Conference Minutes, nor the missing pages from the Red Minutes book have been found in Archives, so we have no record of meetings between 11th March 1955 and the incomplete minutes of the General Meeting on 26th April 1957.

Note -  Minutes of meetings between 11 March 1955 & June 1957 appear not to have been taken - see From the Archives - Minutes of General Meeting from 26th June 1957 to august 1970 - Part 1, 1957-1959   Minutes of the General Meeting of The Bush Music Club Friday 26th June, 1957, p. 003. General Business - Mr Harry Kay moved that minutes be taken at General Meetings. Seconded Mr Alex Hood, Carried.   (unfortunately Alex Hood does not remember this motion - phone call Jan 2021)

Dale Dengate has mentioned that in the early 60s the men often played music while the women conducted business -  if it wasn't for the women, the club might have had no-where to meet, or even collapsed! 


028 Flyer for Singabout nights June, September & November 1960


029a - 
GM 29-03-1960 - GM 26-04-1960

General meeting 29-03-1960 - Executive present - S. Wakefield, M. Davies, A. Scott, F. Shaw, F. Maher, N. Jorgenson. Apologies J. Meredith. Chairman A. Scott. Correspondence: read & received. General Business: plans needed to increase membership, advertise in magazines with good circulations such as Bulletin, The Land, Sydney Morning Herald, Country Womens Assn, etc. Moved - A. Scott, seconded S. Wakefield. carried. A Symposium of Copyright on Australian Folklore and Music to be held by Fellowship of Australian Writers, May 14, 1960. Subjects - Should folksongs be subject to copyright, rights of collector, performer & publisher. A Parliamentary Sub-Committee is reviewing Copyright Act. Motion BWIU hall to be hired for Singabouts nights in June, September & November. Motion - S. Wakefield/A. Scott. carried. Motion - Club to order 1doz. Queensland Pocket Song Books. Gay Scott/Stan Wakefield, carried. F. Maher Assistant Secretary 
... The British Copyright Act 1911 continued to apply in Australia until the Australian Copyright Act 1968 ...  (this act followed the 1958 review)

General meeting 26-04-1960 - Chairman - Alan Scott, Executive Present S. Wakefield, M. Davies, A. Scott, F. Maher, H. Meredith, N. Jorgenson. Correspondence: 1. Letter from BWIU, June & September are available, December is not. They suggest 19th November. 2. Letter from Orange Festival of Arts asking if Concert Party is available Six Hour Day weekend for a Festival of Banjo Paterson, expenses will be paid while they were there. Business arising out of Correspondence: 1. November date is acceptable - Motion John Meredith/Stan Wakefield. Carried. 2. Concert Party has been in recess for a few months, Executive recommended it be re-formed & Orange Festival to be asked it they will also pay fares. General Business: Billabong Band will be in Sydney for a week & Gay suggested they be invited to attend the Copyright Symposium. Club hold a "Meet the Billabong Band" night on 21st May. Meeting closed. Frank Maher, Assistant Secretary.

General Meeting 31-5-60


030a General meeting 31-05-1960 - Executive present - Alan Scott, Stan Wakefield, Margot Davies, Frank Maher, John Meredith, apologies Noreen Grunseit, Fran Shaw. Correspondence included offer from Orange Centenary Festival (Banjo Paterson Festival) to cover full expenses for 6 members - Alan Scott, Jack Barrie, Jamie Carlin, Gay Scott, Sam Ramsey, Jan Jones, with Alan as Concert Party organiser. After the festival they would discuss the possibility of Concert Party reforming again. General business - decision to print 1000 copies of Singabout program for 1960

030b Banjo Patterson Festival notes - BMC was invited to perform at an "Old Time Bush Concert" ... interviewed by local radio station, and performed at a picnic at Lake Canabolas ... Concert was compared by Alan Scott at Orange School of Arts Hall.

