Tuesday, 28 June 2022

From the Archives - Leaflets introducing BMC

Click images for larger size.

see also From the archives - Miscellaneous documents, 1978-1991, parts 1-5

Undated leaflets -
189 Clarence St venue was used from March 1966 to March 1969

1. Lyrics - Flash Jack from Gundagai

2. Lyrics - Drover's Dream

3. Lyrics - The Old Bullock Dray

4. Lyrics - Jog along till shearing. If you have enjoyed singing songs tonight with the Bush Music Club, you might like to attend their weekly meetings which are held Tuesday nights at 7-45p.m. Third Floor. 189 Clarence Street, Sydney. For information Telephone 630-5107.
BMC moved from 189 to 52 Clarence St in April 1969.


2.  Briefly the aims of the Bush Music Club are to collect and popularise Australia's folk songs and to encourage the composition of a new kind of song - one that is traditional in style but contemporary in theme. We are no longer a nation of drovers, and bullockies - the majority of our people are engaged in industry; so from them we can hope to expect industrial ballads ... and from the man on the land songs of his modern environment.

3.  Some Activities - Singabout magazine, Workshop nights, Singabout nights, Concert Group

4.  BMC has had a GPO Box since 1957.


From the Archives - A 1990 Library selection - Mulga Wire no. 78, April 1990.

Click images for larger size.

Club Library - Selected Publications available for loan to members, 1990



Saturday, 25 June 2022

Festival reports - National Folk Festival 2022

Click images for larger size.

Canberra Weekly, Thursday 31st March, 2022 - p. 29

Saplings, photo supplied by Helen Romeo 

Other photos © Sandra Nixon 

Dennis O'Keeffe Memorial Aussie Song Session with Ralph Pride, Simon Dillon & Kevin McCarthy   

1. Ralph Pride, Simon Dillon, Kevin McCarthy

2. Ralph Pride

3 - Tom Grylls, (morris dancer & shantyman) Bob McInnis,
 Warren Fahey

4 - Dave Johnson, Warren Fahey

5 - Ray Mundy, (Victorian Folk Music Club)

6 - Don Brian, Bruce Downes

7 - Chris Woodland, George Bolliger, Emily Poleson, Chris Poleson

Launch of Rhyming Verse of Denis Kevans, Australia's Poet Lorikeet, ed. by Gregory North

 9 - Bob & Margaret Fagan


 Display of historic photos

10 - undated session

11 - Harry Gardner (Victorian Folk Music Club) 


 Dividing Ranges Dancers from Sydney & Canberra under the direction of Antonella Salpietro present Italian dances with music provided by Short Dented Potts. 

12 -  Dividing Range dancers

13 - introduction from Antonella

14 - dancers & band


Heritage Ball with Victorian Heritage Dance Band (Victorian Folk Music Club, Melbourne Colonial Dancers, Traditional Social Dance Association, & Well Hall English Dancers) 

15 - singers

16 - Dave Johnson, Steve Bullock (VFMC)

17 -
18 - Colin Fong 

19 -

20 -

21 - Judy Casey & Don Richmond

22 - Caller Jane Bullock (VFMC)

23 - Caller Norm Ellis  (TSDAV)


Shiny Bum Singers in zoom mode 

24 - Bums zooming

25 - lyrics: Doh-Re-Mi

26 - Shiny Bum bow - 1

27- Shiny Bum bow - 2

28- Shiny Bum bow - 3

29- Shiny Bum bow - 4

30- Shiny Bum bow - 5

31- Shiny Bum bow - 6

32 - applause


Sydney English Country Dancers with Short Dented Potts 

33 - Sydney English Country Dancers

34 - Short Dented Potts


Family Bush Dance with BMC Youth Bush Band

35 - BMC Youth Bush Band
36 - band

37 - Caller Cathy Grylls (nee Richmond) 

38 - clapping

39 - band

40 - circle

41 - small people forward & clap

42 - BMC Secretary Emma Sputnik

43 - circle

44 - 



BMC's Saplings sessions 

45 - fiddlers

46 - 

47 - Chris & Emily's group

48 -  Beck's group

49 - 

50 -  Helen Romeo

51 - musical socks

52 -  all together for the finale

53 - finale



Sessions & other events 

54 - Ray Mulligan (Bush Traditions), Dave Johnson,
George Bolliger

55 - Thursday night blackboard - MC's 40 Degrees South

56 - Darri Adamson (BMC)

57 - Bush Traditions Settler session

58 -  Late night Singing Session

59 -  Community Hymn Singing with Roger Holmes,
Ann Hayes, Sandra Nixon & friends

60 - Ann, Roger, Tom

61 - Queenslanders Ann, Roger, Shez, Lonnie

62 - 

63 -  First Australian Womens Song Book, with Kerith Power, Jane Ellis, Dale Dengate & some of the songwriters

64 - some years this tree was completely red ...

65 - Dozens of morris dancers were appropriately led from the
massed morris dance into the Session Bar

66 -  t-shirt


67. Solidarity Choir 

68. Sunset.
