Thanks to Ralph Pride
From the Archives - 1992 Bush Music Festival, the final Bush Music Festival - program, posters & other ephemera

1. 58 members have been invited

2. Mailing list on display for members to check &/or contribute

3. a few names from the 50s & 60s - Jack Barrie (founder), Bill Berry, Ken Bolton (father of Eric, Bob), Alex Bowker, Jamie Carlin, Coral & George Dacey, Dale & John Dengate, Ken Fairey, Jenny Fraser (nee Loughlin, daughter of 2 founders), Barbara Gibbons, Ken Greenhalgh, Cecil Grivas (founder?), Noreen Grunseit, Harry & Ann Kay (founder), Dennis Kevans, Tony McLachlan, Ann & Frank Maher, John Meredith AO (founder), Clem Millward, Bob & Barbara Murray.

4. a few more names from the 50s & 60s - Ralph & Rose Pride, Noel Ricketts, Dave Small, Gay & Alan Scott (founders), Rod Shaw, Gary Shearston, Ron Spain, Steve Spain, Janet Wakefield, Chris Woodland, Jack Wright, Peter Francis, Don Francois, Dorothy Hewett, Alex Hood (founder), Janice Jones, Nancy Keesing, Chris Kempster (founder), Mike Leyden, Merv Lilley, Barbara Lisyak, Lorna Lovell, Russel Ward.

5. and the final lot - Steve Spain, Leonard Teale, Marietta Stratton, Bill Tovey, Mary Williams.
These are names I recognise from Archives.

6. Apologies

7. Apologies from Terry Vaughan, (member 1960s)

8. reply from Dale Dengate (on fax paper?) (Dale & John joined early 60s)

9. Apologies from Ray Grieve (member in the 70s)

10. Apologies from Patrick Burns who joined in (March) 1956

11. Apologies from Gary Shearston (listed in the 1958-66 mail addresses book)

12. Signatures of Ralph Pride, Bob Murray, Noel Ricketts, David Small, Alan Scott, Frank Maher, Harry Kay, Peter Kay Bob Bolton, Skippy, Richard Evans.
Ralph, BobM & BobB were school friends & joined in 1962, following Bob's father Ken & older brother Eric.

13. Envelope returned from Alex Bowker's previous address.

14 & 15. messages from Jack Wright


16. Corrected Mailing List - additions


18. Smokey Dawson attended meetings,
Transcription of no.18
Jamie Carlin Band without name -
Max McDermott rehearsing
Bill Berry c.October '54
Dick Fitzgerald source material
BMC 1st Concert Party
Alan Scott
Jamie Carlin
Patricia Burke member of Rouseabouts Concert Party c1955
Arthur Newell - member of 55 Concert Party "The Rouseabouts"
Total 80
Iris Paradaens Old member was nee Fitzgerald/Lithgow Ranger? Hartley
Len Fox - Poet of the Miners Union, wrote obit for Stan Wakefield
Mike Lemon - Songwriter member to 1967, last heard of in Devonport, Auckland NZ
Nancy Keesing - married name? - last heard of in Hunters Hill
Clem Millward - artist, illustrator of Singabout
K??? T. Fowler - Musician (concertina) last heard of in London, played on early Gary Shearston records (couldn't see a name resembling this on Gary's 60s & 70s discography)
Marietta Stratton - member of Concert Party c1964
Merv Lilley - songwriter, last seen on TV That's Australia c1989 (couldn't find this show on Wikipedia list of Aus TV shows year by year in the 80s)
Janice Jones - member of Concert Party c1964
Harry Glendinning - Glenn Innes 10 years ago
Dorothy Hodges - songwriter - member to 1960s
Dorothy Hewett - poet - was married to Merv Lilley
Bill Scott OA - was member from afar
Steve Spain - son of Ron Spain - wrote tunes for Singabout
Sonia Bennett - via Jamie Carlin?
Shirley Andrews - member? (she wasn't a member according to Dale Dengate)
Smokey Dawson - attended meetings
Peter Duggan - PE Duggan 6 Banton Rd Springwood (047) 51 5106
Brian Dunnit (sic) - Did nasho with Hood - lagerphonist
Margaret Walters - recently returned from UK
Mike Jackson - Canberra
Len Neary - 145a Lawson St Redfern 698 4093
Bill Tovey - musician & member in the 60s
Johnson/Pidcock - Wingello Rd
Breige Rodway
"Fran" Shaw - enthusiastic dancer & p?? w? CP 1957
Barbara Lisyak - ditto
Herb Gimbert - died in 1977 (aged 88)
Brian & Pam Loughlin - Brian died June 75, Pam d.77 son John, daughter Jenny
Russell (sic) Ward Dr R. - located tapes of
Publisher/editor B? Aust Songbook



21. Guitar workshop, Saturday 10th October. Chorus & Harmony Singing Workshop, Music for Beginners, Saturday Night Mini Concert & Bush Dance.

22. Phone calls from Barry Collerson, Coral & George Dacey, David Small

23. Program - Friday night, Saturday Saturday night, Sunday afternoon

24. Thank-you letter to participants
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