Thanks to Don Tritton (son of Duke's youngest son Don) and Chris McLean (son of Duke's daughter, Linda McLean) for providing these copies, and to Dr Diane Bull (daughter of Linda) and Literary Executor of her Grandfather and her Mother for permission to publish their writings.
In 1959 The Bulletin published Duke's autobiography, Time Means Tucker, and in 1982 APCOL published Linda McLean's biography Pumpkin Pie and Faded Sandshoes. Both books are available in Libraries across Australia.

Time Means Tucker has been reprinted several times and is also available in the second-hand market, but Linda's biography has never been reprinted and is a very rare book and not currently available on the Australian second-hand market.
Pumpkin Pie and Faded Sandshoes starts with the story of the Tritton family in the 20s and 30s.
Linda was 19 with a toddler and baby in 1937 when her husband got his first full time job, as a labourer on a large project. Her father was also employed on this project, and leaving her toddler with her mother, the 3 of them (& baby) set out to Sandy Hollow, the subject of one of Duke's most powerful songs.

1. Review of Four Capitals Folk Song concerts

2.Review of Four Capitals Folk Singers

3. Review of Time Means Tucker, Country Life, Jan 29, 1965

4. Letter from Russel Ward, Uni of New England

5. Information on Australian Folk Arts Centre activities

6. Information on Folk Arts Australia, the magazine of Australian Folk Arts Centre

7. Letter dated Friday 14th February 1964 from Australian Broadcasting Commission inviting Duke to appear on Town and Country program in a segment on gold panning, for a fee of £6.

8. Letter from Golden Press, Shakespeare Head Press dated 17th July 1963, regarding delayed publication of Time Means Tucker.

9. Letter from Paul Hamlyn publishers to Linda McLean regarding reprint of Bill Scott's Book of Australian Folklore which includes an extract from Time Means Tucker. (blurry photo)

10. Biographical note with word play by Duke.
from Diane Bull
I was very close to my grandparents as they lived with us for the last twenty or so years of their lives. I typed all my grandfather's manuscripts and much of my mother's work. This piece of writing with encryptions at the bottom shows my grandfather's habit of using any piece of paper several times. The paper was a practice copy of his writings; he would do several copies prior to giving them initially to my Aunty May and in his later writings to me to type up.
The writings at the bottom were for his daily penchant for doing the anagram puzzles from the newspaper.
I would often do these puzzles with him and this has left me with a lifelong addiction to cryptic puzzles.
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It’s amazing to have this information on my grate grandfather and family