In the lead up to our 60th anniversary Bob Bolton started a spreadsheet listing Committee membership. Different members contributed names, not always with sources, at different times, and information after 1977 probably came from Mulga Wire.

Click on table for full-screen image
Our first periodical was a Newsletter, & only 32 issues survive in Archives, starting with no. 1, October 1955 and ending with the final, annual issue in 1977, and committee details are sparse.
Results of only a few elections were noted, and some results only listed Executive members, and some issues merely mentioned the name of an office holder.
Newsletters were also found pasted into 1957-78 minutes book - Oct
60, Nov 60, Feb 61, April 61, June 61 (2 copies), July 61, Oct 61,
Feb 62, April 62 (2 copies), Jun62, Mar 66, Jan 67, April 67, July
67, Sept 67, Jan 68, April 68 (2 copies), May 68, Aug 68, Nov 68, Jan
69, calendar 69, calendar 71, and an undated
newsletter stuck to 23/10/59 Minutes giving the 1960 Executive. Using all these sources, an almost complete list of office holders has been compiled.
Blog articles on Minutes
We have 2 Minutes books, the original book used from 14th October 1954 to 3rd March 1955, & a larger book recording General & Annual meetings from June 1957 to August 1970, then only Annual minutes from 1971 to 1978. This book also contains Minutes of a Conference held on 9th February 1957. Minutes from 1978 are also available.
Minutes of the Bush Music Club, 14th October 1954 to 11th March, 1955
Minutes of the Conference held on the 9th of February (1957), at the Esperanto Hall, Milson's Pt., Sydney.We have 2 Minutes books, the original book used from 14th October 1954 to 3rd March 1955, & a larger book recording General & Annual meetings from June 1957 to August 1970, then only Annual minutes from 1971 to 1978. This book also contains Minutes of a Conference held on 9th February 1957. Minutes from 1978 are also available.
Minutes of the Bush Music Club, 14th October 1954 to 11th March, 1955
Minutes book 14th October 1954 to 4th March 1955.

1954 - Extract from Minutes of the third meeting of the Bush Music Club from our first minute book, 14th October 1954 to 4th March 1955. (BMC Archives)

1955 - Alan Scott Secretary & probably editor Newsletters 1(1) Oct & 1(2) Dec 55
1956 - Secretary Karen Winter (source - In The Beginning … The formation and early history of the Bush Music Club, by John Meredith - Karen Winter was Secretary & invented the name Singabout for the proposed magazine) (no newsletters from period Dec 55 to June 57 have been found - so far!)

Photo of Karin from TRIBUNE 29th September 1954 (TROVE, National Library)
Minutes book, general & annual meetings from 26th June 1957 to 1978 AGM.

1957 - President Brian Loughlin (Minutes 3rd July 1957)
Duke Tritton Vice President, Secretary Lorna Lovell (Newsletter, (1) June 57 )
Assistant MC John Meredith, Publications Assistant Fran Shaw (Minutes 3rd July 1957)
Minutes 26th June 1957, Election of Trustees - Duke Tritton, John Meredith, Alan Scott

Minutes 3rd July 1957- election of Assistant MC & Publications Assistsnt

1958 - no surviving Newsletters,
President Brian Loughlin, Vice President Duke Tritton, Treasurer Harry Kay, Secretary Lorna Lovell, Ass Sec Joan Lisyak, MC - none, Ass M.C. Alan Scott, Editor John Meredith, Business Manager Gay Scott, Proof reader Joan Small, Records Salesman Brian Loughlin. Librarian & host - Jamie Carlin, Librarian Frank Maher, Art Editor - Gil Small, Concert Party leader Alan Scott (Minutes of AGM 1958)

1959 -
President Peter Francis, Vice President Fran Shaw, Secretary Stan Wakefield, Ass. Secretary Frank Maher, Treasurer Margot Davies, Editor John Meredith, Ass Editor Alan Scott, Concert Party Organiser Jamie Carlin, Master of Ceremonies John Meredith (Minutes of AGM, 1959)

