Thursday 9 July 2020

From the Archives - Annual General Meetings 1958 to 1978

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In our Archives we have 2 minutes books, the first starts with the minutes of the initial meeting held 14th October 1954 & ends with minutes of the meeting held 11th March 1955.
The second is missing pages from the front, with the first dated page from the minutes of the 26th April 1957 General meeting, & the final minutes from the 1978 Annual General Meeting. 

Minutes of the Bush Music Club, 14th October 1954 to 11th March, 1955 The minutes of the first 5 months of the Club are in a cheap school exercise book, written in pencil and pen and ink (ballpoint pens were new & expensive!) Alan Scott was elected as Secretary/Treasurer so probably wrote them up. They finish with the minutes for 11th March, and the date of the next meeting, & the following pages have been torn out.

Red covered Minutes books have been used for a long time to keep Minutes safe & accessible, so our Red book probably continued on from the first Minutes book (a logical reason for not filling up the exercise book), but as the earliest pages are missing we'll never know. As some of the loose pages were out of order, I numbered every page.

The Red book includes General meetings from April 1957 to August 1970, and Annual General meetings from 1958 to 1978. Annual General Meetings were normally held in February & March.

The incomplete Minutes of the Conference held on the 9th of February (1957), at the Esperanto Hall, Milson's Pt., Sydney were included in the Red Minutes book, although they had never been pasted in. Perhaps the last page had been pasted in & the weight of these minutes tore them from the page????? (another supposition, not a fact.)

Neither the missing page/s from the Conference Minutes, nor the missing pages from the Red Minutes book have been found in Archives.

Note -  Minutes of meetings between 11 March 1955 & June 1957 might not have been taken - see From the Archives - Minutes of General Meeting from 26th June 1957 to august 1970 - Part 1, 1957-1959  - Minutes of the General Meeting of The Bush Music Club Friday 26th June, 1957.
p. 003. General Business  Mr Harry Kay moved that minutes be taken at General Meetings. Seconded Mr Alex Hood, Carried.  (January 2021)

First minute book with the names of the earliest bush bands on the cover - Bushwhackers, Spraggers, Rousers (Rouseabouts), Drovers

Final entry.
Bush Music Club Records 1957 – 1978  (the red book) 

These early committee records of the Bush Music Club, beginning in 1957 and spanning some 21 years, represent a formative period of Australian post-colonial folk culture. To make them available for members and other interested folk the decision was made to preserve them by scanning into a convenient digital format.

The original document was in poor condition. Paper was brittle and some pages had suffered. The binding was so bad it was decided to minimise the possibility of further damage by completely removing all pages where possible.

It was a big job. Most pages were scanned individually over a period of five days using a Brother ADS-1100W feed-through type scanner. This scanner was able to cope very well with pages of varying length – conveniently so, as most of the original format was foolscap which does not fit easily on the usual flat-bed scanners. Another especially useful feature of the Brother ADS-1100W is that it can scan both sides of the page simultaneously. This enabled a considerable saving of time and effort.

Pages that could not be safely separated were photographically scanned with a mobile phone using “Fast Scanner Pro” - a very useful app. Adobe Acrobat was used to process all the records. This program conveniently allowed re-insertion of loose sheets to their previous location.

Everything is now preserved in both PDF and JPG type files. Individual items are identified by a file name showing the appropriate page number and includes a brief description of contents.

Most PDFs have two or more pages per file. This was a consequence of the scanning procedure. JPGs are one sheet per file.

Overflowing pages were given extended page numbers ***a, ***b etc. There is also a separate additional edited collection of newsletters in PDF.

A composite PDF single file of ALL records in order has been assembled. This could make a convenient copy for printing.

The contents of the folders are as follows: -

ATTACHMENTS: portions of some of the loose records scanned and later restored to their pages. They’ve served their purpose but might be useful for something, who knows?

CLUB RECORDS: pages are in both JPG and PDF format, filed in page order with brief descriptions to facilitate searching.

NEWSLETTERS: saved as JPG and PDF – an additional collection of just newsletters.

Finally, it was the devoted effort of a great many club members that created this record over many years. This collection is a lasting testament of their commitment in preserving our unique Australian oral history. Some are still plodding along but many are so sadly no longer with us. The tradition lives on - we owe it to them. Without their efforts our world would have been a poorer place.