030c Banjo Patterson Festival program P1 - Banjo Paterson Festival, Orange Centenary Year, Old Time Bush Concert, Saturday October 8, 1960
030d Banjo Patterson Festival program P2 - 031 Central Western Mail, Mon Oct 10, 1960


032 General meeting 23-09-1960 - Executive present - Alan Scott, Margot Davies, Jamie carlin, Stan Wakefield, Fran Shaw, Frank Maher, John Meredith, Noreen Jorgensen and other members. Correspondence - Alan Scott said that Concert Party would be folding after the Orange trip ... he was of the opinion that it would probably reform again in the new year. General Business - Singabout of 10th Dec featuring Bold Jack Donahoe went well, The Rambleers were along in force & performed well, £9.15.0 was collected. Theme for Singabout of 19th Nov will be Ned Kelly & Eddie Penzig will be asked for display of convict irons and old guns. Alan Scott proposed we issue 3 newsletters before end of year. Carried. Rex Whalan is also a member of NGUNIGAN Club & proposed this club & BMC have a film and social night. Carried. Jan James in plaster after a fall so Frank Maher will take her place in Concert Party.
036 General meetings 25-10-1960 Executive present - N. Jorgensen, S. Wakefield, J. Meredith, J. Carlin, F. Maher, M. Davies. Correspondence: Topic Records in London want an ad in Singabout. Letter from old timer Dan Sheahan of Qld, originator of a current popular song The Pub with no beer. Royalties £5.10.0 from Southern Music Publishing & £3.17.9 from Festival records. Business arising: John Meredith re Topic, publish a review. John Meredith wrote to Dan Sheahan asking permission to publish Pub with no Beer in original form in Singabout. General Business: Alan Scot will report on future plans for Concert Party. Edgar Penzig is willing to provide exhibition next Singabout night, 80th Anniversary of Hanging of Ned Kelly. Singabout night planning. Ngunigan Bush Music Club Social night organised for 3rd December. Meeting closed. Frank Maher Assistant Secretary.
General Meeting 31-01-1961 - Executive present - F. Maher, A.Scott, J. Carlin, S. Wakefield. Chairman: Gay Scott. Correspondence - letter from Clarence Strochetter of Pyengana, Tas "I liked the idea of the news sheet the BMC sent out. It contains extra news that is always welcome to us who can't come to your functions" Motion - Alan Scott/F. Maher - 1 doz copies of Southern Music's "Album of Authentic Bush Ballads" be ordered. Carried.
Meeting closed. Frank Maher Assistant Secretary.

038 General meeting 6/12/60 - Executive present - A. Scott, F. Maher, C. Carlin, S. Wakefield, M. Davis, J. Meredith.

Held over from 29/211/60 due to transport strike
- letter from Mr Norm Delaney of Lugarno who was waging a one-man war against local commercial radio stations for them to broadcast more Australian records. Southern Music Album of Authentic Australian Bush Ballads (Scott/Meredith) to be released for Xmas. General business - Saturday last the Ngunnigan (sic) -BMC film evening, went well. Films included The Singing Street, Canadian Dancing, Dancing through the times, Maoriland. Sherry, biscuits and cheese served, profit was shared equally between the clubs. Moved Kath Anderson, seconded F. Maher that President John Meredith be congratulated on his Commonwealth Literary Grant of £500. The Bush Band received good publicity in the Eastern Suburbs News for the concert they gave for the old age pensioners at Paddington on Nov 7th, this included a photo of the group and a write up on the front page. (Eastern Suburbs News, defunct, 1960-61 is held by State Library of NSW)

