Monday, 19 February 2024

Chris & Virginia Woodland Collection - Miscellaneous photos and videos

Click images for larger size.

(photos © Chris or Virginia Woodland)

1. John Dengate & Denis Kevans at 'ard tac Festival, Canberra March 1981
2. . John Dengate at 'ard tac Festival, Canberra March 1981

3. Denis Kevans at Woodland's house, March 1981

4. Denis Kevans at Woodland's house, March 1981

5. John Dengate in New Zealand, 2010 

6. Merro didn’t believe in celebrating his birthday, so we just said that the date was as good as any time of the year for us to get together every year. The snap was taken by Virginia in Merro’s Rose Cottage in Thirlmere, late 80s or early 90s. It shows Merro impeccably attired, Dale on the bones, me on the mouth organ and John on guitar and vocalising. (Chris, email 6/11/23)




Monday, 12 February 2024

Compilations & Chronologies - Duke Tritton

Click images for larger size.

Books about Duke & his family - the first 3 books are available in the used book market 

Time Means Tucker by H.P. (Duke ) Tritton.  The Bulletin, 1959
Duke of the Outback by H.P. (Duke) Tritton.  Angus & Robertson, 1965
Duke of the Outback by John Meredith.  Legacy Books, 1985

Pumpkin Pie and Sandshoes by Linda McLean, 1981 - Duke's daughter's story of her early life. This book is vary rare, it's held by 24 Libraries across Australia, & thanks to Chris Woodland we now have a copy in our library. (October 2024)

1. 2 new (old) songs by Duke Tritton as published in Mulga Wire, no. 260, Summer 2023 with a review of Time Means Tucker

2. From the Archives - Send Round the Hat, Duke Tritton by his mates. Collected & edited by John Meredith - Part 2

3. From the Archives - Send Round the Hat, Duke Tritton by his mates. Collected & edited by John Meredith - Part 1

4. Newspaper & magazine clippings - Part 2

5. Singabout, Journal of Australian Folksong, Volume 6(2)

6. Singabout, Journal of Australian Folksong, Volume 6(1)

7. Singabout, Journal of Australian Folksong, Volume 5(3)

8. Singabout, Journal of Australian Folksong, Volume 5(2)

9. Singabout, Journal of Australian Folksong, Volume 3(4)

10. Singabout, Journal of Australian Folksong, Volume 3(3)

11. Folksongs of Australia and the men and women who sang them - Celebrating the centenary of John Meredith's birth, Part 2.

12. Folksongs of Australia and the men and women who sang them - Celebrating the centenary of John Meredith's birth, Part 1

13. Singabout, Journal of Australian Folksong, Volume 2(3)

14. Singabout, Journal of Australian Folksong, Volume 2(1)

15. Singabout, Journal of Australian Folksong, Volume 1(3)

16. From the Archives - 2 handwritten songs by Duke Tritton - The Fossickers Return & The Irishman's Song.

16. From the Archives - Bush Music Club Newsletter 1968 to 1969

17. From the Archives - Extract from Mulga Wire no. 18

18. Life Members - Information on our 25 Life Members part 1.

19. Chris Woodland's Presentation on Duke Tritton, NFF2005 on the 40th Anniversary of his death

20. Report on BMC @ Bush Traditions Gathering October 2018

21. Lost Poem by Duke Tritton sent to Wild Colonial Days Society

22. Duke Tritton - Tritton family documents published with permission.

23. Visit to Tritton Hall by Duke Tritton's daughter and one of his grandsons, May 2018

24. Newspaper & magazine clippings (part 1)

25. Archival photographs: The P-series of photos from the early days

26. Extracts from Singabout - the early songwriters - Duke Tritton (1886-1965)

27. Harold Percy Croydon (Duke) Tritton, 1886 - 1965

28. Pete Seeger and The Bush Music Club, 1963

29. Extracts from Mulga Wire. no. 233 - The Duke 50 years after his death

From the Archives - Extracts from Mulga Wire no. 253, Sep 2020 - Poetry & more







Saturday, 10 February 2024

Festival Reports - Illawarra Folk Festival, 2024

Click images for larger size.

