Monday 7 January 2019

Anniversaries - Bush Music Club's 2nd Anniversary, 1956 - Fran Shaw's Song Sheets - part 2

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Fran Shaw's songsheets - Part 1, Bush Music Club Song Sheets dated 1956 & 1957, & undated
Fran Shaw's Songsheets, Part 3. Miscellaneous sets & papers
Fran Shaw's songsheets - Part 4. Camp Songs, Dept of Education, Phys Education Branch
Fran Shaw's songsheets - Part 5, Talks on bush music

In 1995 Chrissie Shaw, daughter of early members Rod & Fran Shaw gave us items from her parents' collections, including 2 manilla folders of song sheets, many of them undated. Dated song sheets range from 1957 to 1961.

Singabout 2(3),Dec 1957

Unfortunately the Newsletters from 1956 are missing, and there is no reference to the Club's 2nd birthday in Singabout, so we have no information about how it was celebrated.

Songs reprinted from Bush Music Club Song Sheets giving a selection of the songs collected in the past 2 years for the 2nd Birthday of the Bush Music Club. (4 foolscap pages, 7 songs)
Page 1 -  The Broken Down Squatter + The Bagman's Farewell

Page 2 - Bagman's Farewell (cont) + Colonial Experience

Page 3 - The Wild Colonial Boy + Another Fall of Rain

Page 4 - Jimmy Riddle + The Fireman's not for me (Ewan McColl)


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