120 members and friends attended the dinner, and a good time was had by all!
The club provided a complimentary glass of bubbly or juice on arrival, caterers supplied roasts, salads and a dessert, Naomi Doherty made the second dessert, and Michelle Bolliger created our magnificent cake.
Cake photos - Sharyn Mattern
Thanks to Helen Romeo and the members of the Dinner subcommittee who did all the background work, and to all the members who came along on the night and made the evening a success!

photo - Bruce Downes
Comments from the Guest Book & Reviews of the evening
Cathy Richmond Happy Birthday BMC! Here’s to many more!
Naomi Bolliger Hello!!
George Bolliger Great to see
lots of “old” friends!
Dale Dengate Glad to be here for another one –
remember the 10th like yesterday!
Maher So
do I Dale. Does it make you feel old? Anyway, congratulations to the Club. Well done!
Frank Maher My great sorrow was missing the
50th (overseas)
Jamie Carlin Foundation member 1954
Margaret Walters Thanks for the
Karen Fong The BMC – what a great club /
family it has been!
Sigrid Thank you for a
lovely night and for “The Virginia Reel”!
Margaret McCullagh-Dennis Thanks for the dancing
Don & Sue Brian BMC – A great inspiration.
Judy Casey Thanks to all for a
wonderful celebration
Sue & Pete McMahon You Beauty!
Paul & Elizabeth Weaver Fantastic 60th, great
Fay Lau A lovely mix, enjoyable
wonderful catching up
Pete Cahill 60 years yahoo!
Pete Cahill 60 years yahoo!
A Diamond Jubilee calls for special events and the recent Member's
Dinner was very special as it was an opportunity for reunions, a look
back into the past and a celebration of all those who have contributed
to the growth and development of the club. We gathered
as a group of poets, musicians, singers and song writers, callers and
dancers and BMC friends and so represented the diverse groups that are
embraced under the club's banner. It was a night of great food, an
amazing birthday cake and lively dancing to a wonderful
array of musical instruments and musicians across the generations. As a new member, it was an interesting night to learn more about the history of the club and associated bands. For me, bush music reminds me of the times I have danced in country woolsheds and enjoyed teaching favourite dances from Bushwackers albums to school children.
I discovered a sincere sense of history and pride in The BMC amongst the people at the Dinner so a well - deserved thankyou to the many who have played a part in keeping the BMC responding to challenge and growth from 1954 to 2014.
Dianne Rodger
What a wonderful
As part of the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the BMC, a members’ dinner was held on Saturday 29 March. What a great evening it was!
The Ermington Community Centre was decked out with plants and balloons and tables arranged around the hall and a photo slide show on the stage. A complimentary sparkling wine / orange juice was followed by a welcome by Sharyn Mattern, our President, with Helen Romeo our wonderful MC for the night.
After a lovely roast dinner, Helen introduced our guest speaker, the indefatigable Dave Johnson. Dave took us down memory lane in his talk “They were heady days”in which he highlighted what the Bush Music Club was up to from 1975 to 1985. It was interesting to learn of the other venues for the club (besides Tritton Hall at Marrickville), past presidents and club committee members and to learn of the many activities the BMC was involved in. These included collecting songs and tunes, publishing works such as John Dengate’s songs and poems in My Shout and a dance book Bush Dance and popularising our Australian traditional music, songs and dance to the wider Australian audience through regular bush dances and folk festivals. Thanks to Dave and Ann for presenting this.
Anniversary occasions wouldn’t be the same without a cake to celebrate with. Michelle Bolliger made a work of art ‘keyboard’ cake, which was jointly cut by past and present president/s of the BMC. The evening also included great music played by many members of the BMC with some tables moved to accommodate those of us with ‘itchy’ dancing feet.
Yes, a wonderful evening of catching up with friends and acquaintances and reminiscing about the contribution of many in the BMC to spreading the wonderful Australian bush tradition over the years.
Thanks to all involved in making it happen.
Karen Fong
As part of the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the BMC, a members’ dinner was held on Saturday 29 March. What a great evening it was!
The Ermington Community Centre was decked out with plants and balloons and tables arranged around the hall and a photo slide show on the stage. A complimentary sparkling wine / orange juice was followed by a welcome by Sharyn Mattern, our President, with Helen Romeo our wonderful MC for the night.
After a lovely roast dinner, Helen introduced our guest speaker, the indefatigable Dave Johnson. Dave took us down memory lane in his talk “They were heady days”in which he highlighted what the Bush Music Club was up to from 1975 to 1985. It was interesting to learn of the other venues for the club (besides Tritton Hall at Marrickville), past presidents and club committee members and to learn of the many activities the BMC was involved in. These included collecting songs and tunes, publishing works such as John Dengate’s songs and poems in My Shout and a dance book Bush Dance and popularising our Australian traditional music, songs and dance to the wider Australian audience through regular bush dances and folk festivals. Thanks to Dave and Ann for presenting this.
Anniversary occasions wouldn’t be the same without a cake to celebrate with. Michelle Bolliger made a work of art ‘keyboard’ cake, which was jointly cut by past and present president/s of the BMC. The evening also included great music played by many members of the BMC with some tables moved to accommodate those of us with ‘itchy’ dancing feet.
Yes, a wonderful evening of catching up with friends and acquaintances and reminiscing about the contribution of many in the BMC to spreading the wonderful Australian bush tradition over the years.
Thanks to all involved in making it happen.
Karen Fong
BMC 60th Anniversary Dinner. R. Dale Dengate recollects…
Out along Victoria Road
on a Saturday night to Ermington on the bus from town is an interesting
ride. As I lived in Ryde in the 1950s, I prepare for a trip back in
time, so it is fascinating to see the changes
along the way. Especially the demographics of the fellow travellers
which have changed so that I find myself surrounded by people who would
have been living in Asia and especially the subcontinent of India, in
the fifties and sixties.
When I enter the
brightly decorated hall, most of the people look as if their ancestors
may have come from Europe at any time in the past 200 years. I sit at a
table with some of the earlier BMC members - Ann
and Frank Maher and Jamie Carlin whose ancestors would include English,
Scottish and Irish. We are joined by Pat and Bob Bolton, then a number
of people join us for a chat about previous BMC anniversaries.
It really doesn’t seem
that fifty years have flown since we were celebrating the tenth
anniversary upstairs at the Tai Yuen in Chinatown. In 1964, the BMC
Concert Party brought out a record with the impossible
title Dinki Di! We do love singing fair dinkum Aussie songs the best.
I don’t know who at
Festival records would claim responsibility for that title, but it did
acknowledge it was the 10th Anniversary Album of the Bush Music Club and
that the singers on the record work as ‘ librarian,
telephone technician, clerk, school teacher and mail sorter’. The last
track was a polka tune printed as
Cruck ‘o the Ark or Give a fair go. Later it was realised that the Polish tune was called
Craco viac. Indeed a number of things have changed over those years.
David Johnson gave us a
fine talk about BMC activities in the 1980s. I found this especially
interesting as neither John nor I were involved in the club activities
during that period. Ann Pidcock had assisted
with slides and accurate details, so together they presented an
interesting piece of the Club history. It was delightful to see so many
musicians and dancers enjoying themselves after the formalities.
Bruce Downes photos
Bruce Downes photos