044 - March 28th 1961 -  Chairman - G. Scott.  Executive - Pres. J. Carlin,  G. Scott, F. Maher, A. Scott.  Apologies - J. Jones, J. Meredith
Correspondence - mainly letters for free samples and renewals of "Singabout." Letter from Mr Ian Connocky(?) from WA who is collecting songs & would like to start a WA B.M.C. He was referred to Victorian BMC, sent copies of all issues of "Singabout", & put in touch with John Manifold in Qld.  Singabout Nights - intended to hold 3 Singabout nights in 1961 at BWIU hall 535 George St, City. Tentative dates May 13 or 20, August 12 or 19, Nov 11 or 18.  500 posters or dodgers similar to last year but in a different colour, with all date so earlier dates can be crossed out, BMC box number to be included.  Club Badges (see image no. 2) - L. McKenzie arranging order, with a discount.  Newsletters -  held over from Annual meeting - Committee recommended bi-monthly, with a review after trial period of 6 months. Finance was a problem, cost per month is £5.  Club Nights - Last year A. Scott proposed meetings become monthly as attendances have been poor, but most members were against this & as attendances have picked up, he was prepared to rescind his motion. As Anzac Day falls on a Tuesday,  members voted to put meeting forward a week (proposed A. Scott, seconded F. Maher, carried).  Theatre Party -  proposal to arrange a theatre party for 20 members to see New Theatre's Lawson by Muriel Gray on Sunday 30th April. General Business -  Proposed F. Maher to obtain 10 new covers for library copies for Singabout books as the 5 year old covers are broken and delapidated (sic) - seconded G. Scott - carried. Club President J.Meredith is giving a lecture (Collecting Folk Songs) to Fellowship of Australian Writers at 38 Clarence St, city on Wed. 12th April, 8pm. Members are welcome. Motion moved by F. Maher  that minutes of previous meeting be read at meetings -  A. Scott - carried. Kath Anderson got a good article into a local Hurstville paper   giving BMC aims & what it does, etc. Herb Gimbert thinks the local Paddington paper  could do the same.



044 General meeting 28-03-1961
- Executive present - G. Scott, J.Carlin, F. Maher, A. Scott, apologies J. Jones, J. Meredith. Correspondence - letter from Mr Ian Connocky? from WA who has started collecting folk songs in his state with the view of forming a Bush Music Club there. Singabout nights - 3 planned for 1961, May, August, Nov, 500 copies to be printed. Club Badge on order through member L. McKenzie. Newsletter will be bi-monthly for a trial of 6 months, then reviewed. Newsletters cost £5 per month, so monthly is too expensive. Theatre Party - New Theatre's play Lawson, 20 seats 30th April. General business - motion F. Maher, seconded G. Scott to buy 10 new covers for library copies of Singabout as covers were 5 years old. President J. Meredith is giving a lecture Collecting Folk Songs to Fellowship of Australian Writers 12th April, all welcome. Kath Anderson got a good article into local Hurstville paper, Herb Gimbert thinks local Newtown paper might be interested in a similar article. (minutes cont. on next page, no.  46) 

046 General meeting 28-03-1961 (cont)

Journal of English Folk Dance and Song received. Motion Maher/Carlin to order a dozen copies to pass around members - carried. Addition to Preamble in The Constitution. The policy of the club is that Australian folk songs are the common property of the Australian people, in the public domain and only subject to copyright in bona fide arrangements. Motion Maher/Carlin - carried.

General meeting 2-05-1961 - Executive present - A. Scott, J. Carlin, F. Maher, G. Scott. Apologies J. Jones, J. Meredith. Correspondence - Secretary wrote to Singout of America to find out the facts of the Pete Seeger case who was reported in a Sydney newspaper as having been jailed for a year for contempt of Congress. Singabout nights - unanimous decision to admit members for free. Songsheet to be printed with Charlie Mopps, The Overlander, Drover's Dream and Wild Rover for next Singabout. Competition or raffle to raise funs with Billabong Band record as prize. Helpers Barbara Strain, Rex Whalan, Frank Maher, Jim Garvey, Pam Loughlin, Connie James. General Business - A recent Festival recording of Charlie Mopps claims it was written by Kent Taylor and Hal Saunders. BMC recorded it for Festival 2 years earlier and will be contacting our solicitor. 6 copies of Billabong Band's Songs of Early Victoria are to be ordered. Lawson
theatre party realised 14/- profit. Club badges held over.