1960 - editors Frank Maher & Alan Scott (Nov 60 newsletter)
President John Meredith, Vice President Fran Shaw, Secretary Stan Wakefield, Treasurer Margot Davies, Editor John Meredith, Asst Editor Alan Scott, Business Mgr N Jorgenson, Special Committee to help out at Singabouts & club nights - Frank Maher, Jan Jones, Herb Gimbert, Chas. Bennett (Minutes of 1960 AGM)

1961 - Alan Scott Editor, Oct 61, no. 4 newsletter
President John Meredith, Vice President Gay Scott, Secretary Alan Scott, Ass. Secretary Frank Maher, Treasurer Jan Jones, Editor John Meredith, Ass editor Alan Scott, MC Jamie Carlin, Singabout Circulation Manager Frank Maher, Bush Band Organiser Jamie Carlin (1961 AGM minutes)

1962 - First female President & the first committee where women outnumbered men!
President Pam Loughlin, Vice President Marietta Stratton, Secretary Alan Scott, Assistant Secretary Barbara Strain, Editor Gay Scott, Treasurer Jan Jones, MC Jamie Carlin, Circulation Manager Ann Banks, Concert Party Organiser Frank Maher.

(Newsletter April 1962)
(Minutes 1962 AGM)

Barbara Strain later married George Gibbons & they were active members for decades. Ann Banks & Frank Maher were married in 1964.
1963 -
President Jamie Carlin, Vice President Duke Tritton, Secretary- no one willing to stand, Ass Secretary Pam Loughlin, Treasurer Jan Jones, Editor Gay Scott, MC T Vaughan, MC Committee Rex Whalan, John Meredith, A Dearn, Circulation Mgr Ann Banks (AGM minutes 26-2-1963)

Alan Scott elected as Secretary & Sam Ramsey elected as Concert Party Organiser for 3 months (Continuation of Annual Meeting 1963 - March 5, 1963)

1964 - President Frank Maher (elected April), Vice President Duke Tritton, Secretary Janet Wakefield, Treasurer Forbes Guckel (removed Sept) Jan James (Sept), Other committee members Ronda Carlin Asst Sec, John Dengate MC, Editor Rex Whalan (Newsletter), Circulation Manager Ann Banks, Concert Party Leader Jamie Carlin, (Minutes, AGM 3/3/64)

1965 - Second female President, 1965 Election,
President Ann Maher, Secretary Janet Wakefield, Treasurer Pam Loughlin, Asst Treasurer John Dengate, Asst Secretary Kevin Davis, Vice President Bill Tovey, Publications Manager Frank Maher, Concet Party organiser Jamie Carlin, Editor Alan Scott, Asst Editor Brian Loughlin, Folk Lore Study Group organiser Ken Fainey, MC John Dengate (Minutes 1965 AGM)

1966 - There are no minutes for 1966 AGM in the Minute book, but a copy of March newsletter was included & gives election results.
Pesident Eric Bolton, Vice President John Meredith, Secretary Janet Wakefield, Treasurer Pam Loughlin, Assistant Treasurer George Hill. MC Chris Woodland (Newsletter, March 1966)

1967 -
Secretary Dale Dengate, Chris Woodland was MC until he left Sydney, (Newsletter Sept 1967)
President Frank Maher, Vice President Harry Glendinning, Secretary Dale Dengate, Treasurer Barbara Gibbons, Concert Party Leader John Dengate, Editor Eric Bolton, Asst Editor Harry Glendinning, Publications Mgr Caroline Purser, MC Chris Woodland (Minutes 1967 AGM)

1968 - Secretary - John & Dale (Archives - 1968 manilla folder, 2 letters, May 68 letter)
President Frank Maher, Vice President Harry Glendinning, Secretary Dale Dengate, Asst Secretary Wendy Brookes, Treasurer Ronda Carlin, Editor Eric Bolton, Publications Mgr Caroline Purser, Asst Treasurer Jamie Carlin, Asst Editor John Meredith, Librarian Barbara Gibbons, Concert Party Leader John Dengate, (AGM minutes 1968)