Ralph Pride



2 photos by Sandra Nixon.

2 photos by Ralph Pride.

The book was covered with contact plastic at some time.
14th February 1958

1.  1958 AGM. Chair - Brian Loughlin. Secretary's report - Lorna Lovell. Motions by John Meredith, & Gay Scott. Minutes taken by Ass. Sec. Joan Lisyak.

2.  1958 AGM. Balance sheet 1957 - balance £120/16/7

3.  1958 AGM.  Officers for 1958 - President - Brian Loughlin, Vice President - Duke Tritton, Treasurer - Harry Kay, Secretary - Lorna Lovell, Asst Secretary - Joan Lisyak, MC - unfilled, Asst MC - Alan Scott,  Editor - John Meredith, Business Manager - Gay Scott, Proof Reader - Joan Small, Records Salesman - Harry Kay, Storeman - Brian Loughlin, Librarian & Host - Jamie Carlin, Librarian - Frank Maher, Art Editor - Gill Small,  Concert Party Leader - Alan Scott.
24th February 1959

1. 1959 AGM.   Present - John Meredith, Peter Francis (President), Margot Davies, Stan Wakefield (Secretary), Alan Scott, Frank Maher, Lorna Lovell. GPO Box 433 was hired. Election of Officers.

1. Election of Officers at the Annual Meeting 1960 - President John Meredith, Vice President Fran Shaw, Secretary Stan Wakefield, Ass Secretary Frank Maher, Treasurer Margot Davies, Editor John Meredith, Ass Editor Alan Scott, Concert Party Organiser Alan Scott, Business Manager Noreen Jorgensen.
26th February 1961

1. Election of Officers at the Annual Meeting 1961 - President John Meredith, Vice President Gay Scott, Secretary Alan Scott,Ass Secretary Frank Maher, Treasurer Jan Jones, Editor John Meredith, Ass Editor Alan Scott, MC Jamie Carlin, Singabout & Circulation Manager Frank Maher, Bush Band Concert Party Organiser  Jamie Carlin.

2.  Minutes of 1961 AGM. The Club had a loss of £75 last year. Successful national ads in CWA magazine & North Australian Monthly led to enquiries. Concert Party was inactive for most of the year, so only brought in £14. Royalties for records very good £81.6.11. Membership 48 members, drop of 20 from last year.  Concert Party reformed for Orange's Banjo Paterson Festival - Alan Scott, J. Carlin, J.Jones, G.Scott, J.Barrie & S. Ramsey. 

3. 1961 AGM, cont. Singabout has 144 subscriptions, a drop of 6 from last year. Pam Loughlin won the design competition for a badge.  President John Meredith, Vice President Gay Scott, Secretary A. Scott, Asst Secretary F. Maher, Treasurer j. Jones, Editor J. Meredith, Asst Editor A. Scott, MC Jamie Carlin, "Singabout" Circ. Manager F. Maher. Bush Band Leader Jamie Carlin. Vote of thanks to Herb Gimbert for providing dance music on so many occasions.
27th February1962

1. 1962 AGM - Members present - H. Gimbert, J. Meredith, A. Scott, F. Maher, J. Carlin, J. Jones, G. Scott, P. Loughlin,  B. Strain, P. Davies, C. Jones, J. Gurney, A. Banks, M. Stratton, F. Maher, S. Gibson. In July a successful Benefit night for Pete Seeger was held. 7th Birthday was celebrated at July Singabout night with possibly the largest crowd ever.  Concert party had 10 engagement during the year, most important was wool Week which brought in £190. TV & Radio shows added to funds.

2.1962 AGM - Thanks to BWIU for use of their Hall. Motion to publish Stan Wakefield's songs. Election. President P. Loughlin, Vice President M. Stratton, Secretary A. Scott, Editor G. Scott, Asst Editor A. Scott, MC Jamie Carlin, Circulation Manager A. Banks. Concert Party leader F. Maher.
26th February 1963

1. 1963 AGM - Present -  J. Carlin, Gay Scott, A. Scott, J. Meredith, K Fairey, J. Jones, A. Banks, Frank Maher, M.Stratton, Duke Tritton, Pam Loughlih, Rex Whalan, E. Catford, A.Dearn, T. Vaughan.  Stan Wakefield fundraising May 62 raised £10/12/-. J Manifold looking for songs for Penguin Book of Folk Songs.  Collectors Group formed August 62,  October birthday party.

