Tuesday 18 July 2023

Sharyn Mattern Collection - 2014 National Folk Festival - Wax Cylinder recordings

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(All photos © Sharyn Mattern)

1. Marcus Holding with his Strohl-Viol

2.  Machine 

3. Graham McDonald (National Film & Sound Archives) & Marcus

4.  Gerry O'Neill from National Film & Sound Archives, Graham McDonald, Marcus 
5.   Gerry, Graham, Marcus

6.  Gerry 

7.   Graham, Marcus

9.  Gerry
10.  Marcus


12. Jason Roweth

13.  Graham, Chloe & Jason

14.  Chloe & Jason 

15.  Graham, Marcus, Chloe, Jason

16.  Chloe 

17.  Gerry


19. Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse, WA 


21.  Rob Willis  

22.  Chloe & Jason 

23.  Chloe 

24. Chloe

25. Graham 

26. Chloe  & Jason 

27.  Marcus, Graham, Chloe & Jason

28. Gerry, Marcus,Jason

29.  Chloe & Jason 

30. Marcus, Chloe & Jason 

31. Marcus, Chloe & Jason 

32. Marcus, Chloe & Jason 




  1. Gerry O'Neill of the NFSA is driving the cylinder machine, Marcus Holden is playing the Stroh-Viol, and pics 18-20 are Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse from WA

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I was trying to say thank you Graham, but I couldn't spell!

    All captions have been updated.
