Tuesday 2 February 2016

John Dengate Australian Son - Cobargo Folk Festival, February 2014

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This memorial concert will feature reminiscences and songs of our popular, but lately departed National Treasure, John Dengate. John’s charismatic personality and unique works will be brought to life by his wife Dale, friends Chris Woodland, Seamus Gill, Bob Hart, poet Vic Jefferies, Jane Scott and members of the Bush Music Club - celebrating their 60th anniversary this year - of which John was a Life Member.


Chris Woodland (BMC member)

Dale Dengate (BMC member)

Bob Hart

Seamus Gill

Vic Jefferies

Bush Music Club Members – Tony & Helen Romeo, Dave Johnson, Chris Poleson & others

Jane Scott

Chris Woodand, January 2014 for the Annual Cobargo (Yuin) Folk Festival.

The concert included a slideshow of images taken from BMC archives & Sandra Nixon collection

Dale Dengate on the corner of John Dengate Drive & Pete Seeger Street,

Cobargo Festival grounds.  (photo supplied by Dale)


Photos © Sandra Nixon

MC Chris Woodland

Artist & fiddler Kate Scott with Dale Dengate

Ralph Pride with portrait painted by Kate Scott

Seamus Gill

Virginia Woodland

Bob Harte

Bruce Cameron, Bob Smith,
Roger Hargraves

Introduction by Dale Dengate

Dave Johnson

Jane Scott

Lachlan Dengate

Kate Scott with her portrait of John, Chris Woodland, Ralph Pride

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