2. 1963 AGM - Statement of Receipts & Expenditure, cal year 1962 -  £510.3.1

3. 1963AGM - Statement of Receipts & Expenditure for cal year 1961 - £618.7.4

4. 1963 AGM - Constitution to be brought up to date. Note of copyright to be added to Preamble. Changes to membership fees, £1 individual, 30/- family. Reference to attached statements for 1961-1962, 1962-63 (which have not survived.)  Editor's report - 1 issue of Singabout issued, Stan Wakefield book to be released in 1963. Next issue of Singabout due soon.

5.  1963 AGM - Concert Party Report - members M. Stratton, A. Banks, F. Maher, A. Scott, A. Dearn, J. Jones, T. McLaughlan, later S. Ramsey. engagements include ABC (£50/-/-) TV & radio, approx £150 profit was made. 107 subscribers to Singabout.

6.  1963 AGM - Discussion. approx 53 members, uneconomic to print the 200 copies of Singabout needed, need to follow up Gordon & Gotch.

7. 1963 AGM - John Meredith elected as Returning Officer  President Jo. Carlin, Vice President D.Tritton, Secretary - not filled,  Asst Secretary P Loughlin, Treasurer J. Jones, Editor G.Scott,  MC Tony Vaughan. Volunteers R Whalan, J. Meredith, D. Dearn. Circulation Manager A. Banks, all positions except Secretary filled, so meeting was adjourned to Tuesday March 5th.

8. March 5th - Continuation of Annual Meeting 1962-1963  Alan Scott elected as Secretary. Sam Ramsey elected as Concert Party Organiser for 3 months. Visitors book to be purchased.

9.  1963 AGM -  Upcoming Singabout night March 9, BWIU Hall -150 song sheets to be printed with "Old Bullock Dray", "Bullockies Ball" & The Rabbiters"  Rex Whalan suggested an ad in the Herald.
31st March 1964

1.  1964 Minutes - Present J. Carlin, A. Scott, J.Jones, P. Loughlin, D. Cross, D. Tritton, J. Dengate, J. Wakefield, G. Shearston, F. Glukel, & others.  Auditors report - £100 fixed deposit + £160.  Rex Whalan said ad in Herald had some effect. He has approached Gordon & Gotch about getting Singabout into Railway Book stalls & they are interested. Gary Shearston said University Folk Song group was flourishing & Australian Society of Folk Singers was dormant.

2.  1964 Minutes - Discussion about Singabout magazine.Collectors group met 4 times.

3.  1964 AGM- Pam Loughlin elected as Returning Officer & committee elected. Vice President - Duke Tritton, Asst Secretary Janet Wakefield, Treasurer Forbes Guckel, Circulation Manager Anne Banks, MC Johh Dengate, Editor Rex Whalan, Concert Party Organiser John Dengate. Unfilled positions held over.
Minutes - Special Meeting 1/9/64

1. Special Meeting 1964 - Motion passed that the Treasurer to be relieved of his position, the books be placed in the auditor's hands & a new Treasurer elected.
23rd March 1965

1. 1965 AGM - Concert Party will go to Hill End at Easter. 64/5 was one of the biggest years since the club began, with earnings over £200. 10th Anniversary celebrated with a record Dinki Di, a weekend at Currawong, concert, Singabout night, issue of Singabout. Secretary acted as Asst Secretary, Treasurer & helped type magazine. People elected to the Executive should be prepared to do the job they have taken on. 

2.  1965 AGM. Some Executive members elected in 1964 have disappeared. The new Executive will have to approve tentative decisions taken - purchase of Penguin Songs Books, publication of Stan Wakefield song book, payment for Lawson song competition  & consider proposals for reprinting Lawson & Kelly books, & national song competition. Treasurers report - It appeared from comparing income from previous years with income from a certain period in 1964 that there had been a discrepancy of about £50-£60. Yearly income has always been in excess of £200 and in some years has approached £700. Editors report - Rex Whalan - only one Singabout had appeared  after Graham & Mary Burnett began the job, & the magazine was finally produced by Brian Loughlin. Talks with Editor of Victorian Folk Music Club's Tradition magazine. Kenna Rushbrook (a foundation member) asked about supply of material, John Meredith replied in his experience as editor there was always enough.

