Sunday 14 August 2022

Screenshots from the 9th John Dengate Memorial Zoom Get together, August 2022

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Dear Friends,

You all brought a delightfully warm feeling to the commemorative concert for John on Sunday afternoon.

Thanks to Leyne for her technical skills and to Gene and also to Max for his unique way of compering a concert of very diverse acts. Without the Elbournes we wouldn't have been able to gather and it has come to be a very special day for the Dengates.

I have been delighted to get messages from the extended family who have sent messages that they really enjoyed the afternoon. They have come from all over Australia, New Zealand, Wales and France.

I have found it is more like one of the parties we used to hold in our house in Glebe, where friends gathered, sang, recited, swapped stories and yarned for hours and John could share his latest song or poetry.


from Leyne - 9th Annual John Dengate Get Together -

There is also a YouTube playlist of the 2022, 2021 and 2020 events here.

The list of pre-booked performers is here.
See below links to some of the songs and poems shared during the ZOOM.

  • Lachlan Dengate (on drums and vocals) with The Shouties playing ‘Everlovin Man’ by The Loved Ones. Golden Barley Hotel, July 2022 – video:
  • Daniel Kelly’s song was ‘City to Country Blues’, from a recently published album of songs about Yass
  • Colleen Z Burke’s poem for John and family ‘An Enticing Sound’, click here to read.
  • Chris Clarke’s Putin Rap ‘Rap-acious, This Putin rap is the companion piece to Trump rap ‘Take the Rap’ Chris performed at the last John Dengate ZOOM Get Together (2021) click here to read.
  • John Tubridy sent through this video of his song ‘Trickle Down’ but it was not able to be played during the ZOOM, you can watch it here.

If you shared a poem or song during the ZOOM and would like to share the lyrics, words, audio or video – please email them to Leyne  

During the ZOOM Dale spoke about the dedication of John Dengate Crescent in Moncrieff, ACT (Easter 2016).

Sandra Nixon has a great blog with photos from the event – link here and Jill Watson did a short video of the dedication – watch it here.


‘JOHN AND I’ story from Marie and Peter Grislis
Marie and Peter have been tuning into the ZOOM events via phone, and Marie sent this lovely story which I have added to the ‘John and I’ stories section – you can read it here.
If you have a story you would like to send, please do so via

Sandra Nixon sent me this story and photos of her artwork made for Dale from John’s ties.

Planning is already underway for next year’s TENTH John Dengate Memorial Get Together which we plan to take place both in person and streamed on ZOOM.

Mark in your diaries – Sunday 6th August 2023.



3. Dale & her Technical Support, Luce

4. Virago, Di Clifford & Kath Morgan

5. Margaret Bradford

6. Margaret Walters & Chris Maltby

7. Mary-jane Field

8. Colleen Burke & ComadeSirBigRuss

9. Seamus Gill & Kate Scott

10. MC Max Elbourne and Gene & Tony Smith

11. Chris Clarke in the wilds of suburban Canberra, rapping about our previous prime minister

12. Chloe & Jason Roweth

13. Evan Mathieson

14. Peter Hicks

15. Bruce & Jill Watson

16. While Bruce was singing, Jill had been busy writing a poem

17. Mr Dengate had taught young Graham Wood

18. letter to Graham

19. Gerry Myerson singing Tom Paxton's I Believe, I Do, lyrics

20. Daniel Kelly

21. Big Russ enjoying listening to the Roweth Trio

22. Joanna Roweth

24. Roweths & Dengates

25. The Shouties playing Everloving Man by The Loved Ones, Lachie on drums.

26. Leyne, Dale & Max

27. Tilly

28. Sean Dengate

29. Leyne

30. Chloe & Jason + Sean

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