047 General meeting 30-5-1961 - Executive present - J. Meredith, F. Maher, A. Scott, J. Carlin, G. Scott, Apologies J. Jones. Correspondence - letter from Irwin Silber Editor of SingOut - Pete Seeger is on bail - legal expenses will cost 20,000 dollars. Business arising - Social evening proposed to raise finance to assist Pete Seeger, Sat 1st July - club to write to editor of SingOut for concise account of the charges from 1956 to read out on the night. General business - record crowd at Singabout night. Badges still ongoing. Letters sent to Crown Publishing, Festival records, The Bulletin etc re copyright of Charlie Mopps. Thanks to Rod & Fran Shaw for printing Singabout programs at short notice.

048 General meeting 10-07-1961 - Executive present - A. Scott, J. Meredith, J. Carlin, F. Maher, H. Gimbert, B. Strain, J. Garvey, C. Jones. Correspondence - Festival records, Crown Music, Australian Performing Rights Association & other contacted about Charlie Mopps. Air letter from John Barton in UK requesting a swap of tapes. Business arising - Festival records agree to correct Charlie Mopps attribution in future. John Meredith has tapes J. Barton is interested in but as most came from the disbanded Folklore Society, they shouldn't be swapped or sent out of the country. Newsletter - 6 month trial of a bi-monthly newsletter has passed & it will continue as a bi-monthly. Pete Seeger night - was successful, 50 people attended, Ramblers played a new song Hooker-Rex, £14 was collected on the night, £2.10.0 was added. Engineering Union, BWIU, Actors Equity & other organisations will be asked to raise funds. Secty feels that more details from Irwin Sieber are needed. General Business - Sat 12th August record night to be held at Milsons Point. Fran and Rod Shaw will produce posters & programs.

Minutes 1-8-61  - Chairman - J. Meredith. Members present - A. Scott, J. Carlin, H. Gimbert, C. Jones, J. Jones, G. Scott, J. Garvery, F. Maher, L. McKenzie.  Correspondence - 1. Conformation of use of BWIU Hall for 16th Sept. "Singabout". 2. Invitation from Aust.-Soviet Society to meet Mr V. Vladimersky (Member of Union of Soviet Artists) here in conjunction with the Sydney Trade Fair - Pathe film of Sydney Trade Fair shows Russian contribution, including Sputnik .  3. Interesting letter from ex-Secretary Stan Wakefield, telling of his life in Wyalla, SA.  4.  Letter from Victorian Folk Lore Society voicing their protestation that the "The Pub with no Dike" has no worthwhile point to make and is not artistic in form.  General Business - 100 safety & stick pin style badges to be ordered. Victorian Bush Music Club can buy them at cost - 4/6, price to be 6/6.  Sat 12th August, 8pm a record evening  to be held at Margot Davies "Shadow Box" at Milson's Point, Fran Shore to compare the programme, admission 3/- visitors, 2/- Club members.  Singabout Night - Sat 16th Sept, BWIU hall, theme - BMC's 7th birthday. Jan Jones to organise creation of a 7-tier cake to be made by various women members.  Working Bee - 7pm, Tuesday 15th August to prepare "Singabout" programmes for posting.  Meeting closed   Frank Maher, Assistant Secretary

050 General Meeting 27-8-1961 - Members present - J. Carlin, A. Scott, J. Jones, A. Banks, A. McLachlan, F. Maher, C. Jones, J. Garvey, M. Stratton, J. Wright, H. Gimbert. Apologies - J. Meredith, G. Scott. Correspondence - Victorian Bush Music Club held a Pete Seeger night, it was a huge success with approx. 200 people. Southern Music sent £5 for use of verse that Peter Francis wrote in Charlie Mopps. Secretary will write to Peter, and if he doesn't want the money it will be put in club account. General - New Zealand record evening 2nd Dec. Singabout night either 11th or 19th Nov, with a picnic at Jibbon Beach near Bundeena the following day. Larger store cupboard needed, & Fellowship of Australian Writers will be asked for permission to install a taller cupboard than the existing one. Members agreed to sponsor a section of solo singing of an Australian folk song at the Sydney Eisteddfod.