3. 1965 AGM.  Jim Buchanan of Melbourne planned to visit Sydney at Easter to talk about closer cooperation between Tradition & Singabout. Discussion with John Meredith about reprinting vs. creating new books, & Vol. 2 of Singabout Songster. Work on the Songster was stopped as other songs books were released, & the Club decided to buy copies of Penguin Songbook. Motion to refer some of the Club's books to a commercial publisher was defeated..

4.  1965 AGM. Folklore Study Group - In the absence of Ken Fairey, Secretary read his report. Tape recorder is working satisfactorily & songs have been collected. Business Manager Anne Maher  reported 113 subscriber, Complimentary copies sent to 8 Libraries, 27 organisations, 7 overseas libraries subscribe.  Newsletter has been produced 6 times a year. Motion to buy 12 copies of the latest  record to sell to members. Motion that a competition be held next Singabout night with a record as a prize. Jamie Carlin's Concert Party report - Not a large number of engagements, so only £79 income.  Contract signed with Festival to produce records.

5.  1965 AGM.  Two previously recorded songs were included in an Anthology The Lights of Cobb & Co   Election - President Anne Maher, Secretary Janet Wakefield, Treasurer Pam Loughlin, Asst Treasurer John Dengate, Asst Secretary K Davis, Vice President Bill Tovey, Publications Manager Frank Maher, Concert Party Organiser - Jamie Carlin, Asst Editor Brian Loughlin, Folk Lore Study Group Organiser Ken Fairey, MC John Dengate. General Business - Motion Don Francoise/Rex Whalan - guitar cords & melody line be included in Singabout.  Motion Janet Wakefield/Kenna Rushbrook - Gay & Alan Scott + Pam & Brian Loughlin be confirmed as Honorary Members. Pam Loughlin drew attention to the venture by two club members, Rex Whalan & Tony McLachlan in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday night and moved that the club should publicise it. Carried. Meeting closed. Present at AGM - F. Maher, J.Carlin, J. Wakefield, P. Loughlin, J. Meredith,  J. Dengate, K. Davis, C. Jones, W. Tovey, R. Whalan, A, Maher

6. 1965 AGM - (cont) C. Burnett, D. Dengate, D. Francoise, K. Rushbrook & others.  Janet Wakefield Secretary.
6th September 1966 - no minutes - Election results from March 1966 newsletter - President Eric Bolton, Vice President  John Meredith, Secretary Janet Wakefield, Treasurer Pam Loughlin, Concert Party Organisers E.Bolton, J. Dengate, Asst Treasurer George Hill. Publications Manager Ann Maher.  MC Chris Woodland. Date of AGM was 6/9/66 (Source - 1967 minutes)

28th March 1967

1.1967 AGM - There being no Secretary functioning for some time, there was no Secretary's report. Treasurer absent, no report. Editor's report - Singabout 6(1) is very advanced. Alan Scott elected Returning Officer,  President - F. Maher, Vice President H. Glendinning, Secretary Dale Dengate,  Treasurer Barbara Gibbons, Concert Party Leader John Dengate, Editor Eric Bolton, Asst Editor H. Glendinning, Publications Manager C. Purser, MC Chris Woodland.   Motion - J Meredith/B.Gibbons That in order to facilitate the smooth & continued running of our affairs, a Combined  meeting of the old & new executive be held. Cd.   Motion - Alex Bowker/C.Purser a vote of thanks to out-going executive. Cd.   Motion - C.Woodland/E. Bolton - a fresh constitution be drawn up to include all amendments etc. Cd.
20th February 1968

1.1968 AGM - 25 members present. Secretary's report - exceptionally good year. The new constitution was accepted. Treasurer absent but it was recorded that the bank balance as $593, an increase of nearly $100 since last year, Concert Party's TV appearance could receive the credit for that.  2 issues of Singabout were released. A considerable amount of work has been done on the Hundred Songs & Lawson books. Motion - B. Loughlin/W. Brooks that Hundred Songs booklet be published in its original form.  Cd.   Concert Party has had a very active & profitable year, both in the city & country.  Publications Officer report - 71 subscribers, 26 complementary copies, Singabouts sold $60.15, Donations $5, Songs of Australia $4.50,  Records $49.50, Badges $4.50, Songs from the Bush $3.00 total $126.65, postage $18.00 TOTAL $108.65.

