Saturday 30 May 2020

From the Archives - Bush Music Club Newsletter - 1964 to1965

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The first Newsletter was published in October 1955, & the last Newsletter/Calendar we have was issued in January 1977. The January 1978 Calendar was also issued with Mulga Wire.

Our holding are not complete & missing issues will be added as found.

Foolscap pages have been scanned as 2 images.

March 1964

1. Annual Meeting 31st March. Concert Party is appearing on Dave Allen Show, Duke Tritton appeared there a few weeks before. Collector's Group meeting on 17th April. A picnic day & a record evening at Carlin's place are suggested.

2. Two or three hundred folks clubs are operating in England. Next Singabout magazine is due after Easter. Reedy River has played to fill houses since December 7th & is closing. As Doris Fitton said  the only way to make money in Sydney Theatre is to put on Peter Pan or Reedy River. Review of Irish night .

3. Coral Dasey will be appearing on TV in a country & western music show. She also appeared in Reedy River with Frank & Tony. Sing Out (US) is planning an international Folk Direcory. BMC can arrange subscriptions to Sing Out. Gary Shearston has a new LP out - Folk Songs and Ballads of Australia. Concert Party appeared on new TV program "Today."  Concert Party attended Edgar Penzig's Wild Colonial Days Society meeting & taught dances.

4. Concert Party also performed for Fairfield Musial Society. Matt O'Connor, member from Tibooburra via Broken Hill re drought. (Edited by A. Banks)
May 1964

1.  Coming Events - social night at Carlin's place to listen to records. Singabout night 6th June. Annual Campfire Evening 27th June. Next Collector's group meeting - no date.

2. Workshop nights every Tuesday. Death of Ola Whalan. 10th Birthday in October. Letter from Western Australian subscribing to Singabout by Bush Music Club of Perth which was established in June 1963 by Mrs D. Cross from Caringbah (NSW). One of their members Ian Conochie recently enjoyed a visit to BMC Sydney.

3.  BMC members attended the launch of John Manifold's Who wrote the Ballads?, he also attended a workshop night.

4. Pix (magazine) record of Marion Henderson, Don Burrows & Lyn Christie with historical notes by John Meredith. Two cameramen from Pix attended the club recently taking photos for an article in 16th May issue. Results of Election. BMC will be listed in new Pink Pages under Organisations, with Janet Wakefield's number.  (Edited by A. Banks)
July 1964

1.  Review of record evening. Next Social will be at Scott's place on 26th July.  Singabout night 8th August. Tuesday workshops. Suggested visit to Fort Denison/Pinchgut.

2. 10th Birthday weekend at Currawong & Singabout Songster will be available then. Song Competiton with a prize for the best setting of a Lawson poem. Personal - Dengate Wedding. Coral & George Dasey (daughter & father) appeared on Dave Allen's Tonight show, singing George's The Ten Commandments.

3.  Duke Tritton's Time Means Tucker is coming out in a paperback edition. Gary Shearston's 3nd LP being released soon. Review of Campfire night.

4.Letter for Bert Doll in Perth. Article by Ian Turner  in Australian Tradition on children's games.
September 1964

1.  10th Anniversary - Anniversary dinner 25th September, Judging of Lawson song 22nd September. October long weekend Currawong weekend. Folksong Heritage  concert 10th October.

2.17th October, Singabout night. Display at Wynard Bank of NSW. Concert group. Folklore Study Group has been formed with Ken Fairey as contact.

3. Singabout magazine.  Birthday Weekend at Currawong details.

4. Trade Union Youth Week - Alan Scott represented BMC on the Leisure panel & Duke Tritton was part of the  Four Capitals Folk Tour.

5.  Reedy River at Eastwood Methodist church. Bill Wannan sends 10th birthday greetings. WEA

November 1964

1. Coming events - Christmas Party, Christmas Break-up night, Workshop night 12th January. Club picnic early in the year.  Personal - Alan Scott gave a talk on  Collecting Children's songs to Fellowship of Australian Writers.

2. Alan Scott will appear on ABC Radio taking about BMC. Articles by John Meredith & Duke Tritton will appear in anthology, Walkabout's Australia. Concert Party has made a record for Festival. Mike Leydon won song competition with his tune for Outback, Runner-up was Tony McLachlan with an arrangement for The Outside Track.

3. Review of Anniversary Dinner, Currawong weekend.
January 1965

1.  workshop nights on Tuesdays.  Annual picnic at Jibbon Beach, 21st February, AGM 23rd MArch,

2. Singabout is out. First Australian Newport Folk Festival was held at Rushcutters Park in January with a capacity audience of 2000, performers included Martyn Wyndham-Read, Tina Lawton & Gary Shearston.

3. Duke Tritton's Time Means Tucker has been re-released.  Concert Group activities - record  they recorded before Christmas is being released on 22nd February. Australia day weekend members will be joining the Wild Colonial Days Society at Araluen. Concert Party is again performing for Sydney Bushwalkers 

4. Concert Party is providing music for a talk on Australian Folk Song by Rex Whalan. Television's Project 64 showed Down the Darling with background music by Alan Scott, Jamie Carlin & John Dengate. Publications for sale

October 1965

1. Workshops nights on Tuesdays. Publications for sale

2. Functions - 9th October - Talk by Edgar Penzig of the Wild Colonial Days Society with music by Concert Party, 10th October - Concert Party will provide music for the 11th year for the annual gathering at Lawson statue, 20th November Singabout Night. National Song Competition.
November 1965

1.  Workshop evenings on Tuesdays. 16th November Ned Kelly night to celebrate the 85th Anniversary. 23rd November - auction of  folk song material to clear the cupboard for musical instruments people give the Club.

2. November Singabout night has been cancelled.  National Song Competition.  Publications for sale.

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