Chris's membership card, from our earliest set. (BMC archives, Green & blue membership cards, c1956 to 1967. Foundation members had renewal dates of 1957)
Chris joined BMC in 1964, was elected M.C. in 1966 & moved out of Sydney in 1967, but has always been very involved in BMC activities, no matter where he lived. Chris was made a Life Member in 2014.

1. Covering letter

2. Newspaper clipping from an unknown paper, Monday 8th May, 1967

3. Weekend Pass for Chris Woodland 1980 Bush Music Festival

4. Poems

5. Beer & Cheese Night, 5th Dec 1967, with 2 themes Eureka Stockade & Mary Gilmore

6. Beer & Cheese night, 5th Dec 1967, 2 themes Eureka Stockade & Mary Gilmore

7. Report to Bushwhacker Conference, 1957 - p.1, given to John Meredith by Jamie Carlin, & a full copy given to Chris by Merro.

8. Report to Bushwhacker Conference, 1957 - p.2

9. Report to Bushwhacker Conference, 1957 - p.3

10. Report to Bushwhacker Conference, 1957 - p.4

11. Report to Bushwhacker Conference, 1957 - p.5

12. Poem - Convict Saw Pits by John Dengate, published in Education 2.3.77

13. List of dances, undated, unknown writer - 1965?

14. Reminder about AGM 23rd March (1965) probably read at a Singabout or Workshop just before the meeting.

15. leaflet used between January 1968 & March 1969


17. details of 20 Golden Greats LP, 1980

18. M.C's copy - Songs from Manifold's Penguin Australian Song Book to be learnt for future workshop nights. 1965 AGM authorised the purchase of copies of this book.

19. Names of participants

20. Singabout 692), 1967 notice of Chris & Virginia's move to Mulwala.

21. Article in Sun-Herald, June 9, 1968 re bushranger Fred Lowry who said "tell them I died game" 17 years before Ned Kelly said it.


23. receipt for door takings May 1967. (BMC archives, receipt books)
Pages from Araluen. A History through photographs, c.1840 - 2000. To honour the pioneers. From the combined albums of Chris Woodland and some long-established Araluen families. (Braidwood & District Historical Society & Museum, October 2014 ) Used with permission
24. page 46 - Session at Araluen Hotel, c.1965. The concertina player on the right is Dave de Hugard who became one of Australia's best-known singers of traditional songs. (photo supplied by Dave to Chris - Woodland collection)
25. page 47 - top - John Meredith playing his button accordion beside the open fire of Woola hut July 1992, & inspecting the "Fairy Tree" (photos © Chris Woodland)
left - Jim "Kaiser" Simpson (c1893-1973) playing his button accordion outside the Araluen Hotel, 24 April, 1966. right - Jim Thorley, Johnny 'Jack'Marshall, Peter Harrison, Jim 'Kaiser' Simpson at the Araluen Hotel. (photos from the Woodland collection)
26. page 102 - top - Vern Douglas (left) and Chris Woodland enjoying a cup of tea before the fire in the last remaining room of Cudgee hut, and Kevin Griggs below, August 1973 (All the pictures on pages102 and 103 were taken with my camera. Obviously someone else took the shots with me in them, or I used a time-delay ... can't recall - Chris, October 2020 - Woodland collection)
27. page 103 - top - Vern, Kevin & Chris outside Cudgee hut, August 1973.
below - Ron Hatcher, Vern Douglas & Chris Woodland at Woolla, Easter 1981. (All the pictures on pages102 and 103 were taken with my camera. Obviously someone else took the shots with me in them, or I used a time-delay ... can't recall - Chris, October 2020)
28. Clipping from Yarrawonga Chronicle, 14th August 1969
... article about the BMC I organised at Mulwala. I have no idea now who the woman mentioned was! (Woody 18/1/23)
... article about the BMC I organised at Mulwala. I have no idea now who the woman mentioned was! (Woody 18/1/23)
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