The first Newsletter was published in October 1955, & the last Newsletter/Calendar we have was issued in January 1977, & the January 1978 Calendar was also issued with Mulga Wire.
Our holding are not complete & missing issues will be added as found.
Foolscap pages have been scanned as 2 images.
January 1968 (published bi-monthly)

1. In 1967 Club nights were well attended. Concert party is going to Gulgong for Australia Day Weekend, so can't attend the Port Phillip Folk Festival in Melbourne. Concert Party will be at Tuena at Easter.

2. AGM will be held 20th February. list of Publications & Records.

3. Workshop nights are held on Tuesdays 189 Clarence St. Singabout evenings will be held at BWIU Hall, 353? George St. 2 issues of Singabout are planned for 1968. Dale Dengate Hon. Secretary.

4.The "Folk Boom" & the Bush Music Club by H. G. (Harry Glendenning, confirmed by Dale Dengate 30/05/20) )

5. 1968 calendar

6. 1968 calendar
April 1968

1. 1968 Executive, Tuesday night workshops 189 Clarence St. Beer & Cheese nights, Singabout night 23rd March, BWIU Hall 353 (typo s/be 535) George St with Irish theme, Australian films 31st May. Concert Party will play dance music for Wild Colonial Days Society in March. Concert party is playing for Blaxland branch of the Liberal Party. Concert Party will be at Tuena over Easter.

2.Tuena events include a beard growing competition. Results of the National Song competition - Five Bright Stars by "Janet Chalcot" (Mrs S. Wakefield.) Judges were not impressed by the overall standard of entries. Some members are going to Adelaide so the Club hopes to renew contact with the Adelaide Bush Music Club. Wellington Folklore Society reports more clubs have been established & there is enthusiasm to sing & collect traditional songs. BMC member Dave Small returned from New Zealand with songs. 1969 is the Club's 15th birthday & planning has started. Weekend at Karingal near Bathurst is being planned for later this year.
May 1968

1. Workshop nights on Tuesdays, 189 Clarence St. Monthly Beer & Cheese nights, 189 Clarence St. Film night 31st May - Three in One, Sentimental Bloke, Crossroads Alice. Dance nights July 30th & September 24th, & a dance afternoon at Noreen Grunseit's place 30th June. Singabout evening 15th June, 535 George St.

2. Singabout Songster No.1 has been released, free to members, 80 cents or 10 for $6.00. Review of Concert Party visit to Tuena.

3. Review of Duke Tritton night. Arrangements for the weekend away at "Karingal" (Dale Dengate Hon. Secretary)
August 1968

1. Workshop nights, 189 Clarence St. Coming events -14th Anniversary 12th October, 535 George St. 25th-27th October Weekend in Bathurst. Beer & Cheese nights -August - Launch of "Folk Songs of Australia." September - December. Campfire at Ball's Head 16th November, Annual Picnic December 8th.

2. Special Dance nights - September & November, Review of dance afternoon at Noreen Grunseit's place.

3. Harry & Madge Glendenning left Sydney for Kempsey.

4. Concert Party report from John Dengate. Karingal visit will include a concert in the Abercrombie Caves. As Concert Party is going to Tuena next Easter they will miss Morton Bay Folk Festival. BMC is applying to Department of Education for a cultural grant.

5. John Meredith was interviewed on ABC radio about Folk Songs of Australia, (Dale Dengate Hon. Secretary.
November 1968

1. Workshop nights on Tuesdays, 189 Clarence St. Review of Karingal weekend. Letter from Tea & Damper Club, Adelaide. Newcastle's Purple Parrot Folk Club held a successful Folksong & Dance weekend in August, & have produced a magazine Idiom, which reviewed Singabout Songster & referred to BMC being "one eyed towards traditional Australian folk music" as a criticism!

2. Review of John Meredith's Folk Songs of Australia by John Dengate. BMC received a donation from the defunct Australian Folklore Society, as well as their archives. Coming Events - November. Campfire is going ahead.

3. Concert Party had been very busy over the past 2 months. For those who missed the special edition of Kelly Songsters - fifty booklets of original broadsides of Kelly songs are now for sale. (Dale Dengate Hon. Secretary)
Calendar 1969

January 1969

1. Workshop nights on Tuesdays, 189 Clarence St. Concert Party engagements - Lyceum Platform, 2CH interview, Australia Day weekend at Gulgong, possibly Easter in Tuena, NAtional Trust concert in April, Sapphire safari at Grabben Gabben in October.

2. Camping trip to Newnes cancelled due to fire restrictions. Cultural Grant received & donation from Pete Seeger, belated payment for profits from his Sydney concert.

