This Order book was initially used by Lorna Lovell (Secretary 1957 & 1958), between July 1958 & January1959 to order books & records from the suppliers. The May 1959 order was signed by Peter Francis (President 1959)
The book was used again from June 1967 to October 1968, some orders were signed by Caroline Purser (Publications Officer 1967 & 1968), others were unsigned.
This is the only Order book that has survived from the early days.
Publications of the Bush Music Club, 1950s to date
From the Archives - A selection of Bush Music Club records - Wattle, Festival & others companies

1. Cover

2. Order 1. 14th July 58 Festival Records, Harris St Pyrmont, 12 Bush Music Club Recordings, Lorna Lovell Hon. Secretary

3. Order 2. 18/7/58. Messrs Nicholsons, George St, 4 dozen Songs of the Bush by Meredith & Hill, Lorna Lovell

4. Order 3. 18/7/58. Festival Records, 12 Bush Music Club records. Lorna Lovell Secretary

5. Order 4. 12/8/58 Messrs Wattle Recordings - 3 copies of Australian Bush Songs The Bushwhackers, Lorna Lovell

6. Order 5. 5/1/59. Messrs Festival Records. 1 dozen Bush Music Club Records. Lorna Lovell (Secretary)

7. Order 6. 21/5/59. The Rams Skull Press, Lower Ferntree Gully, Vic. 6 only copies Overland Song Book by Ron Edwards. 1 only Colonial Ballads by Hugh Edwards. Peter Francis Unable to supply. Order 7 was blank

8. Order 8. 8th June, 67. Messrs Festival records, Harris St Pyrmont, Sydney. 3 recordings of Bush Ballads & Songs from the Shearing Sheds. 6 recordings of Dinki Di. 6 recordings of Songs from Lawson, all Bush Music Cub recordings. C. Purser (Pub. Officer)
Order 9 was blank.

9. Order 10. 8th June. Messrs Allan & Co Pty Ltd 276 Collins St, Melbourne. 6 copies Songs of the Bush by Meredith & others, at usual discount. C. Purser (Publications Officer)

10. Order 11. undated. Southern Music Publishing, 38-40 York St, Sydney. 6 copies of Songs of Australia by Stan Wakefield at usual discount C. Purser (Publications Officer)

11. Order 12. month illegible, 67 Messrs Festival Recordings. Harris St Pyrmont, Sydney. 6 records Poems in Music, 4 mono, 2 stereo. C. Purser (Publications Officer)

12. Order 13. 23rd Sept 67. Messrs Festival Recordings, Harris St, Sydney. 6 records of Poems in Music, 3 mono, 3 stereo. 6 records of Dinki Di. unsigned.

13. Order 14. 2nd Sept, 68. Messrs Festival Recordings Harris St, Sydney. 3 records Dinki Di, 3 Songs from the Shearing Sheds (re-released) at usual discount. unsigned

14. Order 15. 2nd Oct, 68. Messrs Festival Recordings, Harris St Sydney. 12 Songs from the Shearing Sheds re-released at usual discount. unsigned

15. Order 16, 23rd Oct, 68. Southern Music Publishing, 38-40 York St, Sydney. 12 Songs of Australia by Wakefield. 12 copies Songs from the Bush by J Meredith. 12 copies Australian Bush Ballads Alfred Hill, at usual discount. unsigned.
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