Thursday 21 February 2019

TSDAV presents Cue & Do - A Dance for Dancers at 2019 National Folk Festival

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email from Norm Ellis

Hello dance clubs, callers and  dancers,

As some of you may already know, I (through TSDAV) have been tasked by the National Folk Festival, to run "A Dance for Dancers" - in lieu of a 'Dancers Dance', at this year's National Festival.

Under the Act Name "Cue & Do", the intention is to run an intensive 2 hour dance, briefed and called with a minimum of fuss, but mostly NOT walked through, structured for competent dancers, and to maximise dancing enjoyment.

I am attaching a copy of the proposed dance program.
Full dance instructions (& video links if available) will be posted on the TSDAV website - under "NFF 2019: A Dance for Dancers"

Many of the dances you will be able to do on a 'follow-the-call' basis, even if you may not know them by name!

However, some others will present more of a challenge (without walk-thoughs) so I recommend that you familiarise yourselves with them BEFORE the event.

To this end, the next 3 TSDAV Dance Workshops (ie 11th Hour Sessions) will be devoted largely to the dances on program. These will be held at Surrey Hills. This of course won't help interstate dancers, unless you can co-opt your local dance club to practice them!

You will notice several features / idiosyncrasies of the 'A Dance for Dancers' program

* there are no couples dances (these being adequately catered for in the Tea Dance & Heritage Ball)

* there are 3 occasions where alternative dances can be done to the same music (eg Postie's & Double Postie's) you are invited to "jack-up" your own sets for the more advanced alternative!

* there is one Scottish medley where the one dance is danced first in Strathspey time, and then in Reel time without a break between. This one has a modified "Rights & Lefts" that it will help to be familiar with!

* there is one dance which contains a "partial sheepskin hey" which you need to be familiar with!

Remember, the aim is to dance, not have a workshop!

Please help spread the word, and I hope to see many of you at the National.

Cheers, Norm

NFF 2019 ~ A Dance for Dancers ~ provisional list of dances, in program order -

3C circle The Book Exchange - a scatter mixer
4C Square Dip & Dive Quadrille
3C longways Viking Sheepskin “partial Sheepskin Hey”
4C longways Postie’s Jig / Daryl’s Double Postie’s for 5 dancers Domino 5
DM (Playford) Devil’s Maggot (music ‘Up Jumped the Devil’ - a la contra)
4C longways W Bonnie Cuckoo
Big circle Yellow Cab Jig aka Yellow Cat’s Jig
3C longways S+R The Silver Grey 3x 32b S + 3x32b R - danced consecutively
5C longways The Percolator
4C Square Sweets of May
3C circle W Turning by Threes
4/6C longways Trip to Bavaria / Double Bavarian
Big circle* Festival Interceltique 40b (*or 9 C circles)
4C longways Grevillea Grove / The Bakers Wife (8C circle) “a Strip the Willow dance”
DM Star Trek
5C ring The CHOGM Pentrille
1½ SP Genevieve’s Jig 3 facing 3, progressive
4C longways Mairi’s Wedding
Big circle W Swedish Progressive Waltz

Melbourne Practice


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