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From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 1, 1957-1959.
From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 from August 1970 - Part 2, 1960 - 1962
From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 4, 1965 - 1967
From the Archives - Minutes of General Meetings, from 26th June 1957 to August 1970 - Part 5, 1968 - 1970
In our Archives we have two minutes books, the first starts with the minutes of the initial meeting held on the 14th October 1954 & ends with minutes of the meeting held 11th March 1955.
The second (the red book) is missing pages from the front, with the first dated page from the minutes of the 26th April 1957 General meeting, & the final minutes in the book are from the 1978 Annual General Meeting.
Minutes of the Bush Music Club, 14th October 1954 to 11th March, 1955 The minutes of the first 5 months of the Club are in a cheap school exercise book, written in pencil and pen and ink (ballpoint pens were new & expensive!) Alan Scott was elected as Secretary/Treasurer so probably wrote them up. They finish with the minutes for 11th March, then the date of the next meeting, & the following pages have been torn out.
Red covered Minutes books have been used for a long time to keep Minutes safe & accessible, so our Red book probably continued on from the first Minutes book (a logical reason for not filling up the exercise book), but as the earliest pages are missing we'll never know. As some of the loose pages were out of order, I numbered every page.
The Red book includes General meetings from April 1957 to August 1970, and Annual General meetings from 1958 to 1978. Annual General Meetings were normally held in February or March. Later minutes are in 2 red books & 2 blue folders.
The incomplete Minutes of the Conference held on the 9th of February (1957), at the Esperanto Hall, Milson's Pt., Sydney were included in front of the Red Minutes book, although they had never been pasted in. Perhaps the last page had been pasted in & the weight of these minutes tore them from the page????? (another supposition, not a fact.)
Neither the missing page/s from the Conference Minutes, nor the missing pages from the Red Minutes book have been found in Archives, so we have no record of meetings between 11th March 1955 and the incomplete minutes of the General Meeting on 26th April 1957.
Note - Minutes of meetings between 11 March 1955 & June 1957 might not have been taken - see From the Archives - Minutes of General Meeting from 26th June 1957 to august 1970 - Part 1, 1957-1959 Minutes of the General Meeting of The Bush Music Club Friday 26th June, 1957.p. 003. General Business Mr Harry Kay moved that minutes be taken at General Meetings. Seconded Mr Alex Hood, Carried. (more research is needed - unfortunately Alex Hood does not remember this motion - phone call Jan 2021)
MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETINGS, 1963 & 1964 Only 1 set of 1963 minutes was in the Minutes book.
067 Minutes of the General Meeting 05/02/63. Chairman Pam Loughlin, Secretary Ola Catford. 15 members present. Apologies Gay, David and Judy. Minutes of previous meeting not read as minute book not present, Secretary gave brief report from her notes. Motion: J Meredith/ Jan Jone, carried. Correspondence - Letters of thanks from ABC TV, & Bankstown Historical Society. Letter from J. Goodwin, America, asking about records, books, etc. Motion: John Meredith/Jan Jones - to publish Stan Wakefield book, carried. Motion: Alan/Jan congratulations be sent to Barbara Strain on her engagement. AGM on 28th February. Meeting closed. (no other 1963 minutes were in the book) |
