The first Newsletter was published in October 1955, & the last Newsletter/Calendar we have was issued in January 1977, & the January 1978 Calendar was also issued with Mulga Wire.
Our holding are not complete & missing issues will be added as found.
Foolscap pages have been scanned as 2 images.
February 1960 (from 1958-78 minutes book)

Discussion Night -Should folksongs be subject to copyright? Sat 14th May. Singabout - 11th July, 19th November. New record "Songs from the Shearing Sheds"cost 55/-

Workshop nights.
Executive for 1960 - President John Meredith, Vice President Frances Shaw, Secretary Stan Wakefield, Asst Secretary Frank Maher, Treasurer Margot Davies, Master of Ceremonies Alan Scott, Editor John Meredith, Circulation Manager Noreen Jorgenson.
The word is spreading - enquiries are coming in after John Meredith's "Bush Singalong" articles in North Australian Monthly.
October 1960 (from 1958-78 minutes book)

Editorial - Newsletters have been irregular & now will be monthly to the end of the year. Frank Maher & Alan Scott

Since 1956 BMC has provided the entertainment for the annual Campfire Birthday Party at the Muogamarra Sanctuary,

Singabout. Review of last Singabout with theme Jack Donahoe, next Singabout will be Nov 19th, theme the Kelly gang. John Meredith's new book Bold Jack Donahoe was released at the Jack Donahoe night

Workshop nights. Review of Banjo Paterson Festival at Orange
November 1960

1. Editorial Frank Maher & Alan Scott

2. Bush Band (Concert Party)

3. Film Evening, Workshop Nights,

4. Billabong Band recording. Ned Kelly Singabout Night with Edgar Penzig & Colonial Muzzle Loading Gun Club.
April 1961 (from 1958-78 minutes book)

Editorial - AGM results - President J. Meredith, Vice President - G. Scott, Secretary A. Scott, Asst Secretary F. Maher. Editor J. Meredith, Treasurer J. Jones, MC Jamie Carlin, Circulation Manager F. Maher, Bush Band Organiser J. Carlin

Singabout nights - dates to be provided. Club Badges - delayed. Newsletter - to be bi-monthly. Alteration to Constitution - Australian songs are in public domain. Weekly Workshops Nights, Jamie is MC, Herb Gimbert plays for the dances.

Fisher's Ghost a comedy by Douglas Stewart, Sydney Theatre Company. Review by Brian Loughlin. Alex Hood is the Ghost & the Rambleers provide the music.

The Bush Band on tour - Crookwell Floral Festival.
Theatre party to New Theatre to see Lawson by Oriel Grey.
June 1961

1. Editorial - Charlie Mopps & ©

2. Editorial by Gay Scott

3. Report on Melbourne Singabouts by Janice Jones.

4. Review of Sydney Singabout May 20th by Alan Scott
July 1961 (from 1958-78 minutes book)

Editorial - Charlie Mopps © has been sorted out. Evening of recorded Bush Songs - Sat 12th August.

Down to Earth criticism. BMC appeared on ABC's Down to earth without Jack Barrie & John Meredith,

Review cont. BMC is 7 years old in October & the birthday will be celebrated at next Singabutu night in September.

David Jones and the 1961 Big Wool Show.
October 1961

1. Membership around 50. Club had around 120 members 3 years ago. Bush band appeared at Wool Week & on TV & wireless.

2. Benefits to membership. September Singabout night became 7th birthday celebration with 7 cakes

3. Ad for November Singabout night. 12th November Annual Picnic at Jibbon Beach. Evening of New Zealand records Saturday 2nd December.

4. Bush Band (Jan, Jamie, Frank, Tony) at Gulgong Gold Dust Festival. Sing Out magazine (US) included Charlie Mopps with BMC verse printed in Singabout 3(3)
January 1962

1.Workshop nights. Next Record Evening features Irish music. Billabong Band's Songs of Early Victoria is available.
February 1962 (from 1958-78 minutes book)

Annual Meeting - 27th February, It has become painfully obvious over the years that many members stay away when they know that a business meeting is to be held. Badges will be available soon. Singabout night expected in March.