Life Members - Frank Maher, Jamie Carlin, Wendy Richmond, Dave Johnson,
Ralph Pride, Helen Romeo, Mike Young, Sandra Nixon, Bob Bolton

Presidents of the Bush Music Club from the 60s to today
seated - Sue McMahon (1994-98)), Sharyn Mattern (2011-date), Ann Maher (1965)
standing - Dave Johnson (1980-82), Paul Weaver, (1986-88) Jamie Carlin (1963, 1975, 1977-78), Ralph Pride (1979), Frank Maher (1964 & 1969)
Current committee - Vice President Bob Bolton,President Sharyn Mattern, Webmaster MikeYoung, committee member Brian Freeman, Secretary Sandra Nixon, Treasurer Allen Davis. (MC Helen Romeo)
The cutting of the cake was a long & complicated business - first the Presidents gathered to make the first slice - Frank's name tag needed fixing, then ...

Sharyn Mattern photos
Margaret Walters, Don & Sue Brian, Prue Cancian & Chris Maltby, Naomi & Claire Doherty
Jamie Carlin, Bob & Pat Bolton, Dale Dengate, Ann & Frank Maher
Ann Pidcock, George Bolliger
Rosslyn Young, Avis Hanning, Bruna Paraskavas & Julia Attford
The Band - Aart Bark, Mariamma Mitchell, Emily, Chris Poleson, Bob Bolton, Ralph Pride, Margaret Poleson
Bruce Downes
front - Dale Dengate & Pat Bolton, back Ann & Frank Maher
Elaine Ellmers, Allen Davis, Doug Richardson, Bob Foggin
front - Colin & Karen Fong, Suzanne, Trecialee Murphy & Keith Woods, Fay Lau, Judy Casey, Margaret?
Frank Maher, Jamie Carlin, Dave Johnson
Frank Maher, Jamie Carlin, Dave Johnson
Helen Romeo, Michelle Bolliger
Helen Romeo
Brian & Barbara Freeman, 2 unidentified, Michaela Simoni & Simon Farrugia
Sutherland Bush Dancers
Rose Pride, Helen Romeo, Pat Bolton
Rose Pride, Helen Romeo, Pat Bolton
Peter Cahill, Terry Pybus, unidentified, Margaret Poleson, Emily
Brian Freeman, Bob Vickery, Kerry Doherty, Claire Doherty, Terry Pybus, Peter Cahill, Samantha O'Brien
Margaret & Chris Poleson, Emily, Lynne & John Poleson
Sam O'Brien, Lynne & John Poleson, Chris Poleson
Dave Johnson, Ralph Pride, Julie & Alex Bishop
Naomi & Claire Doherty
Richmonds & Bolligers & friends
Sigrid Marden, others unidentified
Bruce Downes, Tony Romeo, Michelle & George Bolliger, Wendy Richmond, Lisa & Anthony Simon
Dave Johnson
Dave Johnson
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