original post updated August 2018 with information from Cecil Grivas.
Updated again Nov 2020 with names of probable attendees at first meeting 14th October, 1954, from Alex Hood
An old (vintage!) school exercise book is one of the greatest treasures of the Bush Music Club discovered in our archives. It contains the minutes of the first 5 months of the Club, written in pencil and pen and ink. Alan Scott was elected as Secretary /Treasurer so probably wrote up the minutes.
The names of the first 4 bush bands established during these months are written on the front cover.

Rousers (Rouseabouts)
The money collected at the first 3 meetings is written in very faint pencil inside the back cover, above an undated list of names

1st night 15/- Debit
2nd " 2/-
3rd " 8/- 25/-
Background information to the minutes came from this blog article which was originally published in Mulga Wire No. 17, February 1980, pp.5-10
In The Beginning … The formation and early history of the Bush Music Club, by John Meredith
Leaflet advertising the formation of the Bush Music Club recreated using the original words.
have been approached by many singers and instrumentalists who wished
to join the “Bushwhackers”, but we consider that the optimum
number for an ensemble such as ours is six. We have been refusing
engagements at the rate of three or four a week for several months,
not because we want to, but simply for the reasons that we need time
to rehearse, we have to work for our living and because we have to
get some sleep occasionally.
don’t like disappointing people so we have decided to form a club,
where in return for a nominal membership fee we will give away our
secrets. The “Bushwhackers” will help you to learn the accordeon,
harmonica, bones, bush bass, lager phone and lots more. We will
provide the words and music of our songs and show you how we sing
inaugural meeting and first rehearsal of the BUSH MUSIC CLUB will
take place at the Realist Theatrette, 1st Floor, 188 George Street,
on Thursday October 14th, at 7 p.m. sharp.
Further details may be had
from John Meredith, 5 Henry Street, Lewisham, or from any of the
information about the first & second meetings from John Meredith -
The inaugural meeting was like all other inaugural meetings; we all talked and argued a lot, elected a committee of office bearers, sang a few songs and went home, feeling that we had done a good job. I went along confidently to the second gathering, expecting an overflow house. Three of us turned up! Everyone else sent along excuses of Union meetings, influenza, hay-fever, teething babies etcetera. For that memorable second meeting there was myself, Tom Durst and Kenna Rushbrook.
The first 2 meetings were held at the Realist Writers Group's Realist Theatrette, 188 George St, then the club moved to Seaman's Hall on the Quay end of Pitt St due to noise problems.

