Friday 8th February, 7.30 for 8pm
Bush Music Club
Tritton Hall, Hut 44
Addison Road Centre
142 Addison Road, Marrickville
Duke's Place Australian songs in concert & session presents Men With Day Jobs plus Aubrey & Purton

On Friday February 8, Dukes Place brings together four of Sydney’s quirkiest and most original songwriters and performers.
Rod Crundwell and Stafford Sanders, musical partners for over fifty years, are the driving force behind Men With Day Jobs – who’ve made five albums and delighted audiences in top small venues and festivals and on YouTube with their strong and varied originals and crowd-engaging antics.
Recently they’ve been gigging with Dennis Aubrey and Pete Purton, who’ve spent thousands of hours bringing a special chemistry to their vast repertoire of originals and covers since teaming up as buskers in 2008.
These four gleeful geezers promise a night of terrific (mostly original) Australian songs, harmonies, fine playing, jokes, stories, passion, politics, singing along and… well, goodness knows what might else might happen on the night.
Concert starts at 8, with a supper break from 9-9.30, than second bracket from 9.30 to 10, followed by a singing session with those who can stay.
Men With Day Jobs - back catalogue
Men With Day Jobs facebook
Men with Day Jobs Youtube - Denial Tango written in 2011
Map here - Hut 44 is to the left of the Gumbramorra Green.
cost $10. BYO, please bring a contribution for supper
enquiries – Sandra 9358 4886

Duke’s Place, named after our honoured early member Harold ‘Duke’ Tritton (1886-1965), is the place to go once a month for a great night of Australian songs in concert and session. Duke was a powerful singer who supplied BMC with many songs he had learnt in his younger days while working as a shearer and at other bush jobs. He was also a songwriter and poet giving us songs that have entered the tradition such as Sandy Hollow Line and Shearing in the Bar.
enquiries – Sandra 9358 4886

Duke’s Place, named after our honoured early member Harold ‘Duke’ Tritton (1886-1965), is the place to go once a month for a great night of Australian songs in concert and session. Duke was a powerful singer who supplied BMC with many songs he had learnt in his younger days while working as a shearer and at other bush jobs. He was also a songwriter and poet giving us songs that have entered the tradition such as Sandy Hollow Line and Shearing in the Bar.
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