Photos © Bob Bolton
Bush Music Festival, 18th & 23-35th October, 1981.
National Library of Australia - Bush Music Club collection Bush concert at the Opera House 18 October 1981 featuring Alex Hood, John Dengate, Kate Delaney, Gary Tooth, Ryebuck Bush Band, Vinegar Hill, Sydney Colonial Dancers and Alex Richards. Recorded by Wally Bolliger. Donated by Bob Bolton.
The concert was compared by Bob Hudson, & featured Vinegar Hill Bush Band, Gary Tooth, Alec Richards, Kate Delaney, Sydney Colonial Dancers, Alex Hood, John Dengate & Ryebuck Bush Band.

1. Garry Tooth

2. "The Rev" (the Reverend Alex Richards) on (STRICTLY ENGLISH) Concertina ... instead of thumping his other pulpit! 811017a06

3. Gordon McIntyre & Kate Delaney - 811017a04

4. Jamie Carlin & Vinegar Hill - 81107a09.

5. Non-Singing MC Bob Hudson - 811017a09

6. Mulga Wire, no.28, Dec 81-p.6

7. Mulga Wire, no.28, Dec 81-p.7
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