First page of the minutes
Transcription of the minutes (thanks to Dale Dengate for proofreading & good advice as always)
14th October 1954 188 George St
First meeting convened by the Heathcote Bushwhacker's Band and Mr B. Loughlin in the chair. He explained the reasons for forming a Bush Music Club. The bush music and traditional Australian songs as presented by the Bushwhackers have proved very popular and that band does not find it possible to perform as often as they are asked. Many people have asked to be allowed to join their band, but they find the most effective number in their ensemble is six.
1. The meeting endorsed these ideas and adapted the following proposals; That the Club meet weekly for rehearsals with a short meeting to discuss business. That rehearsals start at 7 P.M. and the business meeting at 8 P.M. with rehearsals continuing after that. It was decided that each member pay one shilling per meeting to cover the cost of rent. It was proposed and accepted that election of an executive be held over until members become better acquainted. The meeting ended with singing and playing of instruments.
15/- was collected but the members were not named.
Conversation with Alex Hood 2nd Nov 2020 - he does not remember attending the inaugural meeting, but supplied names of very active early members who were likely to have attended this meeting
John Meredith, Kenna Rushworth, Tom Durst, Chris Kempster, Harry Kay, Brian & Pam Loughlin, Gay & Alan Scott, Rex Whalan, Harry Glendinning, Barbara Lisyak, Bill Berry (member of the Unity Singers) & Gil Small
It was proposed that an executive of four be elected with the positions of Chairman, Secretary-Treasurer, Publicity Officer and Master of Ceremonies. The following people were unanimously elected to the respective positions. Mr. B. Loughlin, Mr. A. Scott, Mr. J. Meredith and Mr. H. Kay.
Leichhardt; where a group with Banjo, Violin, Button Accordion and Bones has started with the name "Overlanders" (successful)
Granville; where it is hoped to start a band soon.
Sutherland; The Mirrabooka Youth Club wishes to start a bush music band and would like assistance from the Bush Music Club.
Saint George. The Junior Eureka League intends to form a group from a meeting to be held Sun. Nov. 7th. The Eureka Youth League was a youth organisation associated with the Communist Party. Most influential in the forties and fifties, it engaged in campaigns for peace and rights for young people, as well as organising camps, carnivals and sporting activities.
National Museum of Australia has a Junior Eureka Youth League badge
Kings Cross & Como were also mentioned as being places where groups could be started.
It was decided that whenever possible all groups should attend meetings of the Bush Music Club once a month for combined rehearsals and that at least one representative from each group be present each week.
1. The form of the meetings is to be as follows: Seven to eight P.M. learning new numbers. Eight P.M. a meeting to discuss business, the meeting to be kept as short as possible. After the meeting rehearsals by groups.
2. On Publicity it was decided to try to have articles on the club published in various Music magazines and in Challenge Newspaper and that a small leaflet explaining the aims of the club be produced for distribution to interested persons at performances and elsewhere.
2017 - Challenge newspaper is not listed in TROVE or on Wikipedia's list of NSW newspapers here
May 2024 - D219 Communist Party of Australia – Publication Collection Wollongong Uni (page 4)
15 Challenge: the Voice of Australian Youth 1951-5 Publisher: Eureka Youth League, Sydney. Weekly newspaper, 4 pages. Published: November 1951 - 195?. Superseded by Challenge. 107 issues. Vol.1 No.2 21 November 1951 - Vol.4 No.11 6 April 1955.
16 Challenge: a National Journal for Australian Youth 1955 Publisher: M Moten for Eureka Youth League, Sydney and Newsletter Printery, Forest Lodge. Superseded by Target. 1 issue
August 2018 - information from a phone call with Bushwhacker Cecil Grivas, who is still singing in a choir.Cecil did a crash course in journalism & wrote articles in Tribune. & was also 2nd editor of Challenge which was associated with EYU, Harry Steam was 1st editor
A search located 2 references to Challenge Newspaper, both in Radical Students; The Old Left at Sydney University by Alan Barcan. Carlton, Vic. : Melbourne University Press, 2002.The Bushwhackers' Band is also on this list of subversive organisations.

At the meeting it was decided to shift to more convenient & quieter surroundings.
In group reports it was stated that the Leichhardt Overlanders made their first public appearance and received a very good reception. The group is composed of fiddle, bones and accordion. Sec.'s name & address Miss Della Nicholls, 88 Edith St Leichhardt.
The Heathcote Bushwhackers reported that they were to have an audition with the A.B.C. They had received a letter of appreciation from the Peace Convention Bureau for their services at their farewell function for Prof. Hromadha. The group had received many invitations to perform.
http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/59695168 Sunday 19th Sept 1954 PERTH SHOULDN'T SEE WILD MEETINGS LIKE MELBOURNE'S Visiting Czech theologist Professor Joseph Hromadha who met with a stormy reception in Melbourne where 1500 New Australians demonstrated ... Earlier in Sydney Dr. Hromadka had told a closed session of the General Assembly of Presbyterian Churches of Australia that in Communist Czechoslavakia that "no religious persecution exists and there ls no Government interference with theological matters."
It was reported from the Rouseabouts that they had made their first public appearance and it went extra well. It was felt this group needed closer contact with the B.M.C.
The Drovers are still in the process of getting started but expect to make their debut before Xmas.
A photographer has offered his services to photograph bush bands at their appearances & it is hoped in this way to build up a fund of material for publicity purposes.

