Thursday 28 September 2017

Duke's Place - Australian Songs in concert & session with Margaret Walters, Friday 13th October, 2017, 7.30 for 8pm

  (Bob Bolton photo)

Margaret Walters is a long-term BMC member. She ran the popular Folk-us nights in the 80s & 90s.

Margaret Walters’ full-toned and expressive voice and her unaccompanied, traditional singing style are ideal for her repertoire of strong interesting songs – many from a woman’s perspective. Australian material, choruses, harmony and humour abound as shown on her CD "Steadfast".


(Mulga Wire, no. 72, April 1989, p.13)

Bush Music Club
Tritton Hall
Hut 44 Addison Road Centre
142 Addison Rd, Marrickville

Map of Addison Road Centre

Door opens 7.30 for 8pm start. Session 10.00-11.30pm
BYO songs
Cost - $10

Bring something to drink & a plate for supper

Enquiries - Sandra 9358 4886

Duke's place, named after our honoured early member Harold 'Duke' Tritton (1886-1965), is the place to go once a month for a great night of Australian songs in concert and session. Duke was a powerful singer who supplied BMC with many songs he had learnt in his younger days while working as a shearer and at other bush jobs. He was also a songwriter and poet giving us songs that have entered the tradition such as Sandy Hollow Line and Shearing in the Bar.


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