(Photos © Sandra Nixon)

Festival Reports - Saplings @ Illawarra Folk Festival, 2024

Festival reports -  Dale & John Dengate Parody Cup, Illawarra Folk Festival 2024

Festival Reports - BMC @ Illawarra Folk Festival, 2024

Festival Reports -  Illawarra Folk Festival 2024, Sharyn Mattern collection  

1. ComradeSirBigRuss launches his book 

2. Sam & Helen at the Kiama Shanty Club workshop

3. Kiama Shanty Club 

4. Tim Scanlon & Mana Okuba's foot percussion gets everyone from
preschoolers to seniors moving!

5. Tim & Mana's audience 

6.  They travel to all these festival on public transport! 

7.  Black Joak's swan gets around 

8.  Black Joak 

9.  Joakers in action

10. Dave de Santi's Good Tunes 

11. Dave de Santi's Good Tunes 

12. Ken Field's Hoot pick-up band & audience 

13. Decadent fruit drinks, delicious food & great South American music 

14. Steampunk Vagabonds 

15. The Big Fiddle 

16.  Yet another pirate t-shirt 
17. An accordion t-shirt 

18.  Last year's volunteer t-shirt as the 2024 shirt had
not yet been received

19. Kiama Shanty Club backed Ted Egan on Broome 

20. Kiama Shanty Club backed Ted Egan on Broome 

21. Ted Egan, 91 & still going strong! 

22. Colin Charlton, entrant in 2024 John Dengate Parody competition, with 
Cathy Rytmeister, winner of inaugural Parody competition, 2014

23. Listening to Combined Union Singers 

24. Artistic Director Dave De Santi at work

25.  Poetry Session

26.  Poetry session  

27. A crowded music workshop in the Session Tent 




Friday, 9 February 2024

Festival Reports - BMC @ Illawarra Folk Festival, 2024

Click images for larger size.

(photos © Sandra Nixon) 

Festival Reports - Saplings @ Illawarra Folk Festival, 2024

Festival reports -  Dale & John Dengate Parody Cup, Illawarra Folk Festival 2024

Festival Reports - Illawarra Folk Festival, 2024

Festival Reports -  Illawarra Folk Festival 2024, Sharyn Mattern collection  

Concert Party workshops, & Bush Dance 

1. Brian, Ralph, George, John
2.  George, John

3. Workshop 

4. Chris, Millicent, Jack

5. Sharyn 

6. Emily, Millicent, Jack 

7. Butttons 

8. More buttons 

9. Chris, Ralph

10. workshop 

11. Hat 

12. Workshop 

13.  John, George, Ralph, Chris, Dave de Santi

14. Chris, Warren, Brian, Tristan

15. Workshop 

16. Warren, Chris, Ralph, George, John, Emily, Millicent, Jack 

17.  Tristan 

18. Workshop 

19. Lynne videoing grandkids  

20. Audience 

21. Margaret, Tristan 

22. Wally, Margaret 

23.  Sharyn, Vanessa

24. workshop

25.  workshop

26.  Wally's bones 

27.  Wally on bones 

28. Millient, Jack 

29.  Jack 

30.  Vanessa, Sharyn, Rick

31.  Workshop 

32. George, Ralph, Chris 

33. Ralph, Chris  

34.  Bones lesson for Annette 

35. front - Sharyn, Vanessa. Back - Chris, Ralph, George, John 

36.  Emily, Millicent, Jack 

37.  Emily, Jack 

38.  Workshop 

39.  Jack 

40. Emily, Millicent, Jack 

41. Bones lesson 

42.  Tristan, ?, Brian, Warren, Chris

43. Onlookers 

44. workshop  

45.  Chris, Ralph, George, John

46.  workshop 

47.  Jack 

48.  workshop 

49.  Sharyn 

50.  Vanessa, George 

51.  Rick, Brian, Chris, Ralph, George 

52. Pete, Millicent 

53.  workshop 

54.  Helen Romeo & Chris Woodland 


Bush Dance with Concert Party, caller Margaret Bolliger 

55. Bush dance tune books 
56.  Dancers 

57. Concert Party 

58. Concert Party with Margaret calling

59.  Emily, Millicent, Tristan 

60.  Emily, Millicent & Tristan 

61. Concert Party 

62.  Concert Party 

63.  Dancers 

64. Dancers  

65. Dancers 

66. Dancers 

67.  Dancers, Beth in mauve