found on TROVE - Tribune, Wednesday 17th November, page 8
Tribune concert

26th Nov 54 149 Castlereagh St

Thurs 9th Dec 149 Castlereagh St

Overlanders were present & preformed their numbers for the 8th. The Drovers also did this with the songs they intend doing at their show.
The Club was addressed by a member of New Theatre on the banning of Ashfield Town Hall to N.T.'s Reedy River. A request was made for assistance from the Club to publicise this attack on democratic rights. Resolved that those who can spare the time should be at Ashfield station at 8.45 tomorrow morning.
The aim of the Bush Music Club is to collect and perform Bush songs & music. There are wold class composers in Australian writing good music but it is music that could have been written anywhere, it lacks any national character. By collecting and playing traditional music the B.M.C. can assist composers in writing music in a true Australian style.
A Bushwhacker was invited to assist the group being formed at North Sydney and John Meredith volunteered to do this.
Further suggestions were : -
That material be submitted to country newspapers to stimulate collecting.
That members stage manners should be more cheerful.
That revenue collected by different groups, or part thereof be used to assist B.M.C.
A blossoming of Bush Music and Australian culture generally is necessary in '55.
That the Club hold socials & dances to aid funds & publicity.
Groups should discuss costumes appropriate to their names.
It was resolved that the form of the executive be changed to Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, and Master of Ceremonies.
The following people were elected to the respective positions - Brian Loughlin, Alan Scott, Harry Kay, with John Meredith as M.C. Chris Kempster was elected Deputy M.C. to take charge in John's absence.
A motion of thanks was passed to Cec. English for acting as Returning Officer & the meeting closed after listening to "A Hero Has Been Slain" a radio A.B.C. feature on bushrangers in which Bush Whackers (sic) Band took part.
Dr. Cec English, Origins of the Australian Folk Revival. A tribute to the pioneer field collectors of the 1950s by Keith McKenry (c)1997

Singabout 1(1), Summer 1956. page 11.
Jan 21st '55 149 Castlereagh St
Group reports.
Bushwhackers & Rouseabouts are in rehearsal. A Bush Band has been formed in the Junior Eureka League.
Jan 28th 149 Castlereagh St
Telegraph has not been digitised in TROVE. Microfilm available in NLA - http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/2946889 Dec. 1, 1951-June 30, 1955.
It was reported that the Songman's session on station 2UW had played the Reedy River record & praised it.
The subject of celebrating significant Australian Anniversaries was raised. The meeting resolved that the B.M.C. should celebrate Henry Lawson's birthday on the Friday night closest to that date.
Dale remembers John Meredith mentioning this club. Mirrabooka is a word from a Western Australian aboriginal language meaning Southern Cross.
The proposed leaflet on the B.M.C. is to be prepared by the executive & will be presented to the meeting.

Group reports. The Bushwhackers are negotiating with film executives on a quarter hour film for T.V. A further conference is pending. They have been invited to Newcastle on the last weekend in February.
Nth. Sydney group is being formed.
Main business of the meeting was discussing the engagement at Sutherland School of Arts. It was agreed that this social, organised by the B.W.I.U. was important as it may lead to setting up a T. & L.C. in Sutherland Shire. The Bushwhackers were to have performed but owing to "Reedy River" showing on the same night it was impossible for them to accept. The meeting resolved to form a group from these other than Bushwhackers. T. & L.C. - Trades & Labour Council (Alex Hood, Bulli, 14th January, 2016)

Images from TRIBUNE were found on National Library's TROVE website
absolutely fascinating material on the early days of the BMC. Particularly liked the suggestion that band members appear 'more cheerful'.
ReplyDeleteIt was very serious work disseminating traditional Australian songs in a world of imported American entertainment!