Compilation - Singabout, 1956-1967 - links to Singabout articles

1. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - cover

2. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Contents, subscription details, Editorial John Meredith, Published by Alan Scott.

3. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Cane Killed Abel, words Merv. Lilley, music Chris Kempster

4. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Bullockies' Ball, lyrics & music

5. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Our First Singabout Night, photo of Alec Hood, Brian Loughlin, Jack Barrie & "The Bushwhackers" singing "Ho Give a Fair Go" Next Singabout Saturday 11th February, 36 Pitt St

6. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Lament for the Gordons, words David Martin, music John Arcott.

7. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Introducing - Merv. Lilley, David Martin, Chris Kempster, Wally Goodbody, Mick Lawson

8. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - The Rueful Rabbit words & music by Stan Wakefield.

9. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Best Foot Forward- directions and music for a folk dance. The Circassian Circle.

10. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Chips off the Old Block - Parodies: The Farmer Up a Tree by Merv Lilley, tune "Jimmy Riddle." Widgeegeewra Joe - 2 new verses by Stan Wakefield
Swish goes the Crane by West Australian Wharfy Victor Williams, from "Ring the Bell Watchman" & "Click Go the Shears".

11. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Swish goes the Crane, (cont) West of the Mountains, tune Galway Bay, from anon in Lithgow. Another version of We Gave a Fair Go! by Merv Lilley.

12. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - It's Lovely Down the Pit My Lad, words Mick Lawson, Tune John Arcott.

13. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Wally the Weatherman by Wally Goodbody set to an Old Bush Tune

14. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Singing Folk Songs by E. Lancaster.

15. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Bound for Darling Harbour by Merv. Lilley. A new songs to an old shanty tune.

16. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - The Old Bullock Dray, from Stan Wakefield who remembers it from his youth.

17. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - The Bush Music Club and You. The Bush Music Club was formed in 1954 with the aim of repopularising Australian folk songs, and encouraging the composition of new songs, contemporary in theme and traditional in style. Membership 5/- for individuals and 10/- per 50 members for affiliation. "Findatune" competition results. First Annual Conference 11th February followed by 2nd Singabout night.

8. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - News from the Groups - Sydney People's Choir. Lola Troy of the South Coast Group. Billabong Band, Melbourne. Newcastle Group. Bush Band in Brisbane.

19. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Editorial ... Our folk song literature is rich in songs about shearers, bullock-drivers, stockmen and drovers, and after being almost forgotten for half a century, they are beginning to enjoy a popularity approaching that which they must have enjoyed in the 90s. These songs about the men who built our country came into being when development was centred about the rural industries, and the interior was still being opened up for farming and grazing. We are no longer a nation of shearers and drovers. The majority of workers are now employed in industry, and that us where we must look for our new kind of song - the modern Australian folk song - the industrial ballad. Miners, seamen and wharfies have already shown themselves capable of producing songs that reflect the reality of their lives and work. Soon we hope to print songs by truck-drivers, riggers, fitters, bricklayers and carpenters, and you, our readers, are the people we expect to provide them.

20. Singabout, Volume 1(1), Summer 1956 - Catalogue, Bushwhacker Ballads, Other Publications, Recordings. Publications are available from the Bush Music Club & progressive bookshops. Recordings available from the Bush Music Club & all music shops.
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