2.  Balance Sheet  1966 - $434.954, 1967 - $589.63.    Income 1966-  $603.36.   1967 - $1043.77  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
18th February 1969

1. 1969 AGM - Frank Maher in chair, 15 members present. Correspondence - Clarrie Strochnetter (Tas) sent a tape about the Club to BBC. National Folk Magazine (Ron Edwards) closing. Secretary's report - 1968 was a busy year. 5 newsletters & calendar issued. Report for a $150 Cultural Grant was successful. Events organised for 15th Anniversary.  Treasurer's report - Donations received from the extinct Folklore Society, Pete Seeger, & Cultural Grant helped finances, door takings nearly covered. rent, Royalties.  Singabout Songster was biggest expenditure.

2.  1969 AGM. Treasurers report fro year ending 10th February. Receipts $2473.34, Expenditure $1483.87. balance $889.47. Bank balance $872.66, Cash in hand $59.04.Total $931.70. Concert Party report - average of 2 performances per month.

3.  1969 AGM - Concert Party report- list of 23 performances - Tuena, Wild Colonial Days Society, Lawson statue, Abercrombie Caves during a visit to Bathurst, Gulgong,

4. 1969 AGM - Publications Manager - Subscribers to Singabout notified it will not be published regularly. Publications Manager's sales - Singabout $24.13. Singabout Songster $30.80, Records $25.70 TOTAL $80.63. Discussion on amount of money from Southern Publishing which should go to BMC & to AICD. Motion 14/6/66 directing mechanical royalties to Club & book & manuscript royalties to AICD.  Election - Noel Ricketts elected Returning Officer. President - Frank Maher, Vice President Morris Matthias, Secretary Dale Dengate, Asst Secretary Wendy Brooks, Treasurer Ronda Carlin,  Asst Treasurer Wilma Bolton, Concert Party Leader John Dengate, Editor Eric Bolton, Asst Editor Alan Scott, Asst Sub Editor Jamie Carlin, MC John Dengate, Publications Officer Caroline Purser, Librarian Ann Maher.

5. 1969 AGM - new premises will be 52 Clarence St, Sydney from April 1st.

1.  (p.135) 1970 AGM - Secretary's report - 1969 was another very busy year, with many enquiries about the club. Members appreciated the newsletters & annual calendar. As members often fall behind with subscriptions, club has approximately 100 members with 200 more who like to be kept informed of activities.

2.  1970 AGM - Balance sheet will be presented at next meeting as books are with Auditor. Bank Balance = $819.35, Cash in hand $298.79 Total $1,118.14.  Main income - Cultural Grant $150, Concert Party $460, Publications $175. Biggest expenditure is rent $6 per night, barely covered (entry 20cents- March 71 newsletter) Concert Party played 38 functions during the year & sold $100 worth of Singabout Songsters, many due to Wilma Bolton's efforts.  Editor resigned in December. Publications Officer - subscribers have received Newsletters as no publications have been produced. MC- New premises are pleasant & well lit but have poor acoustics & carpet! Many successful nights but some had unavoidable absences of musicians.

3. 1970 AGM.  Election - Morris Matthias Returning Officer.  President Ken Greenhalgh, Vice President Frank Maher, Secretary - none, Ass. Secretary Barbara Gibbons, Treasurer Ronda Carlin, Ass. Treasurer Wilma Bolton, Editor Dale Dengate, Ass. Editor J. Carlin, Ass. Sub Editor Harry Glendinning, MC John Dengate, Publications Officer Barbara Gibbons, Librarian Elaine Thornhill. General Business - posters for next Singabout Sat 14th March. Janet Wakefield is interested in having a record of Stan's songs. John Dengate said Concert Party standard is not good enough yet & previous attempts have shown the time  necessary to prepare a complete LP was beyond the possibilities of a non-professional group, however concert party would be willing to work several songs.