080 Minutes of the General Meeting 28/04/64, Frank Maher in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting were received. Collectors group report from Ken Fairey. Forbes Gluckel bought a wedding present for Marietta. Record evening at Rhonda & Jamie Carlin's place announced, 5/- non members, 4/- members, proceeds to Club. 10th birthday celebrations discussed, weekend away with concert & lectures, possibly at Currawong, Jan Jones to enquire. Motion: John Meredith/Pam Loughlin that the Club bring out a Pocket Songster, John volunteered to assist. Carried. Suggestion it could be a Penguin. Motion: Pam Loughlin/John Meredith write to Gary Shearston (cont) |
081 Minutes of the General Meeting 28/04/64 (cont) to tell him how much we appreciate his acknowledging sources of songs on his record. He has led the way for other singers to do the same. Also congratulate him on fine job. Meeting closed Janet Wakefield Sec. Club Meeting 26/5. Frank Maher in chair. Minutes read. Singabout night 6th June discussed.- Alan Scott on door, Ronda Carlin, Jenny Crisp & Mrs Crisp, Ann Banks, Forbes Guckel, Frank Maher MC. Songsheets to be checked, suggestion that 3 songs from Vol , no. 1 be reprinted & sold for 3d. Resignation of asst sec Ronda Carlin accepted. Motion: John Meredith/Jan James, that Kevin Davis be appointed asst sec, carried. Sec, report received. Motion: Pam Loughin/John Meredith to pay increase in rent (£2.5) Carried. Motion: Alan Scott/Ann Banks to book a house & 4 smaller huts at Currawong approx £8.10 & £6.10 respectively for Six Hour Day weekend October. Carried. 10th Anniversary committee elected - Forbes Gluckel, Mrs Crisp, Jenny Crisp, Pam Loughlin, Meeting next Tuesday to organise such things as the musical weekend, a club dinner, &/or a reunion, & a booklet. Motion: Pam Loughlin/Jamie Carlin that the Club bring out a 10th Anniversary Song Book, contents at discretion of editors, or as John Meredith & Rex Whalan see fit. Carried |
082 Minutes of the General Meeting 26/05/64 (cont) production of Singabout & Stan Wakefield booklet, both long delayed left with Alan Scott & Rex Whalan. Discussion about permanent Club rooms - central location, transport, low rent, dancing & supper possibilities. Sec had written to Maritime Services, on Exec. instructions asking about disused warehouses, etc. Motion: Forbes Gluckel/Pam Loughlin - increase charge at workshop nights to 3/- & provide tea & biscuits. Janet Wakefield Sec. Carried. Notice of motion to halve pensioner membership, John Meredith/J. Carlin. General Meeting 23/6/64 - Minutes read & received. Correspondence - Letter from Gary Shearston acknowledging Club's appreciation. Motion: John Meredith/Mrs Crisp - Pensioner's membership fees reduced to 10/- carried. Motion - All membership to be from December to Jan (sic), anyone joining after October gets 3 months free membership. Carried. Camp fire - Cars organised to collect wood. Any information about alternative halls to be given to executive. Motion: J.W./J.M. 3 people be elected as room committee to tidy & organise rooms & prepare supper. Carried Forbes Guckel & Alex Bowker elected, with power to co-opt members as needed. Motion: J.M./J.C. prize to be offered for best (cont) |
083 General Meeting 23/6/64 (cont) musical setting for a Lawson poem, entries to be performed & judged in September at a Club night. Social - 26th July at Alan & Gay Scott's home. Next Singabout 8th August, BWIU hall. Concert Party report given by Jamie Carlin. 29th May Country Life party, 10th June Newtown, also at coming Camp Fire night, & next Sat at Old Age Pensioners Club. Motion J.W./J.C., Duke Tritton be thanked for getting us the invitation of Country Life graziers' party which gained the club £30. Motion - Ronda Carlin be thanked for providing excellent supper at last Singabout night. Treasurer absent, no report. Folk Lore Study Group report - 28 attended a talk on children's games & rhymes given by Alan Scott. tapes were played. Motion: J.M./D.Cross - Ann Banks report be received. Notion: J. M./D. Cross charge on club nights revert to 2/-, Carried. Room Committee to charge 6d for tea. Minutes taken by Kevin Davis, Asst Sec) Janet Wakefield Sec.