Sad news - Death of Stan Wakefield
April 1962

1. AGM results - Executive has 5 women & 2 men!

2. Listening and Looking - TV& Radio programs. Review of April Singabout Night, next will be held on 26th May.

3. Booklet of Stan Wakefield songs has been approved. Concert Party starts up again under leadership of Frank Maher.

4. Record of Political Songs from Tom Morey, Labor candidate for Wentworth. Club Badges are available.
June 1962 (from 1958-78 minutes book)

Editorial - WEA weekend on Australian Folk Music in July.

Fundraiser for Stan Wakefield songbook raised £10.12.0, and more donations have been received. Concert Party has been busy - Stan Wakefield night, Singabout night, 13th June Lawson night, followed by a concert for pensioners at Paddington. Their next engagement is the WEA weekend.

The cupboard has been installed in the Fellowship room, ready for the library to be installed. New secretary - Alan Scott resigned due to lack of time, Miss Ola Catford replaced him. Melbourne News - the Billabong Band is will working, though not on a regular basis.

Want to come to a campfire? Balls Point Reserve 30th June. The Sentimental Bloke opens in Sydney this week.
December 1962

1. Christmas break-up Party 18th December. First Workshop night 8th January. AGM 26th February. Stan Wakefield booklet almost ready to print, fundraising needed.

2. Club is forming a Collector's Group, contacts Jan Jones & Ken Fairey. Death of Dame Mary Gilmore. Singabout magazine has been released.

3. Duke Tritton is out of hospital. Four Sisters played lively dance music for the Bush Singabout night. Rex Whalan is now MC. Clarence Strochnetter visited from Tasmania. Concert Party report.

4. Barbara Strain visited Billabong Band members in Melbourne.
June 1963

1. Campfire night 29th June. Next Singabout Night 13th July. Workshop night. Two recent Folk Song events that drew folk song groups together - WEA Weekend School July 1962, & Victorian Bush Music Club + Victorian Folk-Lore Society's Folk Festival in May. Bush Music & Australian Folk Song groups are in 4 states,
email from Steve Bullock, President of Victorian Folk Music Club 5th June 2020. Our History page only includes: 1963 saw the
first big Moomba folk concert, at which VFMC members provided the bulk of the
program. Following closely on this was a most successful weeklong folk festival
in conjunction with the Folklore Society of Victoria and the Council for Adult
Education. A change of name to the Victorian Folk Music Club
was made to emphasise that the Club's interests included urban and contemporary

2. Pete Seeger is visiting in September. Collectors Group has held several successful meetings. University of Sydney will establish an archive of field recordings. Review of Association of Sydney Folk-Singers Concert May, performers included Gary Shearston, Chris Kempster, Silvia Salisbury, Barbara Lisyak, Bill Berry, Jean Lewis & Marion Henderson.

3. Record review - Traditional Singers and Musicians of Victoria. Ann Banks has gone to England on a rush trip & hopes to be back before Christmas. Concert Party performances. Suggestions for a bus tour next year to visit the towns mentioned in Lazy Harrys.

4. Library donations would be appreciated. Review of latest Singabout magazine. Club badges & back copies of Singabout are available.
September 1963

1. Ad for Pete Seeger concerts. Next Singabout night 14th September. Annual pilgrimage to Henry Lawson's Statue 13th October, Concert Party will perform & this will be part of the Waratah Festival. Duke Tritton is organising a visit to Mudgee in October for Henry Lawson Commemoration at Eurunduree.

2. Collector's Group meeting. News of Past Activities - Campfire Night.

3. Gay Scott has been forced to retire as editor of Singabout because of ill-health. Articles by Duke Tritton & John Meredith will appear in Walkabout magazine. Concert Party performances. Song Competitions by Australian Council of Salaried & Professional Officers Association & Waterside Workers Federation. Sydney Trades & Labour Council & Elizabethan Theatre Trust offer £250 for an Australian folk opera.


5. Ad for Concert in aid of Stan Wakefield Song Book.

6. Ad for Pete Seeger's tour
December 1963

1. Christmas Party will be held 17th December. Club resumes 7th January. Folk song recitals at Contemporary Theatre from Don Aynton & Glenn Tommisetti. New Theatre presents 4th revival of Reedy River. Workshop nights.

2. Collector's group. News of past activities - Lawson Pilgrimage was held despite pouring rain, Concert Party performed.

3. Review of Pete Seeger's visit - he performed 4 times in Sydney & club members performed in a concert in his honour at Cremorne. He also visited the Club.
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