3. (p.138, Calendar & p.139 is blank) 1970 AGM  Notice of motion by Janet Wakefield - to rescind  motion from 1966 re 50% of club's share of proceeds from Songs of Australia to go to AICD (Association for International Cooperation and Disarmament)
23rd February 1971

1. 1971 AGM, Eric Bolton in chair, 18 members present.  Secretary's report- 2 newsletters published, another in preparation. Calendar sent to all members & 500 given to Folk Federation for distribution in their next newsletter. Treasurer is in hospital with a new baby, so report is deferred. Concert Party had 30 engagements in the year. Highlights - Wool steam shearing exhibit at Easter Show, Gulgong Centenary, Monaro Folk Festival, Scout Jamboree at Leppington,  Adelaide Folk Festival. Concert did 2 free performances per paid performance.  MC report - move to new premises (Sydney Technical College) has advantages & disadvantages - floor is better for dancing, getting out of the building is a problem, & the cupboard has not yet been moved.

2.  1971 AGM - Editors report - one publication released, Songs of the Shearers which sold at the Easter Show & Adelaide Folk Festival. Election - President - Eric Bolton, Vice President Noel Ricketts, Secretary Lorraine Barnicoat, Treasurer Ronda Carlin, Asst Secretary Dorothy Novies(?) , Editor Dale Dengate, Concert Party Leader Jamie Carlin, MC John Dengate, Publications Officer Frank Maher. Correspondence - our application for a cultural grant was refused. Warren Fahey suggested we ask why it was refused. We have been asked to submit a tape to Festival Records.

3. 1970 AGM - Alan Scotts's new book will be out soon.  Motion - Maher/Fahey. That we ask Ron Edwards of National Folk if he needs financial assistance for future publications   Cd.
29th February 1972

1. 1972 AGM - Chair Eric Bolton, 14 financial members. Alan Scott's Collector's songbook has been published. Letter from Rob Edwards re publication of First line index. Discussion whether to help him in this valuable book that won't have widespread interest, decision made to contact him about any other requests for help or offers of help.Barbara Gibbons reported on her efforts to collect. Secretary presented a pessimistic report on the Club. Workshops night not entertaining for audience,  & attendances are dropping ...

2.  1972 AGM - (cont) with never enough members present for a quorum for a meeting. Secretary published an Editorial  just before the AGM to jolt people into awareness. President did not agree. Discussion included comparisons of folks clubs (licenced premises with paid performers) vs. amateur, non-profit, family based organisation, & personalities.

3. 1972 AGM.  MC would not be standing again. Treasurer - good year Bank Balance $1203.27 + $30 Cash in hand. Credits - Royalties $286.23, Festival $23.81, Concert Party $429, Publications $171, Singabouts $130 = $1043.04   Debits - Publications $591.23, Rent $54, Postage $35, Books/records/prizes $75, Concert Party expenses $120, Singabout suppers $35 = $910.23. Profit $132.81. Concert Party - 30 engagements, 14 paid, brought in $429 + sales of publications. Outstanding engagements in 1971 included Steam & Gold Exhibition at Easter Show, Grabben-Gullen Sapphire Safari October, Ben Hall Festival Carcoar, Glenn Innes, playing for monthly Folk Fed dances at Balmain (cont)

4. 1972 AGM - Concert Party (cont) Membership - Jamie Carlin (leader), John Dengate,  Dale Dengate, Frank Maher, Ken Greenhalgh, Eric Bolton, Wilma Bolton, Elaine Thornhill, Noel Ricketts, Bruce Cawthorne, David Small. Resignations have left Jamie, John, Frank, Ken, Eric & Bruce. Mid week engagements have not been possible with Ken & Jamie out of Sydney during the week. 6 engagements in the books, including Monaro Folk Festival, at Easter.   Election -  President Eric Bolton, Vice President Lorraine Barnicoat, Secretary Wilma Bolton, Asst Secretary Graham Bolton, Treasurer Ronda Carlin, Editor Eric Bolton, MC Bruce Cawthorne, Publications Manager Frank Maher, CP Leader Jamie Carlin.
27th February 1973

1. 1973 AGM - 21 members present. Secretary - 4 newsletters produced + a calendar, new members came from Singabout nights. Approx 100 financial members.  Treasurer - A good year thanks to Concert Party.  Cash in hand $110, Bank balance $1104.78, Concert Party earnings $365, Publications $165, Royalties $145.  Concert Party - A busy year with 21 engagements, 11? unpaid - including Argyle Celebrations, Newcastle Folk Festival, Henry Lawson Night with Fellowship of Australian Writers, Waratah Procession (cont)

2. 1973 AGM - Engagements (cont)  - Henry Lawson Pilgrimage,  World Congress of Accountants, Kangaroo Valley Boree Log, Fellowship of First Fleeters, 2nd Port Jackson Folk Festival.   MC report - uphill battle to get  musicians to attend.

