Monday 31 August 2020

Screenshots from the 7th John Dengate Memorial Zoom Get together, August 2020

Click images for larger size.

Video of the Get Together
   Playlist  of all the videos shared during the ZOOM session

As always, Max Elbourne was MC

2.   Organiser Leyne Elbourne, fan of John's since she was 5.

3.  Introduction by Dale Dengate

4.  John was present

5. Luce, Dale's technical support

5.  Lachy's band, The Swinging Arms, was socially distanced

6.  Noel Gardner from Malaney with They Call me Scomo. Noel won 2018 Dale & John Dengate Parody Competition, Illawarra Folk Festival

7.  Chloe & Jason Roweth

8.   Megan Roweth's contribution - John's poem No Political Songs

9.   Mary-jane Field

10.  Mike Martin's video contribution

11.  Mike in person  (winner of 2015 Illawarra parody competition)


13.  Ian McDougall from Canberra (normally Galargambone) with Lawson's Outside Track

14. Doug Jenner's video from France - Sporting Suicide- see the playlist for Doug & Nancy Kerr performing a bonus track -  Song of Childhood

15.   Tony Smith - poem Man from Forest Grove by Banjo Dengate

16.  Tony, ComradeSirBigRuss & Ian

17.  Johnny Clough by video - still

18.  something went wrong with the video

19.  Chris Maltby with the updated Jobseekers Package

20.  John's grandson Cal with Fleetwood Mac's Big Love.


22.  Bruce & Jill Watson from Melbourne - Bruce's contribution to the 1998 Woodford Debate - Is John Dengate a traitor to Coopers? (Guinness was Woodford's sponsor!)


24. Seamus Gill from Canberra with Mr Murdoch

25. Miguel Heatwole with the Costello Song

26. Margaret Bradford - Train to Lidcombe

26.  Chris Clark (Canberra) with the Shiny Bums version of I can't abide - I Can't Abide this Mob Either.

27. Dave Moir

28.  John Warner

29. Robin reciting The Brick & the Old Trout

30.  John Warner & Robin Connaughton, the Ten Quid Poms sang Song of the Sheetmetal Worker.

31. Video from Martin & Lyn Doherty - The Water is Wide

32. Sean Dengate with Wuhan Market

33. Max reciting Lanes of Woolloomooloo

34. BigRuss reciting a pome about Kiwis not being able to pronounce six!

35. Daniel Kelly sang his one of his compositions, about the police raid on the ABC.

36.  Alan Wright sang Liberal Leadership

37.  Video from Paddy -  F111 by Lyall Sayer which John used to sing, which led to a discussion about Rebel Chorus - cassette & LP!

38. Cathy owns the cassette


40.  and Gerry owns the LP, & neither can play their trophies!

41.  and Margaret Bradford own another iconic LP - I called him A Worship, Your Bastard, the joint effort of Denis Kevans & John Dengate

42. Chloe & Jason sang Bill from Erskineville

43. Dale finished the concert with John's song about his mother

44. Dale singing Barelegged Kate

Good to see early members Frank & Ann Maher, & Silvia & Tom Salisbury.

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  1. A great afternoon. For the record, I sang An Irish Song, written by Ed McCurdy.

  2. Thanks, if you tell me the image number I can update the record
