Thursday 4 April 2013

60th Anniversary Dance Competition


To celebrate the Bush Music Club’s 60th anniversary, the club is conducting a competition for dance composition. The new dances may be accompanied by new tunes, if desired. The aim of the competition is to encourage the writing of contemporary dances based on the established tradition.

Rules and Conditions

* Each entry must contain dance instructions and an accompanying tune or suggested tunes. 

* The dance instructions should be provided in 2 (two) forms:
        # A summary of the calls # Detailed explanation of movements

* Both forms should include bar counts for each movement. Where possible, and appropriate, use terms described in BUSH DANCE – Instructions to define each movement.

* The dance must be original and may be a couples' dance or formation (set) dance.

* The tune may be traditional or original (with a traditional form), i.e. Jig, Reel, Waltz, Polka, etc. (Please suggest alternative tunes to aid musicians intending to play for the dance.)

* Entries are restricted to 3 (three) per person.

* Entries must be submitted on forms available upon request and must be returned to:

60th Anniversary Dance Competition

Bush Music Club, 
GPO Box 433, 
Sydney NSW 2001
or emailed to - bmcmail1954 (at)

*Deadline for entries is 31st December 2013

*The winning dances will be performed during the Goulburn Bush Traditions Festival held on the October long weekend 2014.

*There are 3 categories for entries and the judges may assign the dances to a different category. One entry shall be chosen from each category.

Popular Bush Dance - simple steps and movements suitable for inexperienced dancers 

Dancer’s Dance - involving more complicated steps or movements and suitable for experienced dancers and for displays. 

Multi-figure Quadrilles - simple steps and movements suitable for inexperienced dancers

* The prize in each category is $100.

* The Bush Music Club retains the right to publish any entries.

* The judges may choose to disqualify entries which are considered unsuitable, i.e. those without suitable bar counts or which are not danceable from the written instructions.

* For further information or entry forms please contact secretary on — 

bmcmail1954  (at)

* It is highly desirable for entrants to have tested the dance and resolved any difficulties involved with movements or timing.

photo - Kim Nolan


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