3. 1973 AGM -  Editor - due to family commitments Singabout Songster no. 2 has not been published. General Business - Motion about paying some out of pocket expenses to Concert Party members. W. Fahey spoke about his proposed trip & a cheque for $100 was handed over.   Election - Returning Officer Warren Fahey, President Eric Bolton, Vice President Frank Maher, Secretary Robert Bolton, Asst Secretary Fiona Chartis(?), Treasurer Ronda Carlin, MC Alan Scott, Editor John Frazer. CP Leader Jamie Carlin/John Dengate, Publicity & Federation Executive Officer L. Barnicoat.

4. Secretary's report found in archives August 2020


1.  1974 AGM.  Present 11 members. Business arising from the minutes - No Cultural Grant received as we hadn't published any books.  Secretary - 4 newsletters for 1973 & 1 for 1974, along with a 1974 calendar have been sent out. Several new member joined, but renewals were poor, about 30 members were financial. Workshop attendance was poor, but Singabouts were well attended except the last due to bad weather. Concert Party & Treasurers reports attached.  MC report - Alan Scott's work affected his attendances, but Robert Bolton filled in. President - Bad weather & a movie queue hiding the entrance at the last Singabout.

2.  1974 AGM.  Election - President Eric Bolton, Vice President Frank Maher, Secretary Robert Bolton, Asst Secretary Wilma Bolton, Treasurer Ronda Carlin, MC Barry Collerson, Editor Robert Bolton, Concert Party Ldr  Jame Carlin, Publications Officer Ronda Carlin, Publicity & Folk Fed Liaison Officer Brian Bolton, Asst Editor John Knyvett. General Business Alteration of Motion authorising payment to Concert Party members - remove the words "to a total of not more than $5". Robert Bolton will look for new premises. 

3. AGM 1974 - Income & Expenditure 1973/74.   Income - Membership  $44.00, Royalties 69.84, Publications 94.10, Concert Party 916.00, Club door 7.40, Records 70.00, Raffles 28.30, Singabout 136.10, Currawong 142.50, Refunds on Instruments 37.00, Bank Interest 34.57   TOTAL 1339.36. Expenditure -   Postage 66.50, Publications 25.33, Singabout 115.56, Stationary 24.78, Newsletters 54.04, Records 191.52, Concert Party 390.00, Gifts & general expenses 14.00, Currawong 158.00, Bank book 3.78  TOTAL (not given)

4.  1974 AGM - Concert Party activity - Port Jackson Folk Fest, Port Phillip Folk Fest, Dental Conference, Rotary, Sydney Uni Folk Club, Glebe Society, & more. Members are listed across the page

5. AGM 1974 - continuation of 155b
1975 - no quorum on 18th March 1975, reconvened 6th May 1975

1. 1975 AGM - No quorum 18th March

2.  1975 AGM - Reconvened 6th May.  Secretary, Editor & Concert Party reports attached. Election - President Jamie Carlin, Vice President Bob Murray, Secretary Bob Bolton, Asst Secretary John Knyvett, Treasurer Ronda Carlin, MC Barry Collerson, Editor Bob Bolton, Concert Party Leader Eric Bolton, Publications Bob Bolton, Publicity Liason Graham McDonald, Asst Editor Rick Taylor. No General business.

3. 1975 AGM. Secretary's report, 4 Newsletters released, giving total of 5 for the year plus a calendar. Membership is 27 single & 9 family. Since moving to Burwood & concentrating on Beer & Cheese nights attendance has risen dramatically to average of 50,& collection of the night just covers rent. Much enthusiasm has been shown, new members recruited & dancing popularised.

