Friday 26 January 2018

Newspaper & magazine clippings - Part 1

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Newspaper & magazine clippings - Part 2

1 .

2. Glen Innes Examiner, Jan 26-1972  - BMC at Ben Hall Festival, Carcoar

3. Ad for 16th National Folk Festival, Sydney, 1982 from NSW Institute of Technology newsletter.

4.  Time Means Tucker ad,
Front and back covers of Australian Woman's Mirror, Wed Dec 30,1959 
Time Means Tucker ad, front and back covers of Australian Woman's Mirror, Wednesday December 30th, 1959

6. Rambleers appearing on Channel 2, August 2nd, TV Times July 29,1961 

7.  Clipping from Australian Woman's Weekly, 

9. same article from TROVE,  Wednesday 24th October, 1956. p.34
10. Charlie Batchelor, Sydney Morning Herald, October 22, 1983

Mulga Wire, no.44, Aug 84



11. Daily Telegraph, 11th November, 2002

12. Reedy River gets an un-credited mention in ABC Weekly, April 9, 1955

13.  Mudgee Guardian, Tuesday 28th September, 1982

14. The Glebe,  April 28, 1982, p.19

15. JARU - Sydney Technical College, first term 1972

16. JARU - Sydney Technical College, first term 1972.
17.   Sydney Morning Herald, Saturday 12th Sept, 1953

Sydney Morning Herald, Saturday 12th Sept, 1953

19. S
ydney Morning Herald, Saturday 12th Sept, 1953.

Duke Tritton's obit in Tribune, May 26th 1965, written by Denis Kevans  (Source TROVE)





All clippings held in BMC archives


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