3. Fifteenth Anniversary dinner 24th October. Sad news from Ron Edwards in Queensland - National Folk where Ron Edwards published the songs he collected is closing down & Tradition (Vic) is also appealing for funds. The only folk singers who are successful are foreigners. A recent concert at Sydney Union Theatre did not include any Australian songs. Not so many people are collecting, & Singabout will only be printed when there is enough worthwhile material at hand. Newsletter will be expanded. Last year newsletter was bi-monthly & expects same this year. Dale Dengate

4. Ballad - Song of the Gulgong Goldfields by Bill Frost

5. Circassian Circle r/p from Singabout 1(1)


7. Poem - Where the Archer was Bred by W.S. Frost
March 1969

1. Woekshop evenings moving to 52 Clarence St. Singabout evening for the 15th Anniversary, 22nd March. Reports to AGM 18th February told of a very active & successful year. Reviews of Gulgong weekend, local members Elaine & Len Norris, & Araluen weekend in March.

2. 15-16th March Concert Party will be at Newbridge Gymkhana for a procession & dance. Concert Party will be camping at Easter. Damper recipe for the campers.

3. Fred Lowry collected in Tuena by Clem Laing of Tuena

4. poem - Tell then I died game by Bill Frost - about Fred Lowry who said these last words.

5. Tell them I died game (cont) Instructions for Strip the Willow. Janet Wakefield has worked to get Stan's songs recognised, ABC School broadcasts has included The Kookaburra Laughed in it's latest book. (Dale Dengate Hon. Secretary)
May 1969

1. Workshop evenings Tuesdays 52 Clarence St. Review of 15th Anniversary Singabout evening. Next Singabout evening in September.

2. Review of 15th April Sally Sloan evening with Sally & Fred present. Next Beer & Cheese night- Ben Hall, 6th May, Lawson night 17th June, dance night 24th June. Dance afternoon at Noreen Grunseit's place in June. BMC won another sash at Tuena. Banner will be taken to Waratah Parade & Argyle Centenary Celebrations in May. Tuena local Charlie Leabeater of Tuena led Concert Party with his accordion.

3. Report on Tuena continued. Branches of BMC - Mulawa, Kempsey, Araluen, Bathurst, Crookwell, Gulgong, Orchard Hills. Gulgong is planning for their Centenary in 1970. Some interesting songs arrived from WA member L.G. Montgomery - details in July newsletter.

4. Comments on the damper recipe. 1881 Quiz for Brewers examination papers.

5. Charlie Leabeater's Calls for the Figures of The Alberts.

6. Ben Hall a new ballad in traditional style by John Dengate - typo, troops should be traps

7. Ben Hall - cont

8. Poem - Forty Thousand Chows by W. Frost
July 1969

1. Workshop evenings on Tuesdays, 52 Clarence St. Coming events - 15th Anniversary dinner 24th October, Karingal visit cancelled as Concert Party will be at Waratah Festival, Singabout on 27th September, Stan Wakefield songs Beer & Cheese night 5th, dance evening 19th, Sept 9th Jack Donahoe & Convict songs Beer & Cheese night.

2. Report on Morton Bay National Folk Festival by President Frank Maher.

3. Morton Bay report cont

4. Morton Bay report cont

5. Morton Bay report concludes. Letters from Chris Woodland - BMC members entertained Yarrawong Youth Club Folk night, taught songs & dances, The Overlander can be heard whistled & sung on the street! Frank Halloran reported on plans for Gulgong centenary.

6. L.G. Montgomery (Sandgroper) Moondyne Joe books - Moondyne Joe & Wildflower Songsheet

7. Recipe for home brew Metheglon Instructions for Flying Pieman

8. The Deep South Sea - a song Bill Frost collected c.1916 from an old Norwegian seaman in Jervis Bay (Dale Dengate Hon. Secretary)
September 1969

1. Workshop nights on Tuesdays 52 Clarence st. Singabout 26th September. Club Anniversary Prog & Grog night 7th October.

2. Concert party has been busy, including ALP BBQ at Manly dam, Argyle Centenary Celebrations, 2 visits to Cremone Shopping Centre, Sydney Technical College Folk Concert, Fellowship of Australian Writers Lawson celebration, Newcastle Technical College concerts & Bullockies Ball, Conservatorium Folk Concert, Argyle Cellars, Wild Colonial Days Society, Roselands, Aboriginal Children's Advancement Society's Moomba at "Kirinari", Sydney Bushwalkers Club, & providing background music to ABC's program on Palmer Gold Rush. As well as this the group have been
practicing for the record which should be made in September. The 10th August Dance night included Hora, Pins & Needles, Prickly Bush where everyone sings as well as dances, Dashing White Sergeant, & La Russe Quadrille, & led to decision to start a demonstration dance group.

3. Dance report cont. BMC passed a motion to support Port Jackson Folk Festival. Wild Colonial Days Newsletter has been received, with an article by Tom Salisbury about Bushrangers in the Bathurst district.

4. Recipe for Egg Flip from 1866 cooking book owned by John Meredith's grandmother.

5.Dance - La Russe Quadrille. This month's song - Hughie by Duke Tritton

6 Lyrics to Hughie by Duke Tritton.

7. Hughie cont. News from Chris Woodland

8. Publications & records for sale. (Dale Dengate Hon. Secretary)
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