051 General Meetings 31-10-1961 - Members present A. Scott, J. Jones, H. Gimbert, M. Stratton, F. Maher, G. Scott, A. McLachlan, A. Banks. Correspondence - Folklore Association USA wants details of BMC publications to sell to their members. Singabout Night - 11th Nov, Alan Scot will be MC as John Meredith being hospitalised with a faulty heart. General Business - Sat 2nd Dec NZ record evening. Annual Picnic - Sun 2nd Nov at Jibbon Beach. Jan Jones will investigate purchase of cupboard. Christmas party 19th Dec, & return to the Club 9th Jan 1962.
General Meeting 5-12-1961 - Members present - J. Carlin, J Meredith, H. Gimbert, G. Scott, P. Davies, P. Loughlin, C. Jones, J. Garvey, R. Whalan, F. Maher, M. Stratton, A. Banks. Correspondence - W.E.A. agreed in principle to a weekend in 1962 at Newport including Australian folk singing, dancing and lecturing. Stan Wakefield is very sick & would appreciate letters from members. Club will send a card. Thanks from John Meredith for passing around the hat for him while he was in hospital



053 General Meeting 30-01-1962
- Members present - A. McLachlan, P. Davies, J. Jones, N. Grunseit, C. Jones, J. Garvey, A. Dearne, A. Scott, W, Anderson, F. Maher. Correspondence - bookings from "TOC H" Womens Association. General Business - 4 Singabouts in1962 instead of 3. Treasurer moved the books be audited each year, carried

055 General Meeting 3-04-1962 - Members present - H. Gimbert, A. Banks, A. Dearn, A. McLachlan, F. Maher, C. Jones, A. Scott, P. Loughlin, J. Jones, jJ Carlin, J. Meredith, J. Wright, L. Scott. Correspondence - Letter from W.E.A. which is planning a Folk Music Weekend & asked BMC to come to a meeting to discuss the matter. Business arising - A. Scott will attend. Stan Wakefield night - to raise funds towards publication of the late Stan Wakefield's songs. John Meredith & Len Fox to be asked to speak on Stan's work. Sat 12th May at Mrs Lisyak's place at Glebe. Singabout Night - Sat 7th April. Alan Scott MC, Frank Maher Asst MC, Barbara Strain & Vincent Hughes, door. Jan Jones supper. Pam Loughlin & Ann Banks, publications. Songsheets containing Little Fish & The Shores of Botany Bay printed for the night. Meeting closed. Frank Maher Assistant Secretary. (This songsheet has not survived.)

056 - General Minutes 1.5.62   Members present - W. Anderson, H. Gimbert,  A. Dearn,  A. McLachlan, A. Banks, J.Jones, J. Meredith,  J. Carlin, G. Scott, C. Jones, J. Garvey, B. Strain, P. Loughlin, F. Chater, P. Loughlin.  Chairman - P. Loughlin  Correspondence - 1. Topic Records new releases.  2. Mrs B. Overden, editor of HG Palmers staff magazine, gave BMC an interesting write up, sent magazine.  W.E.A Folk Music Weekend  - preliminary cost of weekend £1, dates 13-15 July 1962.  Singabout Night - BWIU Hall, 26th May. Rod Shaw will run up 100 leaflets. MC Jamie Carlin, Anne Banks & Gay Scott - publications table, Vince Hughes on door,  Supper - Anne & Ronda, Concert Party to perform.  Camp Fire Night - venue - Ball's Head Lane Cove, or National Park, or Fishponds at Hornsby, dates 9th, 17th or 23rd June.  Cupboard for Club magazines & books etc.BBQ at members' place 12th May.  Stan Wakefield night - 19th May, at Mrs Lisyak's at Glebe, Ron Fox available to talk on Stan's work. Cost 5/- a head, women bring a plate. Meeting closed