084 Special meeting 1/9/6/64. Motion: Pam Loughlin/Alan Scott that Treasurer be relived of his position in the Club and Executive, and that books be audited. Motion: John Meredith/Pam Louglin - new Treasurer be elected, carried. Motion: John Meredith/Jamie Carlin, Jan James be elected Treasurer, carried. |
085 General Meeting 24508/64 25 members present. Minutes were read & received. Correspondence read. Cooperation was to be strictly on a business basis with Alex Hood. Letter of thanks to be sent to BWIU for use of hall. Motion: John Meredith/Jamie Carlin, we have a representative at the Peace Congress Folk Song Ctee on 30th Sept. Motion: Janet Wakefield/Alan Scott that Rex Whalan & Jan James be representatives. Ask Wattle records if Hedley Charles can have their records for his society. Singabout to be turned into a 10th Birthday number. Report by Mary Britton. 10th Birthday Ctee report given by Pam Loughlin. Songbook of 100 songs being prepared by John Meredith, approx 1000 to be printed. Reunion dinner 25th Sept, at New Southern Inn, for 50 at £1 each. Open night Tues 6th Oct, to be publicised in Waratah Festival. 2nd-5th Oct Camping weekend at Currawong, 2 huts booked £2 per head. 10th Sept concert at Graphic Arts Club, 7/6. 22nd Sept concert of Lawson songs, & judging night for best music to a Lawson poem. Newsletters re all functions to be sent to all old members. Jan Jones in charge of money for the subscription dinner. NSW Bank display, Brian Loughlin to help Jamie Carlin. Motion: Alan Scott/Ann Banks that Pam Loughlin & Alan Scott be in Executive.Treasurers report - none given. Forbes Gluckek agreed to go to Janet Jones's home to give her the books before Friday (see Mins of Special Meeting 1/9/64) |
086 General Meeting 29/9/64 - Motion: Jan Jones/Jamie Carlin minutes be received. Secretary's report read & received. Reports: Alan Scott reported on Concert arrangements. Helpers on the night Ronda Carlin, Janet Wakefield, Jan Jones, Ruth Lindsay, Ken Fairey, & Pam Loughlin. Frank Moorehouse - publicity. Singabout night - Noreen Grunseit to be invited to make and ice a cake. General Business - Henry Lawson Pilgrimage announced, (date illegible) "Songs of the Sundowners" contains many Club songs. Meeting closed early so Festival Records manager can hear Concert Party perform for a record due out soon. Janet Wakefield. Hon. Sec.
General meeting 27/10/64 (mins taken by Ruth Lindsay) 10 members, 9 non-members, F. Maher in chair. Minutes read. Motion: R. Lindsay/J.Meredith, carried. Folk Concert at Trocadero I.C.F.O. 28/10/64. Canterbury Historical Society to be invited to come to Tuesday (workshop) Letter from Wild Colonial Days Society read. NSW Bank display postponed until December. Secretary's report - Volunteers to staff BMC (cont)
087 General meeting 35/10/64 (cont) Book stall with the A.B.S. display at the Peace Congress. Several volunteered. Contract with Festival records has inadvertently been signed for 4 years, instead of for one record. Motion: John Meredith/Ruth Lindsay, volunteers be called for clean up on Tuesdays. Functions planned - picnic at Gibbon Beach; Christmas Party; wine and slide night, to be advertised in Newsletter. Alan Scott raised matter of Boomerang Book of Australian Folk Songs by Alex Hood. Discussion - Alan read a letter & suggested a copy be sent to Albert & Sons. Motion: Ruth Lindsay/John Meredith, 2nd Kenna Rushbrook, carried, that letter be sent after being seen by a solicitor. Treasurers report: Information not at hand. Concert Party report from Jamie Carlin. Motion: Ruth Lindsay/John Meredith, carried. Publications report, John Meredith resigned as editor of Songster of 100 songs. Ruth Lindsay to type up balance of the songs. John Meredith suggested discussion on holding a competition to find a song to replace God Save the Queen. Motion: John Meredith/Ann Banks suggested a sherry night to farewell Ruth Lindsay. carried. Motion: Janet Wakefield/Bill Tovey to put up price of Singabout night to 6/- non-members, 3/- members, pensioners & children free, carried. Motion: Janet Wakefield/John Meredith - MC organise someone to put out chairs & tidy up. carried. Meeting closed. Janet Wakefield Hon. Sec.
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