4. 1975 AGM - Editor's Report. Kelly & Lawson booklets have been reprinted & distributed to members & offered for sale. No Singabout due to lack of collected material.   Projects being considered - Reprint Singabout Songster 1, produce Singabout Songster 2, or publishing some previously unpublished Australian works such as John Meredith's Frank the Poet.
2nd March 1976

1. 1976 AGM   In attendance 10 members & 10 others. No Business arising.  President's report - the Club still has no Concert Party, There are several other groups around performing similar Australian music, & very few bookings arrive for BMC. Singabouts have been successful, & the Bush Music Festival was less successful, but of a good standard. 5 newsletters & a calendar were produced, but no publications. MC - meetings at Burwood have been successful. Election - motion C.Moore/D.Johnson - Only President, Secretary, Treasurer & Editor on the committee. President Jamie Carlin, Secretary Bob Bolton, Treasurer Ronda Carlin.  (cont)

2.  1976 AGM - Election (cont) MC Barry Collerson, Editor Bob Bolton.  Returning Officer Stan Scahill(?)
1977 - no quorum on 1st April 1977,  reconvened 5th April 1977

1.  1977 AGM - Chair Jamie Carlin, 11 paid up members present.  Business Arising - Limitation of committee members was unconstitutional. An amendment to the Constitution  was foreshadowed (having been previously notified to members) and this was to be put later in the meeting. President's report - Club membership had gone up & down in irregular cycles ever since the Club's foundation in 1954. Burwood premises were successful & monthly workshop sessions had been started in 1977.  Treasurer  Bank balance $1042.32 with $42 cheques outstanding. Main source of income was Royalties from Southern & Festival. Amendment to constitution - All words of paragraph 4 after "shall consist of" be deleted and replaced with "a minimum of five members namely President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer & MC plus a maximum of four additional members. Carried. Election of Office Bearers. Returning Officer D. Small - President Jamie Carlin, Vie President Dave Johnson,  (cont)

2. 1977 AGM. Election (cont)   Secretary Robert Bolton, Treasurer Ronda Carlin, MC Barry Collerson, Additional members Ralph Pride, Margaret Stock. 
 1978  -

1 . 1978 AGM - Jamie Carlin in the chair, 11 members present. Statement of Liabilities & Assets attached (it did not survive- found 28th July.)  President's report - slight increase in membership, Beer & Cheese nights & Singabouts are successful. The influence of the club is currently increasing & relations with the Folk Federation have improved. Thanks to Ralph Pride, Dave Johnson & Bob Bolton for their work in the area of publications, the best for several years, including 5 Mulga Wires. Thanks also to Ann Pidcock & Dave Johnson for their efforts in securing Tritton Hall. Work is still needed on the Hut. Death of Pam Loughlin was noted with regret.  Secretary noted that Newsletter had been upgraded to magazine format as Mulga Wire and was very well received. Increase in membership was pleasing but we would like to see more.

2.   1978 AGM - Concert Party organiser reports that the Bush Band has performed well & much experience was gained  in public performance. Constitution. A proposed constitution was put forward with the addition of the words "Vice President" in paragraph 6(1), & that 'Committee' be read as capitalised & in Paragraph 14 that the word "member" be omitted. Moved K. Snell/Rose Pride - carried.  Election of Officers - Returning Officer Bruce Stevens, President Jamie Carlin, Vice President Dave Johnson, Secretary Bob Bolton, Treasurer Rose Pride, MC Barry Collerson, Committee members - Ralph Pride, Ray Goninon, Sally Stevens, Keith Snell. Moved Keith Snell/Pat Bolton that the existing trustees be re-elected subject to their acceptance.  Keith Snell raised the matter of Folk Music grants. AGM of Folk Federation is coming up soon & he suggested that BMC should seek some representation on NSWFF.

3. Audit report as at 31st December 1978. Found 28th July inside a copy of the 1979 calendar. Total member's funds $2765. Total income $3012, expenditure $2013, excess $909.

4.  Note 1 - Membership fees received $310.
Note 2 - Donations. Monies received from Members towards cost of rental, and sundry donations, $589.
Note 3 - Bonds. Marrickville Community Centre $50, Caringbah Senior Citizens Hall $10, Rockdale Municipal Council $120, total $180. 
Notice of AGM on Thursday 8th March, R.L. Bolton Secretary 31st January 1979.


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