057 General Meeting 29-05-1962 - Members Present - A. Banks, J. Carlin, C. Jones, F. Maher, J. Garvey, A. Dearn, H. Gimbert, A. McLachlan, P. Loughlin, B. Strain, G. Scott, O. Catford. Apologies M. Stratton, R. Whalan, J. Meredith. Correspondence - Queensland Folk Lore Association is functioning again ... stated in no uncertain terms that they were against Lionel Long being passed off as a folk singer ... on ABC. They regard him as a singer of folk songs only and there are plenty about who are a lot more authentic than he leads us to believe he is ... BMC should do something concrete in protesting the same way. Gay Scott suggests an exchange for their Bush Telegraph. Special - Secretary Alan Scott resigned due to domestic responsibilities and the distance he lives outside the City. Ola Catford was elected Secretary. Camp Fire Night - Balls Head, 16th June, 4pm. S. Wakefield night - £10.12.0 collected towards the cost of a booklet of Stan's songs. £200 needed. Suggestions included a record,; 2-part songs for use in schools as some songs are suitable for schools; Hilda Lane, (niece of William Lane) suggested asking North Sydney Festival for sponsorship: raise funds from house parties with Concert Party playing, or film nights. Next Singabout - Back to the Bush, in costume. Meeting closed.

058 General Meeting 2-07-1962 - Members Present - J. Wright, C. Jones, J. Garvey, J. Jones, A. Banks, F. Chater, B. Strain, A. McLachlan, H. Gimbert, J. Meredith, j. Carlin, P. Loughin, A. Scott, G. Scott, R. Whalan. Apologies - M. Stratton. Mrs S. Wakefield officially welcomed by the President. Correspondence - Letter from J. Manifold re using BMC songs from Singabout in Penguin Australian Song book. Letter sent to ABC complaining that some self-styled singer was passing himself off as an authentic ballad singer. Business arising - Permission granted to J. Manifold request - Meredith/Carlin - carried. Letter from ABC asking who we had the grievance against - could it be Jimmy on the Children's Session as he has sung some Australian songs on his show but does not profess to be an Australian ballad singer. Proposed - write to Queensland Folk Lore Society & ask whether a TV or Radio show, when it was on, and who was on it, so we would know where we stood. Whalan/Scott, carried. It was suggested by A. Scott that we should write back to BBC and explain the position to them. Singabout Night - 1st Sept. Concert Party report - one show for Fellowship of Australian Writers celebration of Lawson's birth, another for TOC.H in Paddington. 7 songs were recorded for ABC "The Land and It's People" on 7th June for £50 donation.
A. Soctt, 
059 - General Meeting 2-07-1962 - (cont) General Business - Next edition of Singabout is about ready for printers. Motion - Whalan/Wright, Audit to be carried out at end of year carried. Motion -Whalan/Wright, 2 delegates be appointed for WEA weekend, carried - J. Carlin and R. Whalan elected. Campfire at Ball's Head was a great success. Motion -Scott/Banks, we have a picnic camp fire or film night every 2nd month, and we have another one before the end of the year, carried. Motion - Scott/Banks, a general discussion night be held to discuss means of improving the club, carried. Motion -Whalan/Catford, this meeting take place last Friday in August, carried. Motion - Scott/Maher, that the General meeting commence at 8.30pm & conclude at 9pm with 15 minute extension for discussion, Motion beaten by show of hands.