1969 - President Frank Maher, Vice President Morris Matthias, Secretary Dale Dengate, Assistant Secretary Wendy Brooks,Treasurer Ronda Carlin, Assistant Treasurer Wilma Bolton, Concert Party Leader John Dengate, Editor Eric Bolton, Assistant Editor Alan Scott,
Asst Sub-Editor Jamie Carlin, MC John Dengate, Publications Officer Caroline Purser,
Librarian Ann Maher
(Minutes 1969 AGM)

1970 - President Ken Greenhalgh, Vice Pres Frank Maher, Secretary - none, Ass Secretary Dale Dengate, Treasurer Ronda Carlin,Ass Treasurer Wilma Bolton, Concert Party leader Jamie Carlin, Editor Dale Dengate, Ass Editor Jamie Carlin, Ass Sub-Editor Harry Glendenning, MC John Denagte, Publications officer Barbara Gibbons, Librarian Elaine Thornhill (Minutes 1970 AGM)

1971 -
President Eric Bolton, Vice President Noel Ricketts, Secretary Lorraine Barnicoat, Treasurer Ronda Carlin, Asst Secretary Dorothy Norris, Editor Dale Dengate, Concert Party leader Jamie Carlin, MC John Dengate, Publications Officer Frank Maher (AGM Minutes 1971)

1972 -
President Eric Bolton, Vice President Lorraine Barnicoat, Secretary Wilma Bolton, Asst Secretary Brian Bolton, Treasurer Ronda Carlin, Editor Eric Bolton, MC Bruce Carthorne, Publications Manager Frank Maher, C.P. leader Jamie Carlin (AGM Minutes 1972)

1973 - President Eric Bolton, Vice President Frank Maher, Secretary Robert Bolton, Asst Secretary Fiona Chanter(?), Treasurer Ronda Carlin, MC Alan Scott, Editor John Frazer, CP Leaders Jamie Carlin & John Dengate, Publication Officer Barbara Gibbons, Publicity Federation Executive Officer Lorraine Barnicoat (Minutes 1973 AGM)

1974 -
President Eric Bolton, Vice President Frank Maher, Secretary Robert Bolton, Asst Secretary Wilma Bolton, Treasurer Ronda Carlin, MC Barry Collerson, Editor Robert Bolton, Concert Party Leader Janie Carlin, Publications Officer Ronda Carlin, Publicity & Folk fed Liason Officer Brian Bolton, Asst Editor John Knyvett (sp?) (AGM Minutes 1974)

1975 - President Jamie Carlin, Vice President Bob Murray, Secretary Bob Bolton. Assistant Editor John Knyvett, Treasurer Ronda Carlin, MC Barry Collerson, Editor Bob Bolton, Concert Party leader Eric Bolton, Publications Bob Bolton, Publicity/Liason Graham McDonald, Asst Editor Rick Taylor, (Minutes AGM 1975)

1976 - President Jamie Carlin, Secretary Bob Bolton, Treasurer Ronda Carlin, MC Barry Collerson, Editor Bob Bolton, (Minutes, AGM 1976)

1977 - President Jamie Carlin, Vice President Dave Johnson, Secretary Bob Bolton, Treasurer Ronda Carlin, MC Barry Collerson, Additional members Ralph Pride, Margaret Stock(Minutes 1977 AGM)

1978 - President Jamie Carlin, Vice President Dave Johnson, Secretary Bob Bolton, Treasurer Rose Pride, MC Barry Collerson, Committee members Ralph Pride, Ray Goninon, Sally Stevens, Keith Snell (Minutes 1978 AGM)

1979 - President Ralph Pride, Vice President Dave Johnson, Secretary Sally Stevens, Treasurer Rose Pride, MC Barry Collerson, Editorial Coordinator Bob Bolton, Committee Members Stuart Leslie, Tom Hobbes, Ray Goninon (Mulga Wire no.12, April 1979)

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