from the Tenth Anniversary dinner menu
Thanks to Mark Gregory for locating the following article from the Canberra Times, Tuesday 6th October, 1964, page 13 in TROVE


Tenth Anniversary LP - (BMC Archives)
Singabout 5(2), October 1964

Reminiscence from Frank Maher - the 10th Anniversary cake was made with 10 tiers and collapsed from it's weight! (conversation 14th October 2017)
Extracts from our newsletter
May 1964, page 2

According to John Meredith's recollections & the 1954-55 minute book, the inaugural meeting was well attended, it was the second meeting that only had 3 attendees, John Meredith, Tom Durst and Kenna Rushbrook.
July 1964, page 2

Singabout Songster, No. 1 was originally planned for publication in 1964, but was delayed until May 1968
Extracts from Newsletter, September 1964, pages 1, 2, 3 & 5.

page 1

page 2 -

page 3

page 5

Menu from Jamie Carlin's collection
November 1964

(BMC Archives)
Singabout 5(2), October 1964, page 2.

(BMC Archives)
Singabout 5(3), July 1965, back cover

(BMC Archives)
Photos from the Currawong weekend - "P" series photos from Archives.

P20 -


Email from Ann Maher -
Alan and Gay were there. Gay was not too happy. She needed to spend all her time with the baby and missed out on all the activities. Arthur Dearn and Marilyn Sommerville were there also.
It was a very happy weekend in a beautiful place. The ferry-only access from Palm Beach really gave it character.
I understand you could also come in those days by a difficult bushwalk. Brian took us for a bushwalk, I remember and we identified Aboriginal carvings along the track. He was multi talented.
The access may be different nowadays, everything changes.
Pages 2, 3 & 4 from October 1964 Newsletter, scanned from Jamie Carlin's collection

(All photos & extracts have been taken from BMC Archives, except Canberra Times article)
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