060 Minutes for Executive Meeting 27-07-1962 - President declared meeting open. Alan Scot (former Sec) present. Apologies - Jamie Carlin, Marietta. Discussion - Camp fire night 15th Sept, same place as before, car to meet train at Waverton, firewood, bring instruments - more dancing. Film night 25th Sept (probably), children & pensioners free, supper. Informal discussion night with supper & sherry. Letters from Realist Writers, contact Vera Deacon, unfinancial. To be sent Singabouts in exchange for National Council Realist Writers Groups. Letter - Sandra Hanes. John Manifold, nearly ready to print. Cheque from WEA. Adelaide Bush Music Club to affiliate with WEA. Collecting Group within Club. Publish in Singabout something from South Australia. Send free Singabout, return from selling agencies. Send tape of how to dance. Record of tapes. D. Wenban.

061 Executive Meeting 27-07-1962 - (cont) General Discussion - Suggestion for Club Library. General meeting: last Tuesday of month, Executive: Friday before. Executive Meeting: 17th August. Posters. Invitations to Performers for Singabouts. Library : only financial members can borrow, 1 book or 1 record. FOR NEXT EXECUTIVE MEETING - General business Learn correct steps of dance at workshop night to teach dance. Required - all Singabout Notices and Newsletters to be put in Minutes book. YMCA requests broadsides for campfire singing. *Broadsides Discussion on value. Alan proposed again a BMC songster. Janet has address of Folk song group at Greenacre to send invitation to Singabout. *Songsheets for 1st Sept Singabout - Old Bark Hut & Goondiwindi song (Click go the shears) (This songsheet has not survived) *Singabouts - Make up to 12 copies for club nights in hard covers (about 7 or 8 left now.) Approach people who attend to join BMC. Subcommittee needed for Stan Wakefield book, to arrange meetings, raise money, choose songs. Invite Janet Wakefield to join.

062 - General meeting 31.7.62 - started 8.30pm 11 Present - P. Loughlin, O. Catford, B. Strain, R. Whalan, J. Carlin, C. Bennett Apologies - (nil)  Chairman - P. Loughlin.  Secretary - O. Catford. 
Minutes from previous meeting read & received. Discussion from minutes - letter from Qld. Folklore Society about Lionel Long. Minutes adopted. Correspondence - Letter from ABC re children's session. Letter to ABC explaining our complaint on Australian folk singing. Letter from newly formed Adelaide BMC introducing themselves - they have a few different ideas eg, on folklore collecting & decision was made to discuss at a General Discussion night - Singabouts will be sent, & they will be asked if they could on-sell them. Letter from W.E.A. to Alan Scott enclosing a cheque for helping in W.E.A. weekend. Cheque handed over to BMC, motion thanking Alan for helping with the Concert Group organisation for Folk Lore weekend. Concert Group also received a cheque for participation in the Concert. Letter from David Wenban a delegate to the Helsinki Youth Festival asking for copies of Singabout, which were sent along with a letter wishing him luck.  SPECIAL REPORT from Rex Whalan on W.E.A. weekend - he explained each discussion section so those who were unable to attend a basic idea of what took plce. Report received & motion passed to thank Rex (C. Bennett/A.Scott)  

063 General Meeting 28-08-1962 - 18 members present. Correspondence received - Letter from WWF Children's Cultural Comm. asking club to help at International Children's day. Letter was received too late. Letter sent thanking them & offering help in future, & asking if children could perform an Australian dance at Singabout night. Camp Fire Night - Exec. suggested Sept 8th at Ball's Head but members felt too much activity in Sept. Exec to check on the Fire Ban for future camp fire nights. Suggested made to have picnic in summer. Singabout Night - 200 copies of 3 songs were printed - Goondiwindi, Old Bark Hut and Click Goes the Shears. Some new performers were asked to perform. Film Night to be held on 22nd Sept to raise money for Stan Wakefield fund. Three in One film to be shown, John Meredith to talk on the film. Election of Committee for Stan Wakefield Fund, Janet Wakefield to be asked to join, Gay Scott Editor, Jan Jones & Tony McLachlan. Suggestions arising from Aug discussion night - Committee to plan programme for club nights, John Meredith, Alan Scott, & Jamie Carlin MC - elected. Concert group to encourage other performers to join them at some functions, John Meredith to demonstrate one dance. Exec to hold another meeting in 3 months. A Collectors Group to be officially part of club. Jan Jones & Ken (Fairey) to be responsible, & Alan and John to help of required. Secretary to write to Dixon Trust about collecting Australian folk music and folklore. General Business - Jamie moved an informal party be held in October to celebrate the Club's 8th Birthday, friends to be invited. 2. Suggestion that members make a list of friends and contacts for club functions. 3. Jamie mentioned new magazine from English Folk and Dance Society. Moved purchase 6 copies, carried. 4. Library being created. Meeting closed 10 to 10, Chairman Pam Loughlin, Secretary Ola Catford, signed by Marietta Stratton  

064 General Meeting 2-10-1962 - Chairman M. Stratton, Secretary O. Catford. Members - Alan Scott, Lorraine Hallen, Connie Jones, Ken Fairey, Ann Banks, Frank Maher, Arthur Dearn, Herb Gimbert, Jamie Carlin, Tony Mclachlan. Visitors - Margaret Probert, Sam Ramsay, Ron Markham. Apologies - Rex Whalan, Gay Scott, Barbara Strain. Minutes read & adopted. Matters arising - Jamie Carlin suggested keeping 1 copy of every magazine received for library. Correspondence: Incoming 1.WEA invitation to opening of new premises. Concert group to perform. 2. Nnunaga Club re clashing activities. 3. Adelaide BMC Outgoing 1. Nnungara reply. Reports - Film Night, 22nd Sept, 38 people present, profit £3. Lack of club members, most were outsiders.
065 General Meeting 2-10-1962 (cont) General business: Picnic - 25th Nov, venues to be considered, also hire of a bus, last year's venue was too far away. Swimming and privacy are essential. Birthday night - 8th Birthday, 9th Oct, music and dancing, bring a plate, wine provided. Next meeting - Nov 6th 1962. meeting closed 9.20pm. Pam Loughlin chairman
Minutes of General Meeting, November - Chairman Pam Loughlin, Secretary & Asst Secretary not present. 18 members present. Minutes of previous meeting not read as book not present. Chairman to check with Secretary. Announcement Dame Mary Gilmore passed away, She was actively interested in everything Australian and was one of our Honorary Members (Membership cards and Mailing list books do not include Dame Mary's details)  Motion carried to provide a wreath for her funeral and send a representative. John Meredith to write an article for Singabout. Apologies Ola & Marietta. Correspondence - NIL. Reports - Rex Whalan reported on Singabotut night - one of the largest attendances, £20 collected at the door, sales £6/10/- Raffle for Stan Wakefield fund was held. Concert Party could have been earlier, too many international songs were sung, & not a good idea to use the stage as it does away with the ... (cont)

066 General Meeting November 1962 (cont) informal attitude where other musicians could join in. Caller needs assistance from members. Begin with boisterous songs to get people into mood. Dance team could demonstrate. Motion for club to keep a Visitor's Book for Singabout nights. Report on picnic - 14 people, swimming, picnic lunch, rock carvings. Xmas break up party 18th Dec, dancing, singing, decorations, ladies bring food, men drinks. Club to resume 8th January 1963. General meeting 1st Tuesday in February, AGM last Tuesday in February 26.2.63. Stan Wakefield fund - special night to be held towards end of February. General Business - Motion carried that back copies of Singabout magazines be given away, keeping 100 for new club members. Motion carried that club send Mrs Richards half dozen Songs from Lawson. Meeting closed 9.15